Version: 2
Type: Full Script
Category: Other
License: GNU General Public License
Description: As a programmer you may have faced this problem of setting a cookie and the next page
still reading the older value of cookie , which is a never a desired case , this problem
becomes typical when a new user has logged in and then logs out and then relogs in with
out closing the browser , so the code below helps to solve the previous values of cookies
and setting new values for a given cookie name
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Login</title> </head> <body> <!------ Start log.php -------------------------------><br> <html><br> <head><br> <title>Untitled</title><br> </head><br> <body onload='document.frm4.userid.focus();'><br> <form name='frm4' method='get' action='logresp.php'><br> <table border=1><br> <tr><br> <td>Enter User Name :</td><td><input type='text' name='userid' autocomplete='off'></td><br> </tr><br> <tr><br> <td></td><td><input type='submit' VALUE='SETCOOKIE'></td><br> </tr><br> </table><br> </form><br> <?<br> if($cookuserid)<br> {<br> //Program No 1<br> print ("<br><B>userid</B> cookie value :: $cookuserid"); <br> $username = "James Smith"; <br> $email = "[email protected]"; <br> $Fromname = "Programmer"; <br> $Fromaddress = "info"; <br> $mailsubject = " $cookuserid Logged In "; <br> <br> $msg = "<font face='OCR A Extended' size='2'>Hi $username n<br>"; <br> $msg = $msg.''."t This is to inform you that $cookuserid just Logged In n<br> "; <br> print ("<PRE>"); <br> if (mail($username." <".$email.">", $mailsubject, $msg, "From: ".$Fromname." <".$Fromaddress.">nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")) <br> { <br> print ("Mail Sent To $username ,Informing $cookuserid Logged In <br><br>"); <br> print ($msg); <br> } <br> else <br> { <br> print ("Mail Dead"); <br> } <br> print ("</PRE>"); <br> }<br> ?><br> </body><br> </html><br> <!------- End log.php ----------------------------------><br> <br> <!------ Start logresp.php -------------------------------><br> <? <br> //Program No 2<br> setcookie("cookuserid", $userid, 0, "/"); <br> setcookie("cookuserid", 0);<br> header ("Location: log.php?userid=$userid&cookuserid=$cookuserid");<br> ?><br> <!------- End logresp.php ----------------------------------> </body> </html>