Version: 1.0
Type: Full Script
Category: HTML
License: GNU General Public License
Description: An ugly hack that searches the php-documentation. The script includes the selected/found file and makes some replacements in it so that the search form is always presented. I guess the official search engine at is better, but since I only have modem access I feel reluctant to connect everytime I need to check the docs 🙂
<? /* An ugly hack that searches the php-documentation. The script includes the selected/ found file and makes some replacements in it so that the search form is always presented. I guess the official search engine at is better, but since I only have modem access I feel reluctant to connect everytime I need to check the docs :) There _are_ bugs in this script, but it workes good enought to be usable. Enjoy! Email Comments to [email protected] Johan Nsholm [] */ // ROOT_DOC_PATH is the path to this script define("ROOT_DOC_PATH", "/home/httpd/html/dev"); // HTML_DOC_PATH is the path to the docs define("HTML_DOC_PATH", "/php-docs/"); function PrintHead() { echo "<html>n"; echo " <head>n"; echo " <title>Search the PHP-documentation</title>n"; echo " </head>n"; echo " <body bgcolor='white'>n"; } function PrintTail() { echo " </body>n"; echo "</html>n"; } // Remove rubbish from the file name. Does not work very well function StripName($name) { $name = substr($name, strlen(HTML_DOC_PATH)); if (strpos($name, "function.") >= 0) $name = substr($name, strlen("function.")); if (strpos($name, ".html") >= 0) $name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - strlen(".html") -1); return $name; } function PrintForm() { echo "<form action='phpsearch.php'>"; echo "Enter function name: "; echo "<input type='text' name='function'> "; echo "<input type='submit'>"; echo " <a href='phpsearch.php'>Main menu</a>"; } function ReadHTMLFile($fileName) { echo "<hr size=3 noshade>"; $fp = fopen($fileName, "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 1024); $line = str_replace("HREF="", "HREF="phpsearch.php?file=".HTML_DOC_PATH, $line); echo $line; } fclose($fp); } if (isset($function)) { $hitFiles = array(); $cmd = "find ".ROOT_DOC_PATH.HTML_DOC_PATH."* | grep ".$function; $fp = popen ($cmd, "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer = fgets($fp, 1024); $file = substr($buffer, strlen(ROOT_DOC_PATH)); if (strlen($file) > 0) { $hitFiles[] = $file; } } pclose($fp); $numFound = sizeof($hitFiles); if ($numFound == 0) { echo "<h2>PHP-function quick search</h2>"; PrintHead(); echo "The function <b>$function</b> could not be found"; PrintForm(); PrintTail(); } else if ($numFound == 1) { PrintHead(); echo "<h2>PHP-function quick search</h2>"; PrintForm(); ReadHTMLFile(substr(ROOT_DOC_PATH.$hitFiles[0], 0, strlen(ROOT_DOC_PATH.$hitFiles[0])-1)); } else { PrintHead(); echo "<h2>PHP-function quick search</h2>"; PrintForm(); echo "<hr size=3 noshade>"; echo "$numFound hits<p>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $numFound; $i++) { $file = str_replace($function, "<b>$function</b>", $hitFiles[$i]); echo "<a href='phpsearch.php?file=".$hitFiles[$i]."'>".StripName($file)."</a><br>"; } PrintTail(); } } else if (isset($file)) { PrintHead(); echo "<h2>PHP-function quick search</h2>"; PrintForm(); ReadHTMLFile(ROOT_DOC_PATH.$file); } else { PrintHead(); echo "<h2>PHP-function quick search</h2>"; PrintForm(); ReadHTMLFile(ROOT_DOC_PATH.HTML_DOC_PATH."manual.html"); PrintTail(); } ?>