#native_company# #native_desc#

State Abbreviate

By Jeff
on April 21, 2003

Version: 1.0

Type: Function

Category: Other

License: GNU General Public License

Description: Takes your state name and returns the proper state abbreviation. Great for saving room in those databases…

*								PHP - State Abbreviate											*
*								Page: state_abbreviate.php									*
*								Developer: Jeffrey M. Johns									*
*								Support: [email protected]							*
*								Modified: 04/18/2003											*
Purpose: To change the state text to either the state abbreviation or to the
state name, depending on what you send into the function.
print StateAbbreviate("Pennsylvania");

Learn more about PHP's foreach feature @ the following URL:

function StateAbbreviate($state) {

	$state = trim($state);

		if (((strlen($state) == 2) OR ($state == "D.C.") OR ($state == "d.c."))) {
			$state = strtoupper($state);
		} else {
			$state = ucwords(strtolower($state));

$state_array = array("AL"=>"Alabama","AK"=>"Alaska","AZ"=>"Arizona","AR"=>"Arkansas","CA"=>"California","CT"=>"Connecticut","DE"=>"Delaware","DC"=>"D.C.","FL"=>"Florida","GA"=>"Georgia","HI"=>"Hawaii","ID"=>"Idaho","IL"=>"Illinois","IN"=>"Indiana","IA"=>"Iowa","KS"=>"Kansas","KY"=>"Kentucky","LA"=>"Louisiana","ME"=>"Maine","MD"=>"Maryland","MA"=>"Massachusetts","MI"=>"Michigan","MN"=>"Minnesota","MS"=>"Mississippi","MO"=>"Missouri","MT"=>"Montana","NE"=>"Nebraska","NV"=>"Nevada","NH"=>"New Hampshire","NM"=>"New Mexico","NJ"=>"New Jersey","NY"=>"New York","NC"=>"North Carolina","ND"=>"North Dakota","OH"=>"Ohio","OK"=>"Oklahoma","OR"=>"Oregon","PA"=>"Pennsylvania","RI"=>"Rhode Island","SC"=>"South Carolina","SD"=>"South Dakota","TN"=>"Tennessee","TX"=>"Texas","UT"=>"Utah","VT"=>"Vermont","VA"=>"Virginia","WA"=>"Washington","WV"=>"West Virginia","WI"=>"Wisconsin","WY"=>"Wyoming");

if (strlen($state) == 2) {
	foreach ($state_array as $key => $value) {
 		if ($state == $key) {
			$state_abbr = $value;
} else {
	foreach ($state_array as $key => $value) {
		if ($state == $value) {
			$state_abbr = $key;

if (!$state_abbr) {
	$state_abbr = "Function Could Not Determine The Correct State...";
	return $state_abbr;