#native_company# #native_desc#

PHP Redirector

By robert mcnutt
on August 29, 2000

Version: 0.17

Type: Full Script

Category: HTTP

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This script redirects you to either a defined query or just a http site. It has support for custom queries and it logs all redirections to a txt file. No MySQL needed

// ReDirect Script by rmac
// redir.php
// version 0.17
// http://www.rmac2k.net
// to configure just 
// make $home = "yourwebsite";
// and create the file redirdata.php and allow it to be written globally
// then go down to custom queries
// -----------------
// edit these varibles
$DATA_FILE = "redirdata.php";
$home = "http://www.rmac2k.net";

// do not edit this area
// ----------------------------------------------------------
if (strlen($QUERY_STRING) > 2) {
if (file_exists($DATA_FILE)) {
	$fp = fopen("$DATA_FILE", "a");
	flock($fp, 1);
	$count = $QUERY_STRING;
        $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;
        $from = " from ";
        $today = gmdate("F j, Y, g:i:s a");
        $space = " -- ";
        $time = mktime();
        $newline = "<br>";
        fputs($fp, $today);
        fputs($fp, $space);
	fputs($fp, $count);
        fputs($fp, $space);
        fputs($fp, $from);
        fputs($fp, $ip);
        fputs($fp, $newline);
	flock($fp, 3);
} else {
	echo "Can't find file, check '$file' <BR>";
// end do not edit area
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// edit below
// add custom queries, ie: http://blah.com/redir.php?packetstorm

if ($QUERY_STRING == "securityfocus") { $url = "http://www.securityfocus.com"; }

else if ($QUERY_STRING == "packetstorm") { $url = "http://packetstorm.securify.com"; }

else if ($QUERY_STRING == "insecure") { $url = "http://www.insecure.org"; }

// Do not edit below
else { $url = $QUERY_STRING; }
else { 
$url = $home; 
header("Location: $url");
echo "redirecting...";