#native_company# #native_desc#

Simple Picture Gallery Manager

By Sylvain Pajot
on July 27, 2003

Version: 1.3.2

Type: Full Script

Category: Graphics

License: GNU General Public License

Description: SPGM is a simple PHP script that displays picture galleries on the web. It is intended to provide a very straightforward way to set up online photo albums: create directories, fill them with pictures and upload. SPGM generates HTML 4.01 compliant code and makes extensive use of CSS stylesheets to render galleries. It only requires PHP version 3 or higher and does not rely on image manipulation libraries (like GD), or any database system. A few features: caption for each gallery/picture, infinite sub-galleries hierarchies, per gallery complete configuration (inheritance supported), new pictures highlighting (filtering available), multi-language support, themes available for use.

Website: http://spgm.sourceforge.net


#  SPGM (Simple Picture Gallery Manager), a basic and configurable PHP script
#  to display picture galleries on the web
#  Copyright (C) 2002, Sylvain Pajot <[email protected]>
#  Official website: http://spgm.sourceforge.net
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

###### Toggles #############
define("MODE_TRACE", false); // toggles debug mode
define("MODE_WARNING", true); // toggles warning mode
define("REGISTER_GLOBALS", false); // toggle for register_globals mode
                                  // must match the php.ini configuration
define("URL_EXTRA_PARAMS", ""); // used when spgm is called from templates
                                // will be removed as of 1.4
                                // ex: "&amp;cat=pics&amp;lg=$lg"

define("DIR_GAL", "gal/");  // galleries base directory (relative path from spgm.php or the file requiring it if there's one)
define("DIR_LANG", "lang/"); // language packs (relative path from spgm.php or the file requiring it if there's one)
define("DIR_THEMES", "flavors/"); // themes base directory (relative path from spgm.php or the file requiring it if there's one)
define("FILE_GAL_CAPTION", "gallery.msg"); // default caption file for a gallery
define("FILE_GAL_SORT", "gallery.sort");   // file for explicit gallery sort
define("FILE_PIC_SORT", "picture.sort");   // file for explicit picture sort
define("FILE_THEME", "spgm.thm");           // theme file
define("FILE_CONF", "spgm.conf");           // config file
define("FILE_LANG", "lang");                // language file short name (without extension)
define("PREF_THUMB", "_thb_");              // prefix for thumbnail pictures
define("EXT_PIC_CAPTION", ".cmt");          // file extension for pictures comment

define("PARAM_NAME_GALID", "spgmGal");
define("PARAM_NAME_PICID", "spgmPic");
define("PARAM_NAME_PAGE", "spgmPage");
define("PARAM_NAME_FILTER", "spgmFilters");
define("PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW", "n");

define("CLASS_TABLE_WRAPPER", "table-wrapper");
define("CLASS_TABLE_MAIN_TITLE", "table-main-title");
define("CLASS_TD_SPGM_LINK", "td-main-title-spgm-link");
define("CLASS_A_SPGM_LINK", "a-spgm-link");
define("CLASS_TABLE_GALLISTING_GRID", "table-gallisting-grid");
define("CLASS_TD_GALLISTING_CELL", "td-gallisting-cell");
define("CLASS_TABLE_GALITEM", "table-galitem");
define("CLASS_TD_GALITEM_ICON", "td-galitem-icon");
define("CLASS_TD_GALITEM_TITLE", "td-galitem-title");
define("CLASS_TD_GALITEM_CAPTION", "td-galitem-caption");
define("CLASS_TABLE_PICTURE", "table-picture");
define("CLASS_TD_PICTURE_NAVI", "td-picture-navi");
define("CLASS_TD_ZOOM_FACTORS", "td-zoom-factors");
define("ID_PICTURE", "picture");
define("CLASS_BUTTON_ZOOM_FACTORS", "button-zoom-factors");
define("CLASS_TD_PICTURE_PIC", "td-picture-pic");
define("ID_PICTURE_NAVI", "pic-navi");
define("CLASS_TD_PICTURE_CAPTION", "td-picture-caption");
define("CLASS_TABLE_THUMBNAILS", "table-thumbnails");
define("CLASS_TD_THUMBNAILS_THUMB", "td-thumbnails-thumb");
define("CLASS_TD_THUMBNAILS_THUMB_SELECTED", "td-thumbnails-thumb-selected");
define("CLASS_TD_THUMBNAILS_NAVI", "td-thumbnails-navi");
define("CLASS_DIV_THUMBNAILS_CAPTION", "div-thumbnails-caption");
define("CLASS_SPAN_FILTERS", "span-filters");
define("CLASS_IMG_PICTURE", "img-picture");
define("CLASS_IMG_THUMBNAIL", "img-thumbnail");
define("CLASS_IMG_THUMBNAIL_SELECTED", "img-thumbnail-selected");
define("CLASS_IMG_FOLDER", "img-folder");
define("CLASS_IMG_GALICON", "img-galicon");
define("CLASS_IMG_PICTURE_PREV", "img-picture-prev");
define("CLASS_IMG_PICTURE_NEXT", "img-picture-next");
define("CLASS_IMG_THMBNAVI_PREV", "img-thmbnavi-prev");
define("CLASS_IMG_THMBNAVI_NEXT", "img-thmbnavi-next");
define("CLASS_IMG_NEW", "img-new");
define("CLASS_DIV_GALHEADER", "div-galheader");
define("ERRMSG_UNKNOWN_GALLERY", "unknown gallery");
define("ERRMSG_UNKNOWN_PICTURE", "unknown picture");
define("ERRMSG_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PICTURES", "invalid number of picture");
define("ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE", "invalid value");
define("WARNMSG_FILE_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS", "insufficient permissions (644 required)");
define("WARNMSG_THUMBNAIL_UNREADABLE", "no associated thumbnail or insufficient permissions");
define("WARNMSG_DIR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS", "insufficient permissions (755 required)");

define("GALICON_NONE", 0);
define("GALICON_RANDOM", 1);
define("ORIGINAL_SIZE", 0);
define("SORTTYPE_NAME", 1);
define("SORT_ASCENDING", 0);
define("SORT_DESCENDING", 1);
define("RIGHT", 0);
define("BOTTOM", 1);

/* multi-language support... */
define("PATTERN_NB_PICS", ">NB_PICS<");

// Used for variable variables in main function
$var_galid = PARAM_NAME_GALID;
$var_picid = PARAM_NAME_PICID;
$var_page = PARAM_NAME_PAGE;
$var_filter = PARAM_NAME_FILTER;

$cfg = array();
$cfg['conf']['newStatusDuration']       = 30;
$cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage']       = 9;
$cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerRow']        = 3;
$cfg['conf']['galleryListingCols']      = 2;
$cfg['conf']['galleryCaptionPos']       = RIGHT;
$cfg['conf']['subGalleryLevel']         = 1;
$cfg['conf']['gallerySortType']         = SORTTYPE_NAME;
$cfg['conf']['gallerySortOptions']      = SORT_ASCENDING;
$cfg['conf']['pictureSortType']         = SORTTYPE_NAME;
$cfg['conf']['pictureSortOptions']      = SORT_ASCENDING;
$cfg['conf']['pictureInfoedThumbnails'] = false;
$cfg['conf']['captionedThumbnails']     = false;
$cfg['conf']['popupPictures']           = false;
$cfg['conf']['popupWidth']              = 750;
$cfg['conf']['popupHeight']             = 600;
$cfg['conf']['filters']                 = '';
$cfg['conf']['zoomFactors']             = array();
$cfg['conf']['galleryIconType']         = GALICON_NONE;
$cfg['conf']['galleryIconHeight']       = ORIGINAL_SIZE;
$cfg['conf']['galleryIconWidth']        = ORIGINAL_SIZE;
$cfg['conf']['theme']                   = 'default';
$cfg['conf']['language']                = 'en';

  = 'a gallery generated by '.PATTERN_SPGM_LINK;
$cfg['locale']['filter']      = 'filter';
$cfg['locale']['filterNew']   = 'new';
$cfg['locale']['filterAll']   = 'all';
$cfg['locale']['newPictures'] = 'new pictures';
$cfg['locale']['newPicture']  = 'new picture';
$cfg['locale']['newGallery']  = 'new gallery';
$cfg['locale']['pictures']    = 'pictures';
$cfg['locale']['picture']     = 'picture';
$cfg['locale']['rootGallery'] = 'Main gallery';

$cfg['theme']['gallerySmallIcon']    = '';
$cfg['theme']['galleryBigIcon']      = '';
$cfg['theme']['newItemIcon']         = '';
$cfg['theme']['previousPictureIcon'] = '';
$cfg['theme']['nextPictureIcon']     = '';
$cfg['theme']['previousPageIcon']    = '';
$cfg['theme']['nextPageIcon']        = '';

  = array('.jpg', '.png', '.gif');    // supported picture file extensions
$cfg['global']['propagateFilters'] = false; // used to propagate filters in URLs
$cfg['global']['documentSelf'] = '';
$cfg['global']['tmpPathToPics'] = ''; // hack to avoid comparisons of long 
                                      // strings (only used by the spgm_CallbackCompareMTime 
                                      // callback function)

# A bit of logic to set a few of the variables above...
  if (isset($$var_filter) ) $cfg['global']['propagateFilters'] = true;
  $cfg['global']['documentSelf'] = basename($PHP_SELF);
} else {
  if (isset($_GET[PARAM_NAME_FILTER]) ) $cfg['global']['propagateFilters'] = true;
  $cfg['global']['documentSelf'] = basename( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );

###### REPORTING FUNCTIONS #############################################

function spgm_Error($msg) {
  print '<div style="color: #ff0000; font_family: helvetica, arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight: bold;">'.$msg.'</div>'."n";

function spgm_Warning($msg) {
    print '<div style="color: #0000ff; font_family: helvetica, arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight: bold;">'.$msg.'</div>'."n";

function spgm_Trace($msg) {
  if (MODE_TRACE) {
    print '<div style="color: #000000; font_family: verdana, helvetica, arial; font-size:12pt;">'.$msg.'</div>'."n";

################## DISPLAY INFO FUNCTIONS #####################################

function spgm_DispSPGMLink() {
  global $cfg;

  spgm_Trace( '<p>function spgm_DispSPGMLink</p>'."n" );
  // multi-language support
  $cfg['locale']['spgmLink'] = ereg_replace(PATTERN_SPGM_LINK, '<a href="http://spgm.sourceforge.net" class="'.CLASS_A_SPGM_LINK.'">SPGM</a>', $cfg['locale']['spgmLink']);

  print $cfg['locale']['spgmLink'];

# Checks if a file or directory is "new" 
function spgm_IsNew($filename) {
  global $cfg;

    '<p>function spgm_IsNew</p>'."n"
    .'filename: '.$filename.'<br />'."n"

  if (! file_exists($filename) || $cfg['conf']['newStatusDuration'] == 0) return false;
  return (filemtime($filename) > (time()-$cfg['conf']['newStatusDuration']*24*3600));

# Checks for permissions on either pictures, galleries, config files, etc... 

function spgm_CheckPerms($filename) {
    '<p>function spgm_CheckPerms</p>'."n"
    .'filename: '.$filename.'<br />'."n"
  if (! file_exists($filename)) return false;
  $fileperms = fileperms($filename);
  $isreadable = $fileperms & 4;
  if ( is_file($filename) ) {
    // pictures, thumbnails, config files and comments only need to be readable
    if (! $isreadable) {
         $filename.': '.WARNMSG_DIR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS.'<br />'
    return $isreadable;	
  else if ( is_dir($filename) ) {
    // galleries need to be both readable and executable
    $isexecutable = $fileperms & 1;
    if (! $isreadable || ! $isexecutable)
        $filename.': '.WARNMSG_DIR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS.'<br />'
    return ( $isreadable && $isexecutable); // ($dirperms & 5) == 5 ?
  // default behavior: the filename does not exist
  return false;

# Checks if the filname exists, refers to a picture associated to a thumbnail 
# and is granted the necessary access rigths

function spgm_IsPicture($picture_filename, $galid) {

  global $cfg;

  $picture_path = DIR_GAL.$galid.'/'.$picture_filename;
  $thumbnail_path = DIR_GAL.$galid.'/'.PREF_THUMB.$picture_filename;
    '<p>function spgm_IsPicture</p>'."n"
    .'basename: '.$picture_filename.'<br />'."n"
    .'path: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'filename: '.$picture_path.'<br />'."n"
    .'thumbname: '.$thumbnail_path.'<br />'."n"
  // check filename patterns
  if ( eregi('^'.PREF_THUMB.'*', $picture_filename) )
    return false;
  $validated = false;
  $extnb = count($cfg['global']['supportedExtensions']);
  for ($i=0; $i<$extnb; $i++) {
    if ( eregi($cfg['global']['supportedExtensions'][$i].'$', $picture_filename) ) {
      $validated = true;
  if (! $validated)
    return false; 
  // does it exist, is it a regular file and does it have the expected permissions ?
  if (! spgm_CheckPerms($picture_path) ) {
    return false;
  // an associated thumbnail is required... same job again !
  if (! spgm_CheckPerms($thumbnail_path) ) {
    spgm_Warning( $picture_path.': '.WARNMSG_THUMBNAIL_UNREADABLE.'<br />' );
    return false;
  return true;

# Checks if the directory corresponding the gallery is well-formed, exists 
# and is granted the necessary access rights
# $galid can be empty

function spgm_IsGallery($galid) {
  $picspath = DIR_GAL.$galid;
    '<p>function spgm_IsGallery</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'picspath: '.$picspath.'<br />'."n"

  // searching for hazardous patterns
  if ( ereg('^/', $galid) || ereg('..', $galid) || ereg('/$', $galid) ) {
    return false;

  // does it exist, is it a directory and does it have the expected permissions ?
  if (! is_dir($picspath))
    return false;
  if (! spgm_CheckPerms($picspath) ) {
    return false;
  return true;

# Loads a theme
function spgm_LoadFlavor($themeName) {

  global $cfg;

    '<p>function spgm_LoadFlavor</p>'."n"
    .'theme: '.$themeName.'<br />'."n"

  if ( spgm_CheckPerms(DIR_THEMES.$themeName.'/'.FILE_THEME) ) {
      'unable to load '.DIR_THEMES.$themeName.'/'.FILE_THEME.': '

# Loads textual ressources from an SPGM language file.

function spgm_LoadLanguage($countryCode) {

  global $cfg;

    '<p>funtion spgm_LoadLanguage</p>'."n"
    .'country code: '.$countryCode.'<br />'."n"

  if ($countryCode != '') {
    $filename_lang = DIR_LANG.FILE_LANG.'.'.$countryCode;
    if (file_exists($filename_lang) ) {
      if ( spgm_CheckPerms($filename_lang) ) {
        'No support for lang. '.$countryCode.' &raquo; default: english<br />'

function spgm_PostInitCheck() {

  global $cfg;
  spgm_Trace( '<p>funtion spgm_PostInitCheck</p>'."n" );
  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['newStatusDuration'];
  if (! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix < 0) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][newStatusDuration]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'];
  if (! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix < 1) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][thumbnailsPerPage]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerRow'];
  if (! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix < 1) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][thumbnailsPerRow]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['galleryListingCols'];
  if (! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix < 1) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][galleryListingCols]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE); 

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['subGalleryLevel'];
  if (! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix < 0) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][subGalleryLevel]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);
  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['galleryIconType'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix != GALICON_NONE 
       && $_mix != GALICON_RANDOM) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][galleryIconType]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['galleryIconHeight'];
  if (! is_int($_mix) || (_mix < ORIGINAL_SIZE) ) 
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][galleryIconHeight]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['galleryIconWidth'];
  if (! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix < ORIGINAL_SIZE) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][galleryIconWidth]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['galleryCaptionPos'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix != RIGHT && $_mix != BOTTOM) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][galleryCaptionPos]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['gallerySortType'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix != SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE
       && $_mix != SORTTYPE_NAME) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][gallerySortType]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['gallerySortOptions'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix != SORT_ASCENDING 
       && $_mix != SORT_DESCENDING) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][gallerySortOptions]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['pictureSortType'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix != SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE
      && $_mix != SORTTYPE_NAME) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][pictureSortType]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['pictureSortOptions'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || ($_mix != SORT_ASCENDING
      && $_mix != SORT_DESCENDING) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][pictureSortOptions]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  // is_bool is not available as of PHP 3
  if ( ! is_bool($cfg['conf']['pictureInfoedThumbnails']) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][pictureInfoedThumbnail]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  if ( ! is_bool($cfg['conf']['captionedThumbnails']) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][captionedThumbnails]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  if ( ! is_bool($cfg['conf']['popupPictures']) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][popupPictures]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['popupWidth'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || $_mix < 1)
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][popupWidth]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  $_mix = $cfg['conf']['popupHeight'];
  if ( ! is_int($_mix) || $_mix < 1)
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][popupHeight]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  if ( ! is_string($cfg['conf']['filters']) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][filters]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  if ( ! is_array($cfg['conf']['zoomFactors']) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][zoomFactors]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  if ( ! is_string($cfg['conf']['theme']) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][theme]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  if ( ! is_string($cfg['conf']['language']) )
    spgm_Error('cfg[conf][language]: '.ERRMSG_INVALID_VALUE);

  # Link labels initialization

  $arrIconInfo = array(
    // key in $cfg | ALT value | CLASS value | alternative (if resource is N/A)
    array('gallerySmallIcon', '', CLASS_IMG_FOLDER, ''),
    array('galleryBigIcon', '', CLASS_IMG_FOLDER, '&raquo;'),
    array('previousPageIcon', 'Previous thumbnail page', 
          CLASS_IMG_THMBNAVI_PREV, '&laquo;'),
    array('nextPageIcon', 'Next thumbnail page', CLASS_IMG_THMBNAVI_NEXT, 
    array('previousPictureIcon', 'Previous picture', CLASS_IMG_PICTURE_PREV,
    array('nextPictureIcon', 'Next picture', CLASS_IMG_PICTURE_NEXT, '&raquo;'),
    array('newItemIcon', '', CLASS_IMG_NEW, '')

  $dim = array();
  $iconNumber = count($arrIconInfo);
  $fnameIcon = '';
  $_key = '';
  $_lblAlt = '';
  $_lblClass = '';
  $_lblNa = '';

  for ($i=0; $i<$iconNumber; $i++) {

    $_key = $arrIconInfo[$i][0];
    $_lblAlt = $arrIconInfo[$i][1];
    $_lblClass = $arrIconInfo[$i][2];
    $_lblNa = $arrIconInfo[$i][3];
    $fnameIcon = DIR_THEMES.$cfg['conf']['theme'].'/'.$cfg['theme'][$_key];

    if ( $cfg['theme'][$_key] != '' && spgm_CheckPerms($fnameIcon) ) {
      $dim = getimagesize($fnameIcon);
      $cfg['theme'][$_key] = '<img src="'.$fnameIcon.'"';
      $cfg['theme'][$_key] .= ' alt="'.$_lblAlt.'"';
      $cfg['theme'][$_key] .= ' class="'.$_lblClass.'"';
      $cfg['theme'][$_key] .= ' width="'.$dim[0].'"';
      $cfg['theme'][$_key] .= ' height="'.$dim[1].'" />';
    } else {
      if ($_lblNa != '')
        $cfg['theme'][$_key] = $_lblNa;

# Loads config files from the possible different locations.
# To allow properties inheritance, it includes all the config file from the 
# top level gallery to the gallery itself.
# TODO: support for INI files (PHP4) ?

function spgm_LoadConfig($galid) {
  global $cfg;
    '<p>funtion spgm_LoadConfig</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
  if ( spgm_IsGallery($galid) ) {
  	// always load the default config file
  	$filename_conf = DIR_GAL.FILE_CONF;
  	if ( spgm_CheckPerms($filename_conf) ) {
  	// now, include all the possible config files
  	if ( $galid != '' ) {
      $array_path = explode('/', $galid);
      $nb_levels = count($array_path);
      $path = ''; // grows inside the follwing loop ("gal1" -> "gal1/gal2"...)
      for ($i=0; $i<$nb_levels; $i++) { // use "foreach ($array_path as $dir_name) {" in PHP4
        $path .= $array_path[$i].'/';
        $filename_conf = DIR_GAL.$path.FILE_CONF;
        if ( spgm_CheckPerms($filename_conf) ) {



# returns an array containing various information for a given gallery and its 
# provided pictures.
# returned array:
# $array[0] = total number of pictures 
# $array[1] = number of new pictures
# $array[2] = the thumbnail's filename to use for the gallery icon

function spgm_GetGalleryInfo($galid, $pic_array) {

  global $cfg;

  $nbpics_total = 0;
  $nbpics_new = 0;
  $galdir = DIR_GAL.$galid;

    '<p>function spgm_GetGalleryInfo</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'nbpics_total: '.$nbpics_total.'<br />'."n"
    .'galdir: '.$galdir.'<br />'."n"

  $nbpics_total = count($pic_array);
  $nbpics_new = 0;
  for ($i=0; $i<$nbpics_total; $i++)
    if (spgm_IsNew($galdir.'/'.$pic_array[$i]) ) $nbpics_new++;

  $gal_info[0] = $nbpics_total;
  $gal_info[1] = $nbpics_new;
  if ($cfg['conf']['galleryIconType'] == GALICON_RANDOM && $nbpics_total > 0) 
    @$gal_info[2] = $pic_array[rand(0, $nbpics_total - 1)];
  else $gal_info[2] = '';
  return $gal_info;

# Callback function used to sort galleries/pictures against modification date
# The two parameters are automatically passed by the usort() function

function spgm_CallbackCompareMTime($file1, $file2) {

  global $cfg;

  if ( !strcmp($file1, $file2) ) return 0;
    ( filemtime($cfg['global']['tmpPathToPics'].$file1) 
    > filemtime($cfg['global']['tmpPathToPics'].$file2)
    ) ? 1 : -1; 

# Creates a sorted array containing first level sub-galleries of a given gallery
# $galid - the gallery ID to introspect 
# $display - boolean indicating that galleries will be rendered and that sort
#            options consequently have to be turned on
# returns: a sorted array containing the sub-gallery filenames for the given 
#          gallery

function spgm_CreateGalleryArray($galid, $display) {

  global $cfg;

  $galdir = DIR_GAL.$galid;

    '<p>function spgm_CreateGalleryArray</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'galdir: '.$galdir.'<br />'."n"
    .'display: '.$display.'<br />'."n"

  if ( spgm_IsGallery($galid) ) $dir = @opendir($galdir);
  else spgm_Error($galid.': '.ERRMSG_UNKNOWN_GALLERY);
  if ($galid != '') $galid .= '/'; // little hack

  if ($galdir == DIR_GAL) $sort_file = $galdir.FILE_GAL_SORT;
  else $sort_file = $galdir.'/'.FILE_GAL_SORT;

  $gals = array();
  if ( spgm_CheckPerms($sort_file) ) {
    $gal_filenames = file($sort_file);
    $max = count($gal_filenames);
    for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
      $galname = trim($gal_filenames[$i]);
      if (spgm_IsGallery($galid.$galname))
        $gals[] = $galname;
  } else {
    while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
      if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && spgm_IsGallery($galid.$file))
        $gals[] = $file;

    // Apply sort options if needed
    if ($display) {
      if (count($gals) > 0) {
        if ($cfg['conf']['gallerySortType'] == SORTTYPE_NAME) {
          if ($cfg['conf']['gallerySortOptions'] == SORT_DESCENDING) rsort($gals);
          else sort($gals);
        } else if ($cfg['conf']['gallerySortType'] == SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE) {
          $cfg['global']['tmpPathToPics'] = DIR_GAL.$galid;
          usort($gals, 'spgm_CallbackCompareMTime'); // TODO: omit it ?
          if ($cfg['conf']['gallerySortOptions'] == SORT_DESCENDING)
            $gals = array_reverse($gals);
  return $gals;

# Creates a sorted array of the pictures to diplay for a given gallery
# $galid - the gallery ID (must be always valid)
# $filter - the filter that defines the pictures to include in the list
# $display - boolean indicating that thumbnails will be rendered and that sort
#            options consequently have to be turned on
# returns: a sorted array containing the thumbnails' basenames of the gallery

function spgm_CreatePictureArray($galid, $filter, $display) {

  global $cfg;

  $galdir = DIR_GAL.$galid.'/';

    '<p>function spgm_CreatePictureArray</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'filter: '.$filter.'<br />'."n"
    .'galdir: '.$galdir.'<br />'."n"
    .'display: '.$display.'<br />'."n"

  $pics = array();
  $sort_file = $galdir.FILE_PIC_SORT;
  if ( spgm_CheckPerms($sort_file) ) {
    $pic_filenames = file($sort_file);
    $max = count($pic_filenames);
    for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
      $picname = trim($pic_filenames[$i]);
      if ( spgm_IsPicture($picname, $galid) ) {
        if ( strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW) ) {
          if ( spgm_IsNew($galdir.$picname) )
            $pics[] = $picname;
        } else $pics[] = $picname;
  else {
    while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
      if ( spgm_IsPicture($file, $galid) ) {
        if ( strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW) ) {
          if ( spgm_IsNew($galdir.$file) )
            $pics[] = $file;
        } else $pics[] = $file;
    // Apply sort optionsif needed
    if ($display) { 
      if (count($pics) > 0) {
        if ($cfg['conf']['pictureSortType'] == SORTTYPE_NAME) {
          if ($cfg['conf']['pictureSortOptions'] == SORT_DESCENDING) rsort($pics);
          else sort($pics);
        } else if ($cfg['conf']['pictureSortType'] == SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE) {
          $cfg['global']['tmpPathToPics'] = $galdir;
          usort($pics, 'spgm_CallbackCompareMTime'); // TODO: omit it ?
          if ($cfg['conf']['pictureSortOptions'] == SORT_DESCENDING)
            $pics = array_reverse($pics);

  return $pics;

function spgm_DisplayThumbnailNavibar($currentpg, $nbpg, $galid, $filter) {

  global $cfg;

    '<p>function spgm_DisplayThumbnailNavibar</p>'."n"
    .'currentpg: '.$currentpg.'<br />'."n"
    .'nbpg: '.$nbpg.'<br />'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"

  // multi-language support
  $cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar'] = ereg_replace(PATTERN_CURRENT_PAGE, "$currentpg", $cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar']);
  $cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar'] = ereg_replace(PATTERN_NB_PAGES, "$nbpg", $cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar']);
  print ' '.$cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar'].' - ';
  // display the left arrow
  if ($currentpg > 1) {
    $previouspg = $currentpg - 1;
    print '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PAGE.'='.$previouspg.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'">'.$cfg['theme']['previousPageIcon'].'</a> ';

  // display the page numbers
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbpg; $i++) {
    if ($i != $currentpg)
      print '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PAGE.'='.$i.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'" class="navi">'.$i.'</a> ';
    else print $i.' '; // don't make it an anchor if this is the current page
  // display the right arrow
  if ($currentpg < $nbpg) {
    $nextpg = $currentpg + 1;
    print '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PAGE.'='.$nextpg.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'">'.$cfg['theme']['nextPageIcon'].'</a> ';

function spgm_DisplayFilterToggles($galid, $filter, $galInfo) {

  global $cfg;
    '<p>function spgm_DisplayFilterToggles</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'filter: '.$filter.'<br />'."n"

  $togglelabel = '';
  $bNewIsSet = strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW);
  if (($galInfo[1] > 0 && $galInfo[0] != $galInfo[1]) || $bNewIsSet) {
    if ( $bNewIsSet ) {
      $togglelabel .= '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'=';
      $togglelabel .= str_replace(PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW, '', $filter).URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'">';
      $togglelabel .= $cfg['locale']['filterAll'].'</a>';
    else {
      $togglelabel .= '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter;
      $togglelabel .= PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'">'.$cfg['locale']['filterNew'].'</a>';
    print ' <span class="'.CLASS_SPAN_FILTERS.'">['.$cfg['locale']['filter'].' &raquo; '.$togglelabel.']</span>'."n";

# Prerequisite: spgm_IsGallery($galid) == true

function spgm_DisplayGalleryNavibar($galid, $filter, $picid = '') {
  global $cfg;

    '<p>function spgm_DisplayGalleryNavibar</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'filter: '.$filter.'<br />'."n"
    .'picid: '.$picid.'<br />'."n"
  $arraygal = explode('/', $galid);

  // display main gallery link
  print '    <div class="'.CLASS_DIV_GALHEADER.'">'."n";
  print '      <a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?';
  if ($cfg['global']['propagateFilters']) print PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter;
  if ( $cfg['theme']['gallerySmallIcon'] != '' ) {
    print $cfg['theme']['gallerySmallIcon'];
  } else {
    print $cfg['locale']['rootGallery'];
  print '</a>';

  // display each gallery of the hierarchy
  $linkgal = $arraygal[0]; // to avoid the first '/' 
  $max = count($arraygal)-1;

  for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
    $labelgal = ereg_replace('_', ' ', $arraygal[$i]);
    print ' &raquo; ';
    print '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$linkgal;
    if ($cfg['global']['propagateFilters']) print '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter;
    print URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'" ';
      print 'class="'.CLASS_DIV_GALHEADER.'">'.$labelgal.'</a>';
    $linkgal .= '/'.$arraygal[$i+1];

  print ' &raquo; ';
  $labelgal = ereg_replace('_', ' ', $arraygal[$i]);
  if ( ! strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NOTHUMBS) ) {
    print $labelgal;
  else {
    if ($picid == '') {
      print $labelgal;
    } else {
      $fromPage = ((int)($picid / $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'])) + 1;
      print '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$linkgal;
      print '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PAGE.'='.$fromPage.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'"';
      print ' class="'.CLASS_DIV_GALHEADER.'">'.$labelgal.'</a>';

  // Notify if we are in "new picture mode"
  if ( strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW) ) print ' ('.$cfg['locale']['newPictures'].')';
  print "n".'    </div>'."n";

# Recursive function to display all galleries as a hierarchy

function spgm_DisplayGalleryHierarchy($galid, $from_level, $filters) {

  global $cfg;

  $galdir = DIR_GAL.$galid;

    '<p>function spgm_DisplayGalleryHierarchy</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'from_level: '.$from_level.'<br />'."n"
    .'filters: '.$filters.'<br />'."n"
    .'galdir: '.$galdir.'<br />'."n"
  $offset = '';
  // check for super gallery.
  if ($galid == '') {
    $super_gallery = '';
  else {
    $super_gallery = $galid.'/';
    for ($i=0; $i < $from_level; $i++)
      $offset .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';

  # 'new' label tuning according to the actual new item
  if ($cfg['theme']['newItemIcon'] != '') {
    $string_new_gallery = $cfg['theme']['newItemIcon'];
    $string_new_pictures = $cfg['theme']['newItemIcon'];
    $string_new_picture = $cfg['theme']['newItemIcon'];
  } else {
    $lblSpan = '<span style="color: #ffd600">';
    $string_new_gallery = $lblSpan.$cfg['locale']['newGallery'].'</span>'; 
    $string_new_pictures = $lblSpan.$cfg['locale']['newPictures'].'</span>';
    $string_new_picture = $lblSpan.$cfg['locale']['newPicture'].'</span>';

  $gals = spgm_CreateGalleryArray($galid, true);
  $max = count($gals);

  if ($from_level == 1 && $max > 0) {
    print '<table class="'.CLASS_TABLE_GALLISTING_GRID.'">'."n";
    print '<tr>'."n";

  for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
    $file = $gals[$i]; //*
    $sub_galid = $super_gallery.$file; //*
    $subgal_thumb_basename = DIR_GAL.$super_gallery.PREF_THUMB.$file;
    $gallery_name = ereg_replace('_', ' ', $file);
    $temp_pics = spgm_CreatePictureArray($sub_galid, '', false); // no filter is provided to get all the pictures
    $gal_info = spgm_GetGalleryInfo($sub_galid, $temp_pics);
    $nb_pics = $gal_info[0];
    $nb_new_pics = $gal_info[1];
    $galicon_filename = $gal_info[2];
    // should never happen
    if ($nb_pics < 0 || $nb_new_pics < 0)
      spgm_Error('Error while generating gallery ' + ERRMSG_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PICTURES);
    else {
      if ($cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'] > 0) $page = '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PAGE.'=1';
      if ($nb_pics == 0) $substr_nb_pictures = '';
      else {
        if ($nb_pics > 1) $substr_nb_pictures = '[ '.$nb_pics.' '.$cfg['locale']['pictures'];
        else $substr_nb_pictures = '[ '.$nb_pics.' '.$cfg['locale']['picture'];
        $allnew = ($nb_pics == $nb_new_pics);
        if ($allnew)
          $substr_nb_pictures = $string_new_gallery.' '.$substr_nb_pictures;
        if ($nb_new_pics>0  && !$allnew) {
          $substr_nb_pictures .= ' - '.$nb_new_pics.' <a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$sub_galid;
          if ($cfg['global']['propagateFilters']) {
            $substr_nb_pictures .= '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filters;
            if (! strstr($filters, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW) ) $substr_nb_pictures .= 'n';
          $substr_nb_pictures .=  URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'">';
          if ($nb_new_pics == 1) $substr_nb_pictures .= $string_new_picture.'</a>';
          else $substr_nb_pictures .= $string_new_pictures.'</a>';
        $substr_nb_pictures .= ' ]';

      if ($from_level <= 1) { 
        if (
            ($i % $cfg['conf']['galleryListingCols'] == 0) 
            && ($i != 0) 
        print '      </tr>'."n".'      <tr>'."n";
        print '  <td class="'.CLASS_TD_GALLISTING_CELL.'">'."n";

      print '    <table class="'.CLASS_TABLE_GALITEM.'">'."n";
      print '      <tr>'."n";
      // display the gallery icon
      $rowspan = ($cfg['conf']['galleryCaptionPos'] == BOTTOM) ? 1 : 2;
      print '        <td rowspan="'.$rowspan.'" valign="top" class="'.CLASS_TD_GALITEM_ICON.'">'."n";
      if ($offset != '') print '    '.$offset."n";
      print '          <a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$sub_galid;
      if ($cfg['global']['propagateFilters']) print '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.str_replace(PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW, '', $filters);
      print URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'" class="'.CLASS_TD_GALITEM_TITLE.'">';
      // no 'n' above to prevent trailing whitespaces within the link

      // TODO: clean up the following part

      $thumb_found = false;
      $extnb = count($cfg['global']['supportedExtensions']);
      for ($j=0; $j<$extnb; $j++) {
        $thb_filename = $subgal_thumb_basename.$cfg['global']['supportedExtensions'][$j];
        if ( spgm_CheckPerms($thb_filename) ) {
          $array_size = getimagesize($thb_filename);
          print '<img src="'.$thb_filename.'" width="'.$array_size[0].'"';
          print ' height="'.$array_size[1].'"';
          print ' alt="" class="'.CLASS_IMG_GALICON.'" />';
          $thumb_found = true; 

      if (! $thumb_found) {
        if ($galicon_filename != '') {
          $thumbnail_filename = DIR_GAL.$sub_galid.'/'.PREF_THUMB.$galicon_filename;
          $array_size = getimagesize($thumbnail_filename);
          if ($cfg['conf']['galleryIconHeight'] != ORIGINAL_SIZE)
            $string_height = 'height="'.$cfg['conf']['galleryIconHeight'].'"';
          else {
            if ($cfg['conf']['galleryIconWidth'] != ORIGINAL_SIZE) {
              $new_height = (int)$array_size[1]*($cfg['conf']['galleryIconWidth']/$array_size[0]);
              $string_height = 'height="'.$new_height.'"';
            else $string_height = 'height="'.$array_size[1].'"';

          if ($cfg['conf']['galleryIconWidth'] != ORIGINAL_SIZE)
            $string_width = 'width="'.$cfg['conf']['galleryIconWidth'].'"';
          else {
            if ($cfg['conf']['galleryIconHeight'] != ORIGINAL_SIZE) {
              $new_width = (int)$array_size[0]*($cfg['conf']['galleryIconHeight']/$array_size[1]);
              $string_width = 'width="'.$new_width.'"';
            else $string_width = 'width="'.$array_size[0].'"';

          print '<img src="'.$thumbnail_filename.'" '.$string_height.' '.$string_width;
          print ' alt="" class="'.CLASS_IMG_GALICON.'" />'; 
        else {
          if ($cfg['conf']['galleryIconType'] == GALICON_NONE) {
            $fnameGalleryIcon = $cfg['theme']['gallerySmallIcon'];
          } else {
            $fnameGalleryIcon = $cfg['theme']['galleryBigIcon'];
          ($fnameGalleryIcon != '') ? print $fnameGalleryIcon : print '&raquo;';

      print '</a>'."n";
      print '        </td>'."n";

      if ($cfg['conf']['galleryCaptionPos'] == BOTTOM)
        print '      </tr>'."n".'      <tr>'."n";
      // display the gallery title
      print '        <td class="'.CLASS_TD_GALITEM_TITLE.'">'."n";       
      print '          <a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$sub_galid;
      if ($cfg['global']['propagateFilters']) print '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.str_replace(PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW, '', $filters);
      print URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'" class="'.CLASS_TD_GALITEM_TITLE.'">'.$gallery_name.'</a> '.$substr_nb_pictures.' '."n";
      print '        </td>'."n";
      print '      </tr>'."n";
      // display the gallery caption
      print '      <tr>'."n";
      print '        <td class="'.CLASS_TD_GALITEM_CAPTION.'">'."n";
      $msg_file = $galdir.'/'.$file.'/'.FILE_GAL_CAPTION;
      if (spgm_CheckPerms($msg_file)) { // check perms
        print '        ';
      print '        </td>'."n";
      print '      </tr>'."n";
      print '    </table>'."n";
    // TODO check this: one test ?
    if ($cfg['conf']['subGalleryLevel'] == 0) spgm_DisplayGalleryHierarchy($sub_galid, $from_level+1, $filters);
    else if ($from_level < $cfg['conf']['subGalleryLevel'] - 1) spgm_DisplayGalleryHierarchy($sub_galid, $from_level+1, $filters);

    if ($from_level <= 1)
        print '  </td>'."n";

  } // endfor 

  if ($from_level == 1 && $max > 0) {
    print ' </tr>'."n";
    print '</table>'."n";

function spgm_DisplayPicture($galid, $pcid, $filter) {

  global $cfg;
  $pics = spgm_CreatePictureArray($galid, $filter, true);
  $nb_pics = count($pics);
  $picture_path = DIR_GAL.$galid.'/';
  $picture_name = $pics[$pcid];
  $picture_url = $picture_path.$picture_name;  
  $caption_url = $picture_url.EXT_PIC_CAPTION;
  $gallery_name = ereg_replace('_', ' ', $galid);
  $gallery_name = ereg_replace('/', ' &raquo; ', $gallery_name);

  if ($cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'] != 0) {
    $nb_pages = $nb_pics / $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'];
    if ($nb_pages > (int)($nb_pics / $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage']))
      $nb_pages = (int)++$nb_pages;
    '<p>function spgm_DisplayPicture</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'picture_name: '.$picture_name.'<br />'."n"
    .'picture_path: '.$picture_path.'<br />'."n"
    .'picture_url: '.$picture_url.'<br />'."n"
    .'caption_url: '.$caption_url.'<br />'."n"
  // TODO error handling: clarify this
  if (($pcid < 0) || ($pcid > $nb_pics-1) || $pcid == '')

  if (! spgm_IsGallery($galid) )

  if ( spgm_IsPicture($picture_name, $galid) ) {
    $dim = getimagesize($picture_url);
    $previous = $pcid - 1;
    $next = $pcid + 1;
    // always display the gallery header
    spgm_DisplayGalleryNavibar($galid, $filter, $pcid);   

    // thumbnails are only displayed if wanted
    if ( ! strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NOTHUMBS) ) 
      spgm_DisplayThumbnails($galid, $pics, $pcid, '', $filter);

    // display the previous/next arrow section
    if ( ! strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NOTHUMBS) )
      print '<br /><br />'."n"; // for visual improvement
    print '<table cellspacing="0" class="'.CLASS_TABLE_PICTURE.'">'."n";
    print '<tr>'."n";
    print '  <td class="'.CLASS_TD_PICTURE_NAVI.'"><a name="pic" id="'.ID_PICTURE_NAVI.'"></a>'."n";
    if ($previous >= 0) print '  <a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PICID.'='.$previous.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'#pic">'.$cfg['theme']['previousPictureIcon'].'</a> ';
    //multi-language support
    $cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar'] = ereg_replace(PATTERN_CURRENT_PIC, "$next", $cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar']);
    $cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar'] = ereg_replace(PATTERN_NB_PICS, "$nb_pics", $cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar']);
    print ' '.$cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar'].' ';

    if ($next < $nb_pics)print '<a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PICID.'='.$next.'&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'#pic">'.$cfg['theme']['nextPictureIcon'].'</a>'."n";
    print '  </td>'."n";
    // Client side zoom buttons 
    if (count($cfg['conf']['zoomFactors']) > 0) { 
      print '</tr>'."n".'<tr>'."n".'  <td class="'.CLASS_TD_ZOOM_FACTORS.'">'."n";
      for ($i=0; $i<count($cfg['conf']['zoomFactors']); $i++) {
        $new_height = (int)($dim[1]*$cfg['conf']['zoomFactors'][$i]/100);
        $new_width = (int)($dim[0]*$cfg['conf']['zoomFactors'][$i]/100);
        print '<input type="button" class="'.CLASS_BUTTON_ZOOM_FACTORS.'" value=" '.$cfg['conf']['zoomFactors'][$i].'% " ';
        print 'onClick="document.getElementById('."'".ID_PICTURE."'".').setAttribute('."'".'height'."'".', '.$new_height.'); ';
        print 'document.getElementById('."'".ID_PICTURE."'".').setAttribute('."'".'width'."'".', '.$new_width.'); ';
        print 'document.getElementById('."'".ID_PICTURE_NAVI."'".').scrollIntoView();">'."n";
      print "n".'  </td>'."n";

    print '</tr>'."n";
    // Eventually display the picture
    print '<tr>'."n";
    print '  <td class="'.CLASS_TD_PICTURE_PIC.'">'."n";
    if (! ($next < $nb_pics) ) $next = 0; // to link to the appropriate next pic
    print '    <a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid.'&amp;';
    print PARAM_NAME_PICID.'='.$next.'&amp;';
    print PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'#pic">';
    print '<img id="'.ID_PICTURE.'" src="'.$picture_url.'" width="'.$dim[0].'" height="'.$dim[1].'" alt="'.$picture_url;
    print '" class="'.CLASS_IMG_PICTURE.'" />';
    print '</a>'."n";
    print '  </td>'."n";
    print '</tr>'."n";
    // display the caption
    $is_captioned = spgm_CheckPerms($caption_url);
    if ($is_captioned) {
      print '<tr>'."n";
      print '  <td class="'.CLASS_TD_PICTURE_CAPTION.'">'."n";
      print '  </td>'."n";
      print '</tr>'."n";
    print '</table>'."n";


function spgm_DisplayGallery($galid, $page, $filters) {

    '<p>function spgm_DisplayGallery</p>'."n"
    .'galid: '.$galid.'<br />'."n"
    .'page: '.$page.'<br />'."n"
    .'filters: '.$filters.'<br />'."n"

  if (! spgm_IsGallery($galid) )
  else {
    if ($page == '') $page = 1;
    spgm_DisplayGalleryNavibar($galid, $filters);
    // display sub-galleries in a hierarchical manner
    spgm_DisplayGalleryHierarchy($galid, 1, $filters);
    $pics = spgm_CreatePictureArray($galid, $filters, true);
    if (count($pics) > 0)
      spgm_DisplayThumbnails($galid, $pics, '', $page, $filters);
    // extra vertical padding before displaying the subgalleries
    print '<br />'."nn";

function spgm_DisplayThumbnails($galid, $pic_array, $picid, $page, $filter) {

  global $cfg;

  $picspath = DIR_GAL.$galid.'/';
  $nbpics = count($pic_array);
  $nbpg = $nbpics / $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'];
  if ($nbpg > (int)($nbpics / $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'])) $nbpg = (int)++$nbpg;
  if (! isset($page) ) {
    $offset_start = 0;
    $frompg = 1;
  } else {
    if (($page == '') || ($page < 1) || ($page > $nbpg)) $page = 1;
  if ($picid == '') $picid = -1; // so picture information are not highlighted
  else $page = ((int)($picid / $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'])) + 1;

  $offset_start = ($page-1)*$cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'];
  $offset_stop = $offset_start + $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerPage'];
  if ($offset_stop > $nbpics) $offset_stop = $nbpics;
  $frompg = $page;
    '<p>function spgm_DisplayThumbnails</p>'."n"
    .'picpath: '.$picpath.'<br />'."n"
    .'nbpics: '.$nbpics.'<br />'."n"
    .'picid: '.$picid.'<br />'."n"
    .'startpg: '.$offset_start.'<br />'."n"
    .'stoppg: '.$offset_stop.'<br />'."n"
    .'frompg: '.$frompg.'<br />'."n"
    .'nbpg: '.$nbpg.'<br />'."n"
    .'page: '.$page.'<br />'."n"

  print '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="'.CLASS_TABLE_THUMBNAILS.'">'."n";
  print '<tr>'."n";
  $counter = 0;
  for ($i = $offset_start; $i < $offset_stop; $i++) {
    $picture_name = $pic_array[$i];
    $picurl = $picspath.$picture_name;
    $thumbname = PREF_THUMB.$pic_array[$i];
    $thumburl = $picspath.$thumbname;
    $caption_url = $picurl.EXT_PIC_CAPTION;
    $thumbdim = getimagesize($thumburl);
    $picindex = $i + 1; // index that is displayed
    $class_td_thumbnail_thumb = CLASS_TD_THUMBNAILS_THUMB;
    $class_img_thumbnail = CLASS_IMG_THUMBNAIL;
    if ($i == $picid) {
      $class_td_thumbnail_thumb = CLASS_TD_THUMBNAILS_THUMB_SELECTED;
      $class_img_thumbnail = CLASS_IMG_THUMBNAIL_SELECTED;

    // new line
    if ( ($counter++ % $cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerRow']) == 0)
      if ($counter > 1) print '</tr>'."n".'<tr>'."n"; // test for HTML 4.01 compatibility

    // TD opening for XHTML compliance when MODE_TRACE is on
    // TODO: valign=top does not work when new pictures reside amongst old ones 
    print '  <td valign="top" class="'.$class_td_thumbnail_thumb.'">'."n";
    // ...

    if ( spgm_IsNew($picurl) && ! strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW) ) {
      if ($cfg['theme']['newItemIcon'] != '' ) {
        $lblNew = $cfg['theme']['newItemIcon'].'<br />'."n";
      } else {
        $lblNew = '<center><span style="color: #ffd600">'.$cfg['locale']['filterNew'];
        $lblNew .= '</span></center>'."n";
    else $lblNew = '';

    $is_captioned = spgm_CheckPerms($caption_url);

    // ... 
    print '  '.$lblNew;
    if ($cfg['conf']['popupPictures']) {
      if ( ! strstr($filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NOTHUMBS) ) {
      print '  <a href="#?"';
      print ' onclick="window.open('';
      print $cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?'.PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid;
      print '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PICID.'='.$i.'&amp;';
      print PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'#pic', '', ';
      print ''width='.$cfg['conf']['popupWidth'].',';
      print 'height='.$cfg['conf']['popupHeight'].',scrollbars=1,location=0,';
      print 'menubar=0,resizable=1'); return false;"';
      print '>';

    } else {
      print '  <a href="'.$cfg['global']['documentSelf'].'?';
      print PARAM_NAME_GALID.'='.$galid;
      print '&amp;'.PARAM_NAME_PICID.'='.$i.'&amp;';
      print PARAM_NAME_FILTER.'='.$filter.URL_EXTRA_PARAMS.'#pic">';

    print '<img src="'.$thumburl.'" width="'.$thumbdim[0].'"';
    print ' height="'.$thumbdim[1].'" alt="'.$thumburl;
    print '" class="'.$class_img_thumbnail.'" /></a><br />'."n";
    // display picture extra information if wanted 
    if ($cfg['conf']['pictureInfoedThumbnails'] == true) {
      $picdim = getimagesize($picurl);
      $picsize = (int) (filesize($picurl) / 1024);
      print '  [ '.$picdim[0].'x'.$picdim[1].' - '.$picsize.' KB ]';

    // display caption along with the thumbnail 
    if ($cfg['conf']['captionedThumbnails'] == true) {
      $is_captioned = spgm_CheckPerms($caption_url);
      if ($is_captioned) {
        print "n".'  <div class="'.CLASS_DIV_THUMBNAILS_CAPTION.'">';
        print '</div>'."n";

    print '  </td>'."n";
  // navi bar generation
  if ($nbpics > 0) {
    print '</tr>'."n";
    print '<tr>'."n";
    print '  <td colspan="'.$cfg['conf']['thumbnailsPerRow'].'" class="'.CLASS_TD_THUMBNAILS_NAVI.'">';
    // display "thumbnail navi" if all the thumbs are not displayed on the same page
    spgm_DisplayThumbnailNavibar($page, $nbpg, $galid, $filter);

    // toggles
    $nbpics_info = spgm_GetGalleryInfo($galid, $pic_array);
    spgm_DisplayFilterToggles($galid, $filter, $nbpics_info);
  // for HTML 4.01 compatibility ...
  // if there are no thumbnails, then format the <td> markup correctly
  if ($counter == 0) print '  <td>'."n";
  print '  </td>'."n";
  print '</tr>'."n";
  print '</table>'."n";

# Main

$param_galid = '';
$param_picid = '';
$param_page = '';
$param_filter = '';

  $param_galid = $$var_galid;
  $param_picid = $$var_picid;
  $param_page = $$var_page;
  $param_filter = $$var_filter;
else {
  if (isset($_GET[PARAM_NAME_GALID]))
    $param_galid = $_GET[PARAM_NAME_GALID];
  if (isset($_GET[PARAM_NAME_PICID]))
    $param_picid = $_GET[PARAM_NAME_PICID];
  if (isset($_GET[PARAM_NAME_PAGE]))
    $param_page = $_GET[PARAM_NAME_PAGE];
  if (isset($_GET[PARAM_NAME_FILTER]))
    $param_filter = $_GET[PARAM_NAME_FILTER];


// User filter initialization
if ($cfg['conf']['filters'] != '') {
  if (! $cfg['global']['propagateFilters']) {
    if ( strstr($cfg['conf']['filters'], PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NOTHUMBS) 
         && ! strstr($param_filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NOTHUMBS) )
      $param_filter .= PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NOTHUMBS;
    if ( strstr($cfg['conf']['filters'], PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW) 
         && ! strstr($param_filter, PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW) )
      $param_filter .= PARAM_VALUE_FILTER_NEW;

print "nn".'<!-- begin table wrapper -->'."n".'<table class="'.CLASS_TABLE_WRAPPER.'">'."n".' <tr>'."n";

if ($param_galid == '') {
  // the gallery is not specified -> generate the gallery "tree"
  spgm_DisplayGalleryHierarchy('', 0, $param_filter);
else {
  print '  <td>'."n";
  if ($param_picid == '') {
    // we've got a gallery but no picture -> display thumbnails
    spgm_DisplayGallery($param_galid, $param_page, $param_filter);
  else {
    spgm_DisplayPicture($param_galid, $param_picid, $param_filter);
  print '    </td>'."n";

print ' </tr>'."n";

// display the link to SPGM website
print ' <tr>'."n".'  <td colspan="'.$cfg['conf']['galleryListingCols'].'" class="'.CLASS_TD_SPGM_LINK.'">'."n";
print '  </td>'."n".' </tr>'."n";

print '</table>'."n".'<!-- end table wrapper -->'."nn";
