#native_company# #native_desc#

PostgreSQL database abstraction layer

By Joel Roberts
on August 22, 2002

Version: 1.05

Type: Class

Category: Databases

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This centralizes all the database connection info such as host, port, etc. It is class based and provides an abstraction layer above the php postgres api. Same class an be used to connect to multiple databases on different servers and on different ports.

It is a modification of xzilla’s original abstraction class with more functions, support for transactions, and error checking.

// Author: Trevin Chow
// Email: [email protected]
// Date: February 21, 2000
// Last Updated: August 14, 2001
// Description:
//  Abstracts both the php function calls and the server information to POSTGRES
//  databases.  Utilizes class variables to maintain connection information such
//  as number of rows, result id of last operation, etc.
// Sample Usage:
//  include("include/dblib.php");
//  $db = new phpDB();
//  $db->connect("foobar");
//  $db->exec("SELECT * from TREVIN");
//  while ($db->nextRow()) {
//          $rs = $db->fobject();
//          echo "$rs->description : $rs->color : $rs->price <br>n";
//  }
// Modification History:
// Modification History:
//  - v1.04b, 08/11/2001, Trevin Chow, [email protected]
//    Fixed following bugs:
//    * added in call to moveFirst() in exec() to ensure that on subsequent calls to exec
//      we are moving row pointer to beginning again. Previously, row pointer wasn't being
//      updated.
//  - v1.04a, 08/09/2001, Trevin Chow, [email protected]
//        Fixed following bugs introduced in v1.03:
//        * connect() function had problem with setting password. Instead of using $this->password, was using $this->userName again for some reason.
//  - v1.04, 07/29/2001, Trevin Chow, [email protected]
//      Added Following function(s):
//      * currRow() - return current row
//  - v1.03, 05/18/2001, Lee Pang, [email protected]
//    Added the following functions:
//    * moveNext() - same as nextRow(), better syntax for VB/ASP converts like myself.
//    * movePrevious() - like nextRow(), just in the opposite direction.
//    * recordCount() - same as numRows(), better syntax for VB/ASP converts
//    * columnCount() - same as numFields, better syntax
//    * querySafe() - removes "r" and "n" and replaces "'" with "'" in input query
//    * sqlSafe() - replaces "'" with "''"
//    Added more comprehensive error handling:
//    * internal error code $errorCode
//    * in connect()
//    * in errorMsg()
//    Modified following functions:
//    * connect() - generates connection string based on available data
//    Fixed the following bugs:
//    * Syntax error in numAffected() - if ($this->result = null) ... to if ($this->result == null) ...

class phpDB {

    // set when connect() is called, defined in set_db_info()
    var $hostName = '';
    var $port = '';
    var $userName = '';
    var $password = '';
    var $databaseName = '';
    var $connectionID = -1;
    var $row = -1; // a row counter, needed to loop through records in postgres.
    //var $row = 0; // a row counter, needed to loop through records in postgres.
    var $result = null; // point to result set.
    var $errorCode = 0; // internal error code

    // Core primary connection/database function

    // Set appropriate parameters for database connection
    function set_db_info($DataBaseReference){
        switch ($DataBaseReference){
            case "someName":
                $this->hostName = "localhost";
                $this->port = "5432";
                $this->userName = "" ;
                $this->password = "";
                $this->databaseName = "";
            case "test":
                $this->hostName = "";
                $this->port = "";
                $this->userName = "";
                $this->password = "" ;
                $this->databaseName = "test";

    // connection function
    function connect($DataBaseReference){
        if (isset($DataBaseReference)) {

            // build connection string based on internal settings.
            $connStr = '';
            ($this->hostName != '')        ? ($connStr .= "host=" . $this->hostName . " ")            : ($connStr = $connStr);
            ($this->port != '')            ? ($connStr .= "port=" . $this->port . " ")                : ($connStr = $connStr);
            ($this->databaseName != '')    ? ($connStr .= "dbname=" . $this->databaseName . " ")    : ($connStr = $connStr);
            ($this->userName != '')        ? ($connStr .= "user=" . $this->userName . " ")            : ($connStr = $connStr);
            ($this->password != '')        ? ($connStr .= "password=" . $this->password . " ")        : ($connStr = $connStr);
            $connStr = trim($connStr);

            $connID = @pg_connect($connStr);
            if ($connID != "") {
                $this->connectionID = $connID;
                $this->exec("set datestyle='ISO'");
                return $this->connectionID ;
            } else {
                // FATAL ERROR - CONNECTI0N ERROR
                $this->errorCode = -1;
                $this->connectionID = -1;
                return 0;
        } else {
            $this->connectionID = -1;
            return 0;

    // standard method to close connection
    function close() {
        if ($this->connectionID != "-1") {
            $this->RollbackTrans(); // rollback transaction before closing
            $closed = pg_close($this->connectionID);
            return $closed;
        } else {
            // connection does not exist
            return null;

    // function to execute sql queries
    function exec($query){
        if ($this->connectionID != "-1") {
            $this->result = @pg_exec($this->connectionID, $query);
        if ($this->numRows() > 0) $this->moveFirst();
            return $this->result;
        else return 0;

    // get last error message for db connection
    function errorMsg() {
        if ($this->connectionID == "-1") {
            switch ($this->errorCode) {
                case -1:
                case -2:
                    return null;
        } else {
            return pg_errormessage($this->connectionID);

    // Cursor movement

    // move pointer to first row of result set
    function moveFirst() {
        if ($this->result == null) return false;
        else {
                return true;

    // move pointer to last row of result set
    function moveLast() {
        if ($this->result == null) return false;
        else {
                return true;

    // point to the next row, return false if no next row
    function moveNext() {
        // If more rows, then advance row pointer
        if ($this->row < $this->numRows()-1) {
            $this->setRow($this->row +1);
            return true;
        else return false;

    // point to the previous row, return false if no previous row
    function movePrevious() {
        // If not first row, then advance row pointer
        if ($this->row > 0) {
            $this->setRow($this->row -1);
            return true;
        else return false;

    // point to the next row, return false if no next row
    function nextRow() {
        // If more rows, then advance row pointer
        if ($this->numRows() == '0')
                return false;
        elseif ($this->row <= $this->numRows()-1) {
                $this->setRow($this->row +1);
                return true;
        else return false;

    // can be used to set a pointer to a perticular row
    function setRow($row){
        $this->row = $row;

    // Result set related

    // used to pull the results back
    function fobject() {
        if ($this->result == null || $this->row == "-1") return null;
        else {
                $object = pg_fetch_object($this->result,$this->row - 1);
                return $object;

    // another method to obtain results
    function farray(){
        if ($this->result == null || $this->row == "-1") return null;
       else {
                $arr = pg_fetch_array($this->result,$this->row - 1);
                return $arr;

    // return number of affected rows by a DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT
    function numAffected() {
        if ($this->result == null) return 0; // no result to return result from!
        else return pg_cmdtuples ($this->result);

    // get the number of rows in a result
    function numRows(){
        if ($this->result == null) return 0;
        else {
                $this->numrows = pg_numrows($this->result);
                return $this->numrows;

    // return current row
    function currRow(){
        return $this->row;

    function recordCount() {
        return $this->numRows();

    // get the number of fields in a result
    function numFields() {
        if ($this->result == null) return 0;
        else return pg_numfields ($this->result);

    function columnCount() {
        return $this->numFields();

    // get last OID (object identifier) of last INSERT statement
    function lastOID() {
        if ($this->result == null) return null;
        else return pg_getlastoid ($this->result);

    // get result field name
    function fieldname($fieldnum) {
        if ($this->result == null) return null;
        else return pg_FieldName($this->result, $fieldnum);

    // Transaction related

    function beginTrans() {
        return @pg_exec($this->connectionID, "begin");

    function commitTrans() {
        return @pg_exec($this->connectionID, "commit");

    // returns true/false
    function rollbackTrans() {
        return @pg_exec($this->connectionID, "rollback");

    // SQL String Related
    function querySafe($string) {
        // replace ' with '
        $string = str_replace("'", "'", $string);

        // replace line-break characters
        $string = str_replace("n", "", $string);
        $string = str_replace("r", "", $string);

        return $string;

    function sqlSafe($string) {
        // replace ' with ''
        // use this function only for text fields that may contain "'"'s
        $string = str_replace("'", "''", $string);
        return $string;
} // end class phpDB
