Now the user must input the data as specified in the
next file, index3.wml. We ask the user to insert the name of a subject
or the surname of a professor. Look how variables are sent, in this
page and in the previous. The syntax is pretty complex, but it lets
you handle all the whole process, with only a few files.
next file, index3.wml. We ask the user to insert the name of a subject
or the surname of a professor. Look how variables are sent, in this
page and in the previous. The syntax is pretty complex, but it lets
you handle all the whole process, with only a few files.
("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
echo "<?xml version='1.0'?>";
"" >
<card id="card3" title="Name">
echo ("<p>Insert ");
if (${
$choice} == "surname") {
echo ("professor's surname (or part of it).<br />n");
} else if (${$choice} == "subject") {
echo ("the subject (or part of it).<br />n");
} else {
echo ("Maybe there is some problem.<br />n");
echo (
"<input type="text" name="${$choice}" />");
<do type="text" label="Go">
<go method="get" href="query.wml">
echo ("<postfield name="$choice" value="$"."$choice".""/>");
echo (
"<postfield name="${$choice}" value="$"."${$choice}".""/>");