Version: 0.1.0
Type: Class
Category: Other
License: GNU General Public License
Description: This class is used to load an XML document into an associative array, using xpat. Each element is given a unique id within its element group, and each element contains the name and id of its parent, thereby retaining the hierarchy of the source xml document.
<? class XMLTemplate{ /* name: XMLTemplate version: 0.1.0 release: 2002/12/13 license: GNU General Public License project: open author: Brian Sanders company: The Hotchkiss School email: [email protected] URL: description: This class is used to load an XML document into an associative array. Each element is given a unique id, and each element contains the id of its parent, thereby retaining the hierarchy of the source xml document. The format of the array $xml_file is: document |-parent ID |-element ID |-element name |-attributes |-data changes: 2002/12/13 - changed organization of array $xml_file for easier reference requires: xpat */ /* API The following methods can be called for an object of this class: parse( $xml_file ) definition: loads XML file $xml_file into associative array $xml_data parameters: $xml_file: full path to valid XML document or snippet returns: nothing getData() definition: returns the array $xml_data created by parse() returns: array $xml_data ifError() definition: returns 1 for object errors, 0 for no errors returns: 0 or 1 getError() definition: returns an array of error data for the object returns array $error destruct() definition: frees object resources returns: nothing */ var $xp; var $xml_data; var $element_id; var $parent_ids; var $error; // Constructor function XMLTemplate(){ $this->xml_data=array(); $this->element_id=1; $this->parent_ids=array(); $this->error=array(); } // Destructor function destruct(){ xml_parser_free( $this->xp ); } // return array of xml data function getData(){ return $this->xml_data; } // return 1 for an error, 0 for no error function isError(){ if( sizeof( $this->error ) >0 ){ return 1; } else{ return 0; } } // return array of error messages function getError(){ return $this->error; } // process xml start tag function startElement( $xp, $name, $atts ){ if( sizeof( $this->parents ) <1 ){ $temp=$this->parent_ids; $parent_id=array_pop( $temp ); } else{ $parent_id=0; } $this->xml_data[$parent_id][$this->element_id]['name']=$name; $this->xml_data[$parent_id][$this->element_id]['atts']=$atts; array_push( $this->parent_ids, $this->element_id ); $this->element_id++; } // process xml end tag function endElement( $xp, $name ){ array_pop( $this->parent_ids ); } // process data between xml tags function dataHandler( $xp, $data ){ $temp=$this->parent_ids; $element_id=array_pop( $temp ); $parent_id=array_pop( $temp ); $this->xml_data[$parent_id][$element_id]['data'].=$data; } // parse xml document $xml_file function parse( $xml_file ){ if( !( $this->xp=@xml_parser_create() ) ){ $this->error['description']='Could not create xml parser'; } if( !( $this->isError() ) ){ if( !( @xml_set_object( $this->xp, &$this ) ) ){ $this->error['description']='Could not set xml parser for object'; } } if( !( $this->isError() ) ){ if( !( @xml_set_element_handler( $this->xp, 'startElement', 'endElement' ) ) ){ $this->error['description']='Could not set xml element handler'; } } if( !( $this->isError() ) ){ if( !( @xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->xp, 'dataHandler' ) ) ){ $this->error['description']='Could not set xml character handler'; } } if( !( $this->isError() ) ){ if( !( $fp=@fopen( $xml_file, 'r' ) ) ){ $this->error['description']='Could not open xml document'; } } if( !( $this->isError() ) ){ while( $data=fread( $fp, 4096 ) ){ if( !( @xml_parse( $this->xp, $data, feof( $fp ) ) ) ){ $this->error['description']=xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $this->xp ) ); $this->error['line']=xml_get_current_line_number( $this->xp ); } } } } } ?>