#native_company# #native_desc#

PHP Radius Authentication

By Edwin Groothuis
on January 20, 2002

Version: 1.1

Type: Full Script

Category: HTTP

License: BSD License

Description: Use a radius server to authenticate your users.

    // $Id: radius_authentication.inc,v 1.2 2002/01/20 11:52:59 mavetju Exp $
    // radius authentication v1.0 by Edwin Groothuis ([email protected])
    // If you didn't get this file via http://www.mavetju.org, please
    // check for the availability of newer versions.
    // See LICENSE for distribution issues. If this file isn't in
    // the distribution, please inform me about it.
    // If you want to use this script, fill in the configuration in
    // radius_authentication.conf and call the function
    // RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION() with the username and password
    // provided by the user. If it returns a 2, the authentication
    // was successfull!

    // If you want to use this, make sure that you have raw sockets
    // enabled during compile-time: "./configure --enable-sockets".

    function init_radiusconfig(&$server,&$port,&$sharedsecret,&$suffix) {
	while (!feof($file)) {
	    if ($s[0]=="#") continue;
	    if (strlen($s)==0) continue;
	    if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]+) (.*)$/",$s,$a)) {
		if ($a[1]=="port")   { $port=$a[2];continue; }
		if ($a[1]=="server") { $server=$a[2];continue; }
		if ($a[1]=="secret") { $sharedsecret=$a[2];continue; }
		if ($a[1]=="suffix") { 
		    if ($suffix=="""") { 
	    echo "Unknown config-file option: $a[1] ($s)n";

    function RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION($username,$password) {
	global $debug;
	global $SERVER_ADDR;


	// check your /etc/services. Some radius servers 
	// listen on port 1812, some on 1645.
	if ($radiusport==0)


	// 17 is UDP, formerly known as PROTO_UDP

	if (!preg_match("/@/",$username))

	if ($debug)
	    echo "<br>radius-port: $radiusport<br>radius-host: $radiushost<br>username: $username<br>suffix: $suffix<hr>n";

	$RA=pack("CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC",				// auth code
	    1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255,
	    1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255,
	    1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255,
	    1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255, 1+rand()%255);


	$length=4+				// header
		16+				// auth code
		6+				// service type
		2+strlen($username)+		// username
		2+strlen($encryptedpassword)+	// userpassword
		6+				// nasIP
		6;				// nasPort

	//          v   v v     v   v   v     v     v
	    1,$thisidentifier,$length/256,$length%256,		// header
	    $RA,						// authcode
	    6,6,0,0,0,1,					// service type
	    1,2+strlen($username),$username,			// username
	    2,2+strlen($encryptedpassword),$encryptedpassword,	// userpassword
	    4,6,$nasIP[0],$nasIP[1],$nasIP[2],$nasIP[3],	// nasIP
	    5,3,0,0,0,0						// nasPort


	if ($debug)
	    echo "<br>writing $length bytes<hr>n";


	return ord($readdata);
	// 2 -> Access-Accept
	// 3 -> Access-Reject
	// See RFC2138 for this.

    function Encrypt($password,$key,$RA) {
	global $debug;


	if ($debug)
	    echo "<br>key: $key<br>password: $password<hr>n";


	for ($i=0;$i<=15;$i++) {
	    if (2*$i>strlen($md5checksum)) $m=0; else $m=hexdec(substr($md5checksum,2*$i,2));
	    if ($i>strlen($keyRA)) $k=0; else $k=ord(substr($keyRA,$i,1));
	    if ($i>strlen($password)) $p=0; else $p=ord(substr($password,$i,1));
	return $output;