Version: 1.1
Type: Full Script
Category: Other
License: GNU General Public License
Description: This code pulls down’s listing and parses it into a RSS feed.
<?php /* ------------------------------------- Author: Chris Hilbert (Hilbe) Email: [email protected] Website: File Name: tvguide.php Version: 1.1 Built: 05/05/03 Updated: 05/06/03 Requires: PHP 4.x or greater Licence: This source is freely distributable. If you borrow, change, or use any of the code, please give me credit. Contributers: TrillHunter ------------------------------------- Required Variables: $I, $Zip Usage: tvguide.php?I=#####&Zip=##### Optional Variables: $Channels Usage: tvguide.php?I=#####&Zip=#####&Channels=#,#,# ... Tip: To get a I and Zip, disable cookies in your browser and visit Enter your zip code and select your area. You should be able to copy/paste from the URL of the listings grid. */ //Test For Required Variables if (!($I && $Zip)) { echo "Error: You did not supply either an I or Zip value, please visit and disable cookies to get an I and Zip value. See your address bar for the values:<b>#####</b>&Zip=<b>#####</b>."; return; } //Build URL to TV Guide Data $tvURL = "" . $I . "&zip=" . $Zip; $link = "" . $I . "&zip=" . $Zip; //Open TV Guide URL and Get Contents //Select which code to use based on your version of PHP4. /* //Option 1 (for PHP 4.x) $handle = fopen ($tvURL,"rb"); if (!$handle) { echo "Could not open URL: " . $tvURL; return; } for ($count = 0; $count < 1000 && !feof ($handle); $count++) { $tvHTML .= fread ($handle,1024); } fclose ($handle); */ //Option 2 (for PHP 4.3.x or greater) $tvHTML = file_get_contents($tvURL); if (!strcmp($tvHTML,"")) { echo "Nothing read from URL: " . $tvURL; return; } //Test For Successful Data Pull and Match if (!preg_match("#<!--BEGIN COMPONENT OUTPUT-->(.*)<!--END COMPONENT OUTPUT-->#s",$tvHTML,$tvArray)) { echo "The supplied HTML was not formatted correctly for parsing.<BR><BR>"; echo $tvHTML; return; } $tvHTML = ""; // We're done with this; save some memory $tvArray[0] = ""; // We don't need this; save some memory //Pull Out Data Portion //Build Time Array if (!preg_match("#^.*?<nobr>(dd?):(dd) ([AP]M)</nobr>#s",$tvArray[1],$tvTime)) { echo "Couldn't parse time information.<BR><BR>"; echo $tvArray[1]; return; } //Build Channels Array if (!preg_match_all("#<TR.*?>(d+) ([^<]{1,10})</(.*?)</TR>#s",$tvArray[1],$tvChannels)) { echo "Couldn't parse channels.<BR><BR>"; echo $tvArray[1]; return; } $tvArray[1] = ""; // We're done with this; save some memory //Create Array Of User Defined Channels if ($Channels) { $myChannels = explode(",",$Channels); } //Begin RSS Construction //Send XML Header header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>"; ?> <rss version="0.91"> <channel> <title><? echo $Zip; ?> TV Guide</title> <description>TV Guide</description> <link></link> <copyright>Copyright <? echo date("Y"); ?> TV Guide Magazine Group, Inc.</copyright> <? //Begin Channel Loop for ($counter = 0; $counter < count($tvChannels[0]); $counter++) { //Check For Optional Variable and See If Channel In Optional Variable if (!$Channels || in_array($tvChannels[1][$counter],$myChannels)) { $tvStation = $tvChannels[1][$counter] . " " . $tvChannels[2][$counter]; $tvStation = preg_replace("#([^A-Za-z0-9 ,'!?:-.$()])#e", "'&#' . ord('1') . ';'", $tvStation); //Build Show Array preg_match_all("#<TD.*? colspan=(d+)D.*?>([^<&]+)<#s",$tvChannels[3][$counter],$tvShows); ?> <item> <title><? echo $tvStation; ?></title> <link><? echo $link; ?></link> <description><? //Add Show Times To Description $hours = $tvTime[1]; $minutes = $tvTime[2]; $ampm = $tvTime[3]; $showName = preg_replace("#([^A-Za-z0-9 ,'!?:-.$()])#e", "'&#' . ord('1') . ';'", $tvShows[2][0]); echo "$hours:$minutes $ampm - $showName"; for ($showCounter = 1; $showCounter < count($tvShows[0]); $showCounter++) { $minutes += 5 * $tvShows[1][$showCounter - 1]; while ($minutes >= 60) { $minutes -= 60; $hours++; } if ($minutes < 10) { $minutes = "0" . $minutes; } if ($hours >= 12) { if ($ampm == "AM") { $ampm = "PM"; } else { $ampm = "AM"; } if ($hours > 12) { $hours -= 12; } } $showName = preg_replace("#([^A-Za-z0-9 ,'!?:-.$()])#e", "'&#' . ord('1') . ';'", $tvShows[2][$showCounter]); echo "n$hours:$minutes $ampm - $showName"; } ?></description> </item> <? } } //End Channel Loop ?> </channel> </rss>