#native_company# #native_desc#


By Edwin Groothuis
on January 20, 2002

Version: 1.0

Type: Full Script

Category: HTML

License: BSD License

Description: View unix man-pages with PHP

    // $Id: viewman.php,v 1.1 2002/01/21 04:09:59 mavetju Exp $
    // Viewman.php by Edwin Groothuis ([email protected])
    // Viewman is developed to view man-pages in a webbroswer.
    // How to use:
    // In a shell, do "man ls > /path/ls.man"
    // On your webpage, add this link: viewman.php?page=/path/ls
    // That's all.
    // See CONTACT and LICENCE on the status of this project and 
    // on how to contact me.

    if ($page=="") {
	echo "No page specified.";

    if (!file_exists($file)) {
	echo "Page not found.";

    $title="Man page for $t[0]";

    echo "<html><head><title>$title</title></head><body>n";

    echo "<pre>n";

    while (!feof($fd)) {

	if (strstr($line,"x8")) {
	    // replace _^H..._ 's by a bold _
	    $line=ereg_replace("(_x8)+_","<b><u> </u></b>",$line);
	    // replace _^H(whatever) by an underlined (whatever)
	    // replace (whatever)^H(whatever) by a bold (whatever)

	echo $line;

    echo "</pre></body></html>n";
