Version: 1
Type: Full Script
Category: HTTP
License: GNU General Public License
Description: You can monitor your website downtime status including SMTP, POP, FTP and SSH.
and automatically send alert to the assigned email in the config.php.
<?php /* Created by Other Scripts we made: - Traffic Exchange Link (The New Generation) - Simply FAQ Script - Write Text to the Image - Image Resizer - Simple Web Monitoring - Capture TGP New listing - Exit Popup Exchange Service - Domain Redirection Service - TGP or Thumbnail Gallery Post GNU : Do not remove our signature at the bottom page */ ?> CONFIG.PHP <?php //******** From Email, enter your email here $fromEmail="[email protected]"; //******** Website to monitor without http://www. $websiteURL=""; //******** Type the emails to send the down time alert, you can use comma (,) to seperate multiple emails //******** Do not use the email of the website that you are monitoring, because if its down then the email is down as well. $toEmail="[email protected]"; //******** The Subject of the email once send you an alert. $subject="Monitoring Alert"; ?> WEBMONITOR.PHP <?php include("config.php"); function checkit($link,$port) { $packs=5; $nError=0; $rturn=TRUE; for ($a=0;$a<=$packs;$a++) { $url = @fsockopen(server($link), $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 5); if (!$url) {$rturn=FALSE; break;} @fclose($url); } return $rturn; } function server($link){ if(strstr($link,"/")){$link = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, "/"));} return $link; } $content=""; if(!checkit("$websiteURL",80)) $content.="Website, "; if(!checkit($websiteURL,25)) $content.="SMTP, "; if(!checkit($websiteURL,21)) $content.="FTP, "; if(!checkit($websiteURL,110)) $content.="POP3, "; if(!checkit($websiteURL,22)) $content.="SSH"; if($content!="") { $content="Site $websiteURL problem in ".$content.". Time occured ".date("m-d-Y h:i a"); $from="$fromEmail"; $mailheaders = "MIME-Version: 1.0rn"; $mailheaders .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1rn"; $mailheaders .= "From: $fromn"; $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $fromn"; mail("$toEmail","$subject",$content, $mailheaders); } ?>