Version: 2.0
Type: Sample Code (HOWTO)
Category: File Management
License: GNU General Public License
Description: Simple script for searching all the folders and files(html & php) in your site and displaying the search result found and the visitor to the result page
<?php $dir = array('dental/', './'); // as many dirs as you like. Main dir is the ./ one // Your Search Key word comes here //$searchstr="Keyword"; //this is to get it from a GET form $searchstr = $_GET['word']; // number of words to display as result $n = 10; // your domain $dominio = ""; $searchstr = htmlentities($searchstr); echo "<p>Search by <strong>"$searchstr"</strong></p>"; echo "<ol>"; // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents .You can insert many number of directories in the array for($i=0;$i<2;$i++) //Instead of 2 you can insert the number of folders to be searched { if (is_dir($dir[$i])) { if ($dh = opendir($dir[$i])) { $findstrcontent=array();$file=array();$fileContent=array(); $cnt=0;$count=0; while (($file[$cnt]= readdir($dh)) !== false) { //echo $dir[$i].$file[$cnt]."<br />"; //echo "filename: $file[$cnt]<br />"; $mirohtm = substr($file[$cnt], -4, 4); $mirohtml = substr($file[$cnt], -5, 5); //limited to .htm and .html files if (($mirohtm == ".htm" ) || ($mirohtml == ".html" )) { //echo $dir[$i].$file[$cnt]."<br />"; //echo "filename: $file[$cnt]<br />"; $fileContent[$cnt]=file_get_contents($dir[$i].$file[$cnt]); //echo strip_tags($fileContent[$cnt]); $limpio = strip_tags($fileContent[$cnt]); if($dom=@stristr($limpio,$searchstr)){ //$findstrcontent[$cnt]=strip_tags(substr($dom,0,100)); $findstrcontent[$cnt] = implode(" ", array_slice(explode(" ", $dom), 0, $n)); $link=$dir[$i].$file[$cnt]; $findstrcontent[$cnt] = str_replace($searchstr,"<strong>".$searchstr."</strong>", $findstrcontent[$cnt]); if($findstrcontent[$cnt]!=""){ $count++; echo "<li>"; $path = $dir[$i].$file[$cnt]; $path = str_replace ("./","", $path); ?> <? echo $findstrcontent[$cnt]; ?>... <br /> <a href=<?=$link?>><? echo "<em> ".$dominio.$path."</em>"; ?></a><br /> <? echo "</li>"; } } } $cnt=$cnt+1; } closedir($dh); } } } echo "</ol>"; if ($count > 0) { echo "Found <strong>$count</strong> results<br />"; } else { echo "Sorry, no results.<br />"; } echo "<br />Thanks for searching<br />"; ?>