#native_company# #native_desc#

Unique IP Counter

By joe szymczak
on November 5, 2001

Version: 0.000001

Type: Full Script

Category: HTML

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This is a pretty rudimentary way to keep track of unique hits, but It works.

/* Just put this code into your index page, and put $unique_ip wherever you want the counter number.  Be careful because the ip list file must be world changeable.
  this is just a quick and dirty.  If you feel that you want to flame me for this, don't bother,I know it sux.



//-------------------------------------------------------------------begin ip_filter
 function ip_filter($ip_array, $ip_number)
  //This function checks if $ip_number is in an array of IP addresses
  //parameters = an array of ip addresses and an IP address
  //returns the ip address if the address is not already in the array
  //returns 999 if the ip address is in the array
      if($ip_add != 999 and $n > 0)
          if(strcmp(trim($ip_array[$n]), $ip_number) == 0)
          else{$ip_add = $ip_number;}
   global $unique_ip;
 //-------------------------------------------------------------------end of ip_filter

 //------------------------------------------------------------------begin ip_list_read
 function ip_list_read($read_file)

  if($counter_file = fopen($read_file, "r+"))

      $counter_file_field[$p] = fgets($counter_file, 1024);


  //------------------------------------------------------------------end of ip_list_read

  //-------------------------------------------------------------------begin ip_array_write
  function ip_list_write($file_name, $ip_number)
  //           as of now the file that keeps the ip list must be created, but
  //            it would be easy to change the switch on the fopen() function.

    if($counter_file = fopen($file_name, "a"))
      if($ip_number != 999)
        fwrite($counter_file, $ip_number . "n");

  //------------------------------------------------------------------end of ip_list_write


//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------end of counter code---------------------------------------------