Version: 0.11
Type: Full Script
Category: Databases
License: GNU General Public License
Description: A set of PHP3-scripts to adminstrate MySQL databases over the web.
Idea: Encode GUI specs in MySQL tables.
Features: Generates GUI to MySQL databases automatically. Uses MySQL and CGI realms for user authentication. Search databases by up to two fields. Sort by any field.
You need to activate track_vars in your PHP.INI file.
This snippet contains serveral ascii files concatenated one after another and separated by ‘BEGIN’ and ‘END’ tags that are not part of the PHP code.
******** BEGIN Generic/README PHPMyGeneric - README ---------------- A set of PHP3-scripts to adminstrate MySQL databases over the WWW. Version 0.1 - 20/07/2000 Copyright (C) 2000 Marko R. Riedel <[email protected]> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License <> for more details. Requirements: ------------- PHP3 MySQL (tested with 3.21.x, 3.22.x and 3.23.x, works also in 3.20.x, but in this case the "SHOW" commands should be commented out in index.php3) a web-browser (doh!) Idea ---- Encode GUI specs in MySQL tables. Features -------- Generates GUI to MySQL databases automatically. Uses MySQL and CGI realms for user authentication. Search databases by up to two fields. Sort by any field. Example ------- Suppose you have a database YellowPages that contains three tables: books, people, and projects. books contains the following fields: +-------------------+ | field | +-------------------+ | id | | title | | publisher | | author | | erscheinungsdatum | | projekt | | contactfname | | contactlname | | notes | +-------------------+ people contains the following fields: +-------------------+ | field | +-------------------+ | id | | vorname | | name | | projekt | | telefon | | email | | responsibilities | | subfname | | sublname | | arbeitszeiten | | skills | | projekterfahrung | | expert | | hauspostanschrift | | str | | Ort | | plz | | cellular | | fax | +-------------------+ projects contains the following fields: +-------------------+ | field | +-------------------+ | id | | abteilung | | dienststelle | | name | | headfname | | headlname | | hauspostanschrift | | phone | | fax | | email | | vicefname | | vicelname | | street | | zip | | town | | notes | +-------------------+ Note that the field 'id' is required an contains a unique identifier of each record. In order to build a web interface to your database, you create a database called YellowPagesGUI (you form the name by appending the string "GUI" to the name of your original database), containing the tables books, projects, people, defaults and lookups. The tables books, projects, and people of the YellowPagesGUI database encode the GUI to the corresponding tables in the YellowPages database. Each contains the following columns: * field: the name of the field, e.g. mysql> select field from books; +-------------------+ | field | +-------------------+ | id | | title | | publisher | | author | | erscheinungsdatum | | projekt | | contactfname | | contactlname | | notes | +-------------------+ * action: either empty, 'view', 'delete' or 'mail': what happens when you click on the field, e.g. mysql> select action from books; +--------+ | action | +--------+ | | | view | | edit | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------+ * rank: defines the order in which fields are displayed, e.g. mysql> select rank from books; +------+ | rank | +------+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | +------+ * menu: either empty or 'tablename:fieldname' if a menu containing the values of the column fieldname from the table tablename should be displayed when entering or editing records, e.g. mysql> select menu from books; +---------------+ | menu | +---------------+ | NULL | | NULL | | NULL | | NULL | | NULL | | projects:name | | NULL | | NULL | | NULL | +---------------+ * browse: either 'Y' or 'N', indicates whether the field should be displayed in the table that is used to browse the database, e.g. mysql> select browse from books; +--------+ | browse | +--------+ | N | | Y | | Y | | Y | | Y | | Y | | Y | | Y | | Y | +--------+ * title: the title of the field in your language, e.g. mysql> select title from books; +--------------------------------+ | title | +--------------------------------+ | Id | | Titel | | Verlag | | Autor | | Erscheinungsdatum (JJJJ-MM-TT) | | Projekt | | Ansprechpartner (Vorname) | | Ansprechpartner (Nachname) | | Notizen | +--------------------------------+ * textarea: either 'Y' or 'N', indicates whether a textarea should be used to enter and display the field. When you have coded the user interface to your database (i.e. the tables books, people and projects in the YellowPages database in our example), you still have to fill in the 'defaults' and 'lookups' tables. The 'defaults' table for the YellowPagesGUI is shown below. mysql> select * from defaults; +----------+-------------+------+--------+ | name | title | id | search | +----------+-------------+------+--------+ | books | Bücher | id | title | | people | Personal | id | name | | projects | Projekte | id | name | +----------+-------------+------+--------+ It contains the title of each table in your language, what field should be used as a unique identifier, and what by what field the table should by default be sorted. The 'lookups' table for the YellowPagesGUI is shown below. mysql> select * from lookups; +----------+----------+---------------------------+--------------+ | source | dest | sourcefields | destfields | +----------+----------+---------------------------+--------------+ | books | projects | projekt | name | | books | people | contactfname:contactlname | vorname:name | | people | projects | projekt | name | | people | people | subfname:sublname | vorname:name | | projects | people | headfname:headlname | vorname:name | | projects | people | vicefname:vicelname | vorname:name | +----------+----------+---------------------------+--------------+ This table specifies links between the three tables that make up the YellowPages database and must be present, although it may be left empty. The first line says that by clicking on the 'projekt' field in the books browse view, the user will be transferred to the record in the projects table whose 'name' entry matches the 'projekt' field in the books table. The second line requires two matches instead of one; two is the maximum. You would have to enter the five tables described above if you had the YellowPages database on your machine. Assuming you had the YellowPagesGUI database filled in correctly and the PHPMyGeneric scripts were placed in the document root of your webserver, you could then point your browser to http://localhost/PHPMyGeneric/list.php3?dbases=YellowPages&table=books and start working with your database. You need to activate track_vars in your PHP.INI file. ******** END Generic/README ******** BEGIN Generic/common.php3 <? function getDefaults() { global $conn, $dbaseGUI; global $tbTitles, $tbId, $tbSearch; $query = "SELECT * FROM defaults"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbaseGUI, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate ("Datenbanklesezugriff fehlgeschlagen (get defaults)."); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $tbTitles[$row["name"]] = $row["title"]; $tbId[$row["name"]] = $row["id"]; $tbSearch[$row["name"]] = $row["search"]; } } function getGUI() { global $conn, $dbaseGUI, $table, $tbId; global $flds, $hashToIndex, $fieldCount, $fields; global $fldAction, $fldMenu, $fldTitle, $fldBrowse, $fldTextarea; global $idFld; $query = "SELECT * FROM $table ORDER BY rank ASC"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbaseGUI, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate ("Datenbanklesezugriff fehlgeschlagen (get GUI)."); $i=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $flds[$i]=$row["field"]; $hashToIndex[$row["field"]]=$i; $fldAction[$i] = $row["action"]; $fldMenu[$i] = $row["menu"]; $fldTitle[$i] = $row["title"]; $fldBrowse[$i] = !strcmp($row["browse"], 'Y') ? 1 : 0; $fldTextarea[$i] = !strcmp($row["textarea"], 'Y') ? 1 : 0; if(!strcmp($row["field"], $tbId[$table])) $idFld=$i; $i++; } $fields = implode($flds, ", "); $fieldCount=$i; } function getMenu($field, $menuTable, $menuField, $selected) { global $conn, $dbase; $query = "SELECT $menuField " . "FROM $menuTable ORDER BY $menuField ASC"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbase, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate ("Datenbanklesezugriff fehlgeschlagen (get menu).");; ?> <SELECT NAME=<? echo $field?>> <? if(!strcmp($selected, "") || preg_match("/^s+$/", $selected)){ $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo "<OPTION SELECTED VALUE="$row[0]"> $row[0]n"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) echo "<OPTION VALUE="$row[0]"> $row[0]n"; } else{ $present=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ echo "<OPTION "; if(!strcmp($row[0], $selected)){ $present=1; echo "SELECTED"; } echo " VALUE="$row[0]"> $row[0]n"; } if(!$present) echo "<OPTION SELECTED VALUE="$selected"> $selectedn"; } ?> </SELECT> <? } function constructHiddenArgs() { global $dbase, $table, $hiddenArgs; global $operator, $search, $toSearch, $search1, $toSearch1, $sortBy; $hiddenArgs= "<INPUT type=hidden name=dbase value=$dbase>n" . "<INPUT type=hidden name=table value=$table>n"; if($search!=""){ $hiddenArgs .= "<INPUT type=hidden name=search " . " value="$search">n"; $hiddenArgs .= "<INPUT type=hidden name=toSearch value=$toSearch>n"; } if($search1!=""){ $hiddenArgs .= "<INPUT type=hidden name=operator value=$operator>n"; $hiddenArgs .= "<INPUT type=hidden name=search1" . " value="$search1">n"; $hiddenArgs .= "<INPUT type=hidden name=toSearch1 value=$toSearch1>n"; } if($sortBy!="") $hiddenArgs .= "<INPUT type=hidden name=sortBy value=$sortBy>n"; } function constructUrl() { global $dbase, $table, $url; global $operator, $search, $toSearch, $search1, $toSearch1, $sortBy; $url="list.php3?dbase=$dbase&table=$table&time=" . time(); if($search!="") $url .= "&search=" . rawurlencode($search) . "&toSearch=$toSearch"; if($search1!="") $url .= "&operator=$operator" . "&search1=" . rawurlencode($search1) . "&toSearch1=$toSearch1"; if($sortBy!="") $url .= "&sortBy=$sortBy"; } function authenticate(){ global $PHP_AUTH_USER, $PHP_AUTH_PW; global $badUser, $badPW; if(!isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) || (isset($badUser) && !strcmp($badUser, $PHP_AUTH_USER) && isset($badPW) && !strcmp($badPW, $PHP_AUTH_PW))){ Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic " . "realm="YellowPages""); Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); echo "<HR>n<H1> Access denied. </H1>n"; $url = "list.php3?time=" . time(); if(isset($badUser) && isset($badPW)) $url .= "&badUser=$badUser&badPW=$badPW"; echo "<H2><A HREF="$url">Try again.</A></H2>n"; exit; } } function reAuthenticate($msg){ global $PHP_AUTH_USER, $PHP_AUTH_PW; echo "<HR>n<H1> $msg </H1>n"; $url = "list.php3?time=" . time() . "&badUser=$PHP_AUTH_USER&badPW=$PHP_AUTH_PW"; echo "<H2><A HREF="$url">Try again.</A></H2>n"; exit; } ?> ******** END Generic/common.php3 ******** BEGIN Generic/delete.php3 <? require("common.php3"); $host = "localhost"; if(!isset($dbase) || !isset($table)){ $dbase = "YellowPages"; $table = "books"; } authenticate(); $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER; $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or reAuthenticate("Database logon incomplete. (Delete.)"); $query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id=$id"; mysql_db_query($dbase, $query, $conn); constructUrl(); header("Location: $url"); ?> ******** END Generic/delete.php3 ******** BEGIN Generic/doEdit.php3 <? require("common.php3"); $host = "localhost"; if(!isset($dbase) || !isset($table)){ $dbase = "YellowPages"; $table = "books"; } authenticate(); $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER; $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or reAuthenticate("Database logon incomplete. (Do edit.)"); $dbaseGUI = $dbase . "GUI"; getDefaults(); $query = "SELECT field FROM $table ORDER BY rank ASC"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbaseGUI, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate("Cannot read from database. (Edit.)"); $i=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ if(!strcmp($row["field"], $tbId[$table])) continue; $flds[$i]=$row["field"]; $vals[$i]=addSlashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$flds[$i]]); $i++; } $updateCount=$i; $query = "UPDATE $table SET "; for($i=0; $i<$updateCount-1; $i++) $query .= $flds[$i] . "='" . $vals[$i] . "', "; $query .= $flds[$i] . "='" . $vals[$i] . "' "; $query .= "WHERE " . $tbId[$table] ."='$id'"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbase, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate("Cannot write to database. (Edit.)"); constructUrl(); header("Location: $url"); ?> ******** END Generic/doEdit.php3 ******** BEGIN Generic/doInsert.php3 <? require("common.php3"); $host = "localhost"; if(!isset($dbase) || !isset($table)){ $dbase = "YellowPages"; $table = "books"; } authenticate(); $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER; $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or reAuthenticate("Database logon incomplete. (Do insert.)"); $dbaseGUI = $dbase . "GUI"; getDefaults(); $query = "SELECT field FROM $table ORDER BY rank ASC"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbaseGUI, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate("Cannot read from database. (Insert.)"); $i=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ if(!strcmp($row["field"], $tbId[$table])) continue; $flds[$i]=$row["field"]; $vals[$i]=addSlashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$flds[$i]]); $i++; } $flds[$i]=$tbId[$table]; $vals[$i]=time() . getmypid(); $fields = implode($flds, ", "); $values = "'" . implode("', '", $vals) . "'"; $query = "INSERT INTO $table ($fields) VALUES ($values)"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbase, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate("Cannot write to database. (Insert.)"); header("Location: list.php3?dbase=$dbase&table=$table&time=" . time()); ?> ******** END Generic/doInsert.php3 ******** BEGIN Generic/edit.php3 <? require("common.php3"); $host = "localhost"; if(!isset($dbase) || !isset($table)){ $dbase = "YellowPages"; $table = "books"; } authenticate(); $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER; $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or reAuthenticate("Database logon incomplete. (Edit.)"); $dbaseGUI = $dbase . "GUI"; getDefaults(); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Neuer Eintrag (<? echo $tbTitles[$table]?>).</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=white> <FORM action="doEdit.php3" method="post"> <INPUT type=hidden name=id value=<? echo $id ?>> <? constructHiddenArgs(); echo $hiddenArgs; ?> <TABLE bgColor=#faebd7 border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=2 width=100% borderColor=lightseagreen> <? getGUI(); $query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE id=$id"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbase, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate("Cannot read from database. (Edit.)"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); for($i=0; $i<$fieldCount; $i++){ if($i==$idFld) continue; $value=stripslashes($row[$i]); ?> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=20% bgColor="#ffe4b5"> <? echo $fldTitle[$i] ?> </TD> <TD bgColor="#ffe4b5"> <? if(preg_match("/([a-zA-Z]+):([a-zA-Z]+)$/", $fldMenu[$i], $parts)) getMenu($flds[$i], $parts[1], $parts[2], $value); else if($fldTextarea[$i]){ ?> <TEXTAREA rows=5 cols=80 name=<? echo $flds[$i] ?>> <? echo $value; ?> </TEXTAREA> <? } else{ ?> <INPUT type =text size=80 name =<? echo $flds[$i] ?> value =<? echo ""$value"" ?>> <? } ?> </TD> </TR> <? } ?> </TABLE> <P> <INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=submit value="Get Search Results"> </P> </FORM> <HR> <FORM action="delete.php3" method="post"> <INPUT type=hidden name=id value=<? echo $id ?>> <INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=submit value="Logon"> <? echo $hiddenArgs; ?> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> ******** END Generic/edit.php3 ******** BEGIN Generic/insert.php3 <? require("common.php3"); $host = "localhost"; if(!isset($dbase) || !isset($table)){ $dbase = "YellowPages"; $table = "books"; } authenticate(); $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER; $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or reAuthenticate("Database logon incomplete. (Insert.)"); $dbaseGUI = $dbase . "GUI"; getDefaults(); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Neuer Eintrag (<? echo $tbTitles[$table]?>).</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=white> <FORM action="doInsert.php3" method="post"> <INPUT type=hidden name=dbase value=<? echo $dbase ?>> <INPUT type=hidden name=table value=<? echo $table ?>> <TABLE bgColor=#faebd7 border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=2 width=100% borderColor=lightseagreen> <? getGUI(); for($i=0; $i<$fieldCount; $i++){ if($i==$idFld) continue; ?> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=20% bgColor="#ffe4b5"> <? echo $fldTitle[$i] ?> </TD> <TD bgColor="#ffe4b5"> <? if(preg_match("/([a-zA-Z]+):([a-zA-Z]+)$/", $fldMenu[$i], $parts)) getMenu($flds[$i], $parts[1], $parts[2], ""); else if($fldTextarea[$i]){ ?> <TEXTAREA rows=5 cols=80 name=<? echo $flds[$i] ?>> </TEXTAREA> <? } else{ ?> <INPUT type=text size=80 name=<? echo $flds[$i] ?>> <? } ?> </TD> </TR> <? } ?> </TABLE> <P> <INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=submit value="Get Search Results"> </P> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> ******** END Generic/insert.php3 ******** BEGIN Generic/list.php3 <? require("common.php3"); $host = "localhost"; if(!isset($dbase) || !isset($table)){ $dbase = "YellowPages"; $table = "books"; } authenticate(); $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER; $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or reAuthenticate("Database logon incomplete."); $result = mysql_listtables($dbase) or reAuthenticate ("Database logon incomplete. (List tables)."); $i = 0; while ($i < mysql_num_rows($result)) { $tbNames[$i] = mysql_tablename($result, $i); $i++; } $tableCount = $i; $dbaseGUI = $dbase . "GUI"; getDefaults(); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Network Address Database: <? echo $tbTitles[$table] ?> </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=white> <TABLE WIDTH=100%> <TR> <? for($i=0; $i<$tableCount; $i++){ if(!strcmp($table, $tbNames[$i])) echo "<TD bgColor=#30FFFF><H1>n"; else echo "<TD><H1>n"; echo "<A HREF=list.php3?dbase=$dbase&table=$tbNames[$i]>n"; echo $tbTitles[$tbNames[$i]]; echo "</A></H1></TD>n"; } ?> </TR> </TABLE> <? getGUI(); if(!isset($sortBy)) $sortByLocal = "$flds[$idFld] DESC"; else $sortByLocal = "$sortBy ASC"; if(!isset($search)){ $where=""; $searchArgs=""; } else{ $where="WHERE $toSearch LIKE '$search%'"; $searchArgs="&toSearch=" . $toSearch . "&search=" . rawurlencode($search); } if(isset($search1)){ if(!isset($search)){ $where = "WHERE $toSearch1 LIKE '$search1%'"; $searchArgs="&toSearch1=" . $toSearch1 . "&search1=" . rawurlencode($search1); } else{ if(!isset($operator)){ $operator='or'; } $searchArgs .= "&operator=$operator"; $where .= " $operator $toSearch1 LIKE '$search1%'"; $searchArgs.="&toSearch1=" . $toSearch1 . "&search1=" . rawurlencode($search1); } } if(isset($sortBy)) $searchArgs .= "&sortBy=$sortBy"; for($ind=0; $ind<26; $ind++){ echo "<A HREF=list.php3?time=" . time() . "&dbase=$dbase&table=$table" . "&sortBy=$tbSearch[$table]" . "&search=" . chr(Ord("A")+$ind) . "&toSearch=$tbSearch[$table]>" . chr(Ord("A")+$ind) . "</A>n"; } ?> <? echo "<A HREF=list.php3?time=" . time() . "&dbase=$dbase&table=$table>" ?> Alle</A> <P> <FORM action="insert.php3" method="post"> <INPUT type=hidden name=dbase value=<? echo $dbase ?>> <INPUT type=hidden name=table value=<? echo $table ?>> <INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=submit value="New Entry"> </FORM> <HR> <FORM action="list.php3" method="post"> <INPUT type=hidden name=dbase value=<? echo $dbase ?>> <INPUT type=hidden name=table value=<? echo $table ?>> <INPUT type=hidden name=time value=<? time() ?>> <INPUT type=hidden name=sortBy value=<? if(!isset($sortBy)) echo $tbSearch[$table]; else echo $sortBy;?>> <INPUT name=search value=<? echo ""$search""; ?>> <SELECT NAME=toSearch> <? for($ind=0, $echoed=0; $ind<$fieldCount; $ind++){ if($ind==$idFld) continue; $echoed++; echo "<OPTION "; if(($toSearch=="" && $echoed==1) || !strcmp($toSearch, $flds[$ind])){ echo "SELECTED"; } echo " VALUE=$flds[$ind]>$fldTitle[$ind]n"; } ?> </SELECT> <BR> <? if($operator=="" || !strcmp($operator, "and")) $opind=0; else $opind=1; $opsel=array("SELECTED", ""); ?> <SELECT NAME=operator> <OPTION <? echo $opsel[$opind]; ?> VALUE="and"> Und <OPTION <? echo $opsel[1-$opind]; ?> VALUE="or"> Oder </SELECT> <BR> <INPUT name=search1 value=<? echo ""$search1""; ?>> <SELECT NAME=toSearch1> <? for($ind=0, $echoed=0; $ind<$fieldCount; $ind++){ if($ind==$idFld) continue; $echoed++; echo "<OPTION "; if(($toSearch1=="" && $echoed==2) || !strcmp($toSearch1, $flds[$ind])){ echo "SELECTED"; } echo " VALUE=$flds[$ind]>$fldTitle[$ind]n"; } ?> </SELECT> <BR> <INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=submit value="Searches"> </FORM> <? $query = "SELECT " ."source, dest, sourcefields, destfields " ."FROM lookups"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbaseGUI, $query, $conn); $i=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ if(!strcmp($row[0], $table)){ if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]+)$/", $row[2], $parts) || preg_match("/:([a-zA-Z]+)$/", $row[2], $parts)){ $ind=$hashToIndex[$parts[1]]; $fldLookup[$ind]=1; $fldLookupDest[$ind]=$row[1]; $fldLookupSourceFields[$ind]=$row[2]; $fldLookupDestFields[$ind]=$row[3]; } } $i++; } ?> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=#faebd7 BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=2> <? echo "<TR>n"; for($i=0; $i<$fieldCount; $i++){ if($fldBrowse[$i]) echo "<TD><A HREF=list.php3?" ."dbase=$dbase&table=$table&" ."sortBy=$flds[$i]n" ."</A>$fldTitle[$i]</TD>n"; } echo "</TR>n"; $query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table $where ORDER BY $sortByLocal"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbase, $query, $conn); while ($escapedRow = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ for($i=0; $i<$fieldCount; $i++) $row[$i]=stripslashes($escapedRow[$i]); echo "<TR>n"; for($i=0; $i<$fieldCount; $i++) if($fldBrowse[$i]){ if(!strcmp($row[$i], "") || preg_match("/^s+$/", $row[$i])) echo "<TD> </TD>n"; else if(!strcmp($fldAction[$i], 'view') || !strcmp($fldAction[$i], 'edit')) echo "<TD><A HREF=$fldAction[$i].php3?" ."dbase=$dbase&table=$table&" ."id=$row[$idFld]$searchArgs>n" ."$row[$i]</A></TD>n"; else if(!strcmp($fldAction[$i], 'mail')) echo "<TD><A HREF=mailto:$row[$i]>" ."$row[$i]</A></TD>n"; else if($fldLookup[$i]){ echo "<TD><A HREF=list.php3?dbase=$dbase" ."&table=$fldLookupDest[$i]"; if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]+):([a-zA-Z]+)$/", $fldLookupSourceFields[$i], $sourceParts) && preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]+):([a-zA-Z]+)$/", $fldLookupDestFields[$i], $destParts)) echo "&toSearch=$destParts[1]" ."&search=" . rawurlencode($row[$hashToIndex[$sourceParts[1]]]) ."&operator=and" ."&toSearch1=$destParts[2]" ."&search1=" . rawurlencode($row[$hashToIndex[$sourceParts[2]]]); else echo "&toSearch=$fldLookupDestFields[$i]" ."&search=" . rawurlencode ($row[$hashToIndex[$fldLookupSourceFields[$i]]]); echo ">$row[$i]</A></TD>n"; } else echo "<TD> $row[$i] </TD>n"; } echo "</TR>n"; } mysql_close($conn); ?> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> ******** END Generic/list.php3 ******** BEGIN Generic/view.php3 <? require("common.php3"); $host = "localhost"; if(!isset($dbase) || !isset($table)){ $dbase = "YellowPages"; $table = "books"; } authenticate(); $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER; $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or reAuthenticate("Database logon incomplete. (View)."); $dbaseGUI = $dbase . "GUI"; getDefaults(); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Eintrag anzeigen (<? echo $tbTitles[$table]?>).</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=white> <TABLE bgColor=#faebd7 border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=2 width=100% borderColor=lightseagreen> <? getGUI(); $query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE " . $tbId[$table] . "=$id"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbase, $query, $conn) or reAuthenticate("Cannot read from database. (View)."); $escapedRow = mysql_fetch_row($result); for($i=0; $i<$fieldCount; $i++){ if($i==$idFld) continue; $value=stripslashes($escapedRow[$i]); if(!strcmp($value, "") || preg_match("/^s+$/", $value)) $value = " "; ?> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=20% bgColor="#ffe4b5"> <? echo $fldTitle[$i] ?> </TD> <TD bgColor="#ffe4b5"> <? echo $value ?> </TD> </TR> <? } ?> </TABLE> <P> <FORM action="list.php3" method="post"> <? constructHiddenArgs(); echo $hiddenArgs; ?> <INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=submit value="Continue"> </FORM> </P> </BODY> </HTML> ******** END Generic/view.php3