Version: 1.2
Type: Function
Category: Networking
License: Other
Description: Often the mail functions of php cannot be used because they need access to sendmail or an equivalent binary and/or specific settings in php.ini on a given server and that access and/or configuration is not present. This code provides for sending mail in most all cases without any special requirements aside from being able to open a socket.
<?php /* Dave Silvia (c) 2006, [email protected]. Any usage permitted. Credit where credit is due is appreciated!;) */ /* Synopsis: int tinySendMail(from,to,subject,message) Return of non-zero indicates success. Examples: tinySendMail("[email protected]","[email protected]","Sent with tinySendMail", "This function does pretty well for a little fella! What do you think?"); $ret=tinySendMail("[email protected]","[email protected]","Sent with tinySendMail", "This function does pretty well for a little fella! What do you think?", "",24,""); if(!$ret) { print("Oh, pshaw! It didn't work!<br>"); } Description: EXTREMELY simple and tiny send mail. Only 7 states and addresses only 3 SMTP return codes: 220 Service Ready 250 Requested mail action okay, completed 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> Any other response is assumed to be an error, a QUIT is sent, and tinySendMail returns with a zero return. Non-zero return indicates success. Arguments: $sender: traditional 'From:', e.g., [email protected] $receiver: traditional 'To:', e.g., [email protected] $subject: traditional 'Subject:' $message: body text. Folds at 990 characters. RFC2821 suggests a limit of 1000 including CRLF. This is compliant, but you can change the variable $textLineLimit to suit your purposes or any specific server. $rcvsmtp: smtp server of the receiver, e.g., optional, set to the domain in the receiver's email address with 'mail.' prepended by default. If you don't know the receiver's smtp server and/or the default doesn't work, you may specify a server you know will accept the email for transfer, i.e., your own smtp server will probably accommodate. $rcvport: port to connect to on $rcvsmtp. default is 25 (SMTP), you may optionally set it to another if the receiver uses a special port. $sndhost: domain of the sending host, e.g., Not necessarily the same as the one in $sender, as you may be sending from a different host than the one your email is on. optional, set to the local host as determined by php_uname('n'). $usePHPmailFunc: use bool mail() php function that calls sendmail or equivalent binary optional. default off; $usePHPimapFunc: use bool imap_mail() php function that calls sendmail or equivalent. optional. default off; $tryAll: try all 3 methods to send the mail. optional. default on; $verbose: optional argument to turn on informational messages. Off by default. $vboseloc: optional argument to turn on informational message location. Off by default. */ function tinySendMail($sender,$receiver,$subject,$message ,$rcvsmtp=0,$rcvport=25,$sndhost=0,$usePHPmailFunc=0,$usePHPimapFunc=0,$trySock=0,$tryAll=1,$verbose=0,$vboseloc=0) { infoPrint($verbose,__FILE__."::".__FUNCTION__.": Starting",__LINE__,$vboseloc); if(!$sndhost)$sndhost=php_uname('n'); if(!$rcvsmtp)$rcvsmtp="mail.".substr(strstr($receiver,"@"),1); if($tryAll)$usePHPmailFunc=$usePHPimapFunc=$trySock=1; if($usePHPmailFunc || $usePHPimapFunc) { ini_set("SMTP",$rcvsmtp); $addtlHdr="From: $sender"; } $ret=0; if($usePHPmailFunc) { infoPrint($verbose,"trying mail()",__LINE__,$vboseloc); $ret=mail($receiver,$subject,$message,$addtlHdr); } if(!$ret && $usePHPmailFunc) { infoPrint($verbose,"trying imap_mail()",__LINE__,$vboseloc); $ret=imap_mail($receiver,$subject,$message,$addtlHdr); } if($ret || !$trySock) { infoPrint($verbose,"ret: $ret<br>tryAll: $tryAll",__LINE__,$vboseloc); infoPrint($verbose,__FILE__."::".__FUNCTION__.": Finishing: returning: $ret",__LINE__,$vboseloc); return($ret); } infoPrint($verbose,"trying fsockopen()",__LINE__,$vboseloc); /* RFC2821 says 1000 including CRLF, so this should be compliant */ $textLineLimit=990; $mailState_open=0; $mailState_ehlo=1; $mailState_rcpt=2; $mailState_data=3; $mailState_send=4; $mailState_quit=5; $mailState_return=6; $curMailState=$mailState_open; infoPrint($verbose,"fsockopen($rcvsmtp,$rcvport,$errno,$errstr)",__LINE__,$vboseloc); if(!($fp=fsockopen($rcvsmtp,$rcvport,$errno,$errstr))) { infoPrint($verbose,"Could not open a socket to $rcvsmtp on port $rcvport",__LINE__,$vboseloc); infoPrint($verbose,"Error#: $errno: $errstr",__LINE__,$vboseloc); infoPrint($verbose,__FILE__."::".__FUNCTION__.": Finishing: returning: 0",__LINE__,$vboseloc); return(0); } infoPrint($verbose,"Opened connection to $rcvsmtp:$rcvport",__LINE__,$vboseloc); $returncode=1; while($curMailState != $mailState_return) { $ret=fgets($fp); $cod=substr($ret,0,3); if($curMailState == $mailState_ehlo) { /* drain the pipe of all EHLO informational lines */ if($cod == 250) { $ret=fgets($fp); $contChar=substr($ret,3,1); infoPrint($verbose,"ret: $ret",__LINE__,$vboseloc); while($contChar == "-") { infoPrint($verbose,"ret: $ret",__LINE__,$vboseloc); $ret=fgets($fp); $contChar=substr($ret,3,1); } } } infoPrint($verbose,"ret: $ret",__LINE__,$vboseloc); infoPrint($verbose,"cod: $cod",__LINE__,$vboseloc); switch($cod) { case 220: switch($curMailState) { case $mailState_open: $snd="EHLO $sndhostrn"; $curMailState=$mailState_ehlo; break; default: $snd="QUITrn"; $returncode=0; $curMailState=$mailState_return; } break; case 250: switch($curMailState) { case $mailState_ehlo: $snd="MAIL FROM:<$sender>rn"; $curMailState=$mailState_rcpt; break; case $mailState_rcpt: $snd="RCPT TO:<$receiver>rn"; $curMailState=$mailState_data; break; case $mailState_data: $snd="DATArn"; $curMailState=$mailState_send; break; case $mailState_quit: $snd="QUITrn"; $curMailState=$mailState_return; break; default: $snd="QUITrn"; $returncode=0; $curMailState=$mailState_return; } break; case 354: switch($curMailState) { case $mailState_send; $snd="From: $sendern"; $snd.="To: $receivern"; $snd.="Subject: $subjectn"; $snd.="Date: ".date('r')."n"; $snd.="Message-ID: <". date('YmdHis').":". php_uname('n').":". getmypid(). ":$sender>nn"; $snd.=wordwrap($message,$textLineLimit,"n",1); $sndArray=explode("n",$snd); $numLines=count($sndArray); for($i=0; $i < $numLines; $i++) { fputs($fp,$sndArray[$i]."rn"); } $snd="rn.rn"; $curMailState=$mailState_quit; break; default: $snd="QUITrn"; $returncode=0; $curMailState=$mailState_return; } break; default: $snd="QUITrn"; $returncode=0; $curMailState=$mailState_return; } infoPrint($verbose,"snd: $snd",__LINE__,$vboseloc); fputs($fp,$snd); } $ret=fgets($fp); infoPrint($verbose,"ret: $ret",__LINE__,$vboseloc); fclose($fp); infoPrint($verbose,__FILE__."::".__FUNCTION__.": Finishing: returning: $returncode",__LINE__,$vboseloc); return($returncode); } /* Print informational messages if the $verbose argument is non-zero */ function infoPrint($verbose,$msg,$loc,$showloc) { if($verbose) { if($showloc)$locStr=$loc.": "; else $locStr=""; print($locStr.htmlentities(addslashes($msg))."rn<br>"); } } ?>