#native_company# #native_desc#

php pagination

By niroshan fernandez
on September 13, 2004

Version: 1

Type: Full Script

Category: Other

License: GNU General Public License

Description: pagination class. for pagin large sql result sets over an number of pages.

class Pagination
	var $limit;
	var $sql;

	var $mainQuery;
	var $result;
	var $total;
	var $numPages;
	var $page;
	var $offset;
	var $i;
	var $str;
	var $fullStr;
	var $pageName;
	var $noOfColumns=1;
	var $displayStr;
	var $row;

	var $seperator="|";
	var $emptyRowAfterData=0;

	var $displayHeadingBgColor;
	var $displayHeadingForeColor;
	var $displayHeadingForeSize;
	var $displayHeadingFace;
	var $displayHeadingAlign=1;
	var $displayHeadingStyleClass;

	var $displayDataStyleClass;
	var $displayDataBgColor;
	var $displayDataForeColor;
	var $displayDataForeSize;
	var $displayDataFace;

	var $displayExtraBgColor;

	var $noListStyleClass;
	var $noListBgColor;
	var $noListFontColor;
	var $noListFontFace;
	var $noListFontSize;

	var $displayNameArr = array();

	function setNoListFontColor($getNoListFontColo)	//this method is assign the fore color to the page no`s 

	function setNoListFontFace($getNoListFontFace) //this method is assign the font to the page no`s 

	function setNoListFontSize($getNoListFontSize) //this method is assign the font size to the page no`s 

	function setNoListBgColor($getNoListBgColor) //this method is assign the back ground color to the page no`s 

	function setNoListStyleClass($getNoListClass) //this method is assign the style sheet to the page no`s 

	function setDisplayDataForeColor($getDisForeColor) //this method is assign the fore color to the data displayed

	function setDisplayDataForeSize($getDisSize) //this method is assign the font size to the data displayed

	function setDisplayDataFace($getDisFace) //this method is assign the font to the data displayed

	function setDisplayDataBgColor($getDisBgColor) //this method is assign the back ground color to the data displayed

	function setDisplayDataStyleClass($getDataClass) //this method is assign the style sheet to the data displayed

	function setDisplayExtraBgColor($getExBgColor) //this method is assign the back ground color to the extra row
	function setEmptyRowAfterData($getEmpty) //if this set to 1 then extra row will be added

	function setSeperator($getSeperator) //assign the custamize separators 

	function setDisplayHeadingFace($getFace) //assign the heading font	

	function setDisplayHeadingStyleClass($getClass) //assign the style sheet for the heading

	function setDisplayHeadingForeSize($getSize) //assign the heading fore size

	function setDisplayHeadingForeColor($getForeColor) //assign the heading fore color

	function setDisplayHeadingBgColor($gotColor) //assign the heading back color	

	function setDisplayHeadingAlign($gotAlign) //assign the headings alignment
	function setDisplayNames($gotNames) //assign the heading names	
	function setColumns($no) //assign the no of columns to be displayed

	function setLimit($limiter) //assign the no of records per a page

	function setPageName($gotName) //assign the page name

	function setQuery($sqlQuery) //assign the query
		if (strpos($sqlQuery,"limit")<> 0)
			die ($this->error('<b>Limit</b> is a reserved keyword. - setQuery()'));

	function setPages($gotPage) //assign the current page

	function error($errName) //error handler
		print "<table border='0'><tr bgcolor='red'><td><font color='#fffffff'>Error</font></td></tr><tr><td>".$errName."</td></tr></table>";

	function displayPages() // display all the recods
		if ($this->pageName == "") // if page name is not given this generate an error
			die ($this->error('Please specify the destination page'));
		if ($this->sql=="")	// if sql query is not specified this will generate an error
			die ($this->error('Query haven`t specified'));



		$this->result=mysql_query($this->mainQuery) or die ($this->error('Invalid query')); // execute the query
		$this->total=mysql_num_rows($this->result); // get the no of records
		$this->numPages = ceil($this->total / $this->limit); // get the no of pages to be displayed

		if ($this->page=="") // if pages is equal to nothing set it to the first page

		if ($this->page > $this->numPages) //if some person try to enter invalid page no manually this will set page to last one

		$this->offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit; // get the offset for the query

		$this->mainQuery=$this->sql."  LIMIT ".$this->offset." , ".$this->limit;
		$this->result=mysql_query($this->mainQuery) or die ($this->error('Invalid query'));
		//display results begin	

		$this->fullStr="<table border='0'>";
		//generate the headings for display - start
		if (count($this->displayNameArr)<>0)
			$this->displayStr = "<tr "; 
			if ($this->displayHeadingBgColor <> "") 
				$this->displayStr .= "bgcolor='".$this->displayHeadingBgColor."'";  // set the headings background color

			if ($this->displayHeadingStyleClass <> "")
				$this->displayStr .= "class='".$this->displayHeadingStyleClass."' "; // set the headings style sheet
			$this->displayStr .= ">";

			for ($this->i=0;$this->i<count($this->displayNameArr);$this->i++) // for loop will run untill it reach the no of elements in 																	the heading array
				$this->displayStr .= "<td><div align='";

				if ($this->displayHeadingAlign==0)							// set the headings alignment to left
					$this->displayStr .= "left";
				else if ($this->displayHeadingAlign==1)						// set the headings alignment to center
					$this->displayStr .= "center";
				else if ($this->displayHeadingAlign==2)						// set the headings alignment to right
					$this->displayStr .= "right";
					die ($this->error('Invalid argument - setDisplayHeadingAlign()')); // if invalied aligment value is given then this 																   will fire an error msg	
				$this->displayStr .= "'>";
				if ($this->displayHeadingForeColor=="" && $this->displayHeadingForeSize=="" && $this->displayHeadingFace=="")
					$this->displayStr .= $this->displayNameArr[$this->i]."</div></td>";	//if font propaties not set then display the 																		contents without the font tags
					$this->displayStr .= "<font ";
					if ($this->displayHeadingForeColor<> "")
						$this->displayStr .= "color='".$this->displayHeadingForeColor."' "; //set the font color of the heading
					if ($this->displayHeadingForeSize <> "")
						$this->displayStr .= "size='".$this->displayHeadingForeSize."' "; //set the font size of the heading

					if ($this->displayHeadingFace <> "")
						$this->displayStr .= "face='".$this->displayHeadingFace."' "; //set the font of the heading
					$this->displayStr .= ">".$this->displayNameArr[$this->i]."</font></div></td>"; //display the heading from the heading 																			  array


			if(count($this->displayNameArr)<$this->noOfColumns) // if both setDisplayNames() and setColumns() called then if column array 													count didnt mach the setColumns() method argument then this error will 														fire
				die($this->error('No of columns do not match - setDisplayNames() and setColumns()'));

			if($this->noOfColumns==1 && count($this->displayNameArr) > 1) //this will over write the setColumns() argument and no of 																  column will assign to the count of the column array

		//generate the headings for display - end

		while ($this->row=mysql_fetch_array($this->result))
			$this->displayStr .= "<tr";
			if ($this->displayDataStyleClass <> "")
				$this->displayStr .= " class='".$this->displayDataStyleClass."' ";  // set the style sheet of the results

			if ($this->displayDataBgColor <> "")
				$this->displayStr .= " bgColor='".$this->displayDataBgColor."' "; // set the back ground color of the results
			$this->displayStr .= ">";

			for ($this->x=0;$this->x<$this->noOfColumns;$this->x++) // create the columns in the results
				$this->displayStr .= "<td>";

				if ($this->displayDataForeColor == "" && $this->displayDataForeSize == "" && $this->displayDataFace =="")
					$this->displayStr .= $this->row[$this->x]."</td>"; //if font propaties not set then display the 																		contents without the font tags
					$this->displayStr .= "<font ";

					if ($this->displayDataForeColor <> "")
						$this->displayStr .= "color='".$this->displayDataForeColor."' "; //set font color of the results
					if ($this->displayDataForeSize <> "")
						$this->displayStr .= "size='".$this->displayDataForeSize."' "; //set font size of the results
					if ($this->displayDataFace <> "")
						$this->displayStr .= "face='".$this->displayDataFace."' "; //set font of the results

					$this->displayStr .= ">".$this->row[$this->x]."</td>";	//display records from the record set

			if ($this->emptyRowAfterData==1) //add spaces between results if the methoud set to true
				$this->displayStr .="<tr";
				if ($this->displayDataStyleClass <> "")
					$this->displayStr .= " class='".$this->displayDataStyleClass."' "; // set the style of the extra line
				if ($this->displayExtraBgColor <> "")
					$this->displayStr .= " bgColor='".$this->displayExtraBgColor."' "; // set the back color of the extra line
				$this->displayStr .= "><td colspan='".$this->noOfColumns."'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";


		//display results end

		//display pagin begin

		$this->fullStr=$this->fullStr."<table border='0'><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr>";

		if ($this->noListStyleClass == "" && $this->noListBgColor == "") //if back grond color and style sheet is not set to the page 																	 no`s then ignore those values and create the row
			$this->fullStr=$this->fullStr."<td ";

			if ($this->noListStyleClass <> "")
				$this->fullStr=$this->fullStr."class='".$this->noListStyleClass."' "; // set the style sheet for the page no`s

			if ($this->noListBgColor <> "")
				$this->fullStr=$this->fullStr."bgColor='".$this->noListBgColor."' "; // set the back ground color for the page no`s


		for($this->i=1;$this->i<=$this->numPages;$this->i++) // generate a no for individual pages
				if ($this->page== "" || $this->page ==1 )
					$this->str=$this->i;		// if first page is selected remove the hyper link from that no
					$this->str="<a href='".$this->pageName."?page=".$this->i."'>".$this->i."</a>"; // else add the hyper link for the no
			else //generate rest of the page no`s
				if ($this->page == $this->i)
					$this->str .=" ".$this->seperator." ".$this->i;
					$this->str .=" ".$this->seperator." "."<a href='".$this->pageName."?page=".$this->i."'>".$this->i."</a>";

		if ($this->noListFontColor == "" && $thia->noListFontFace == "" && $this->noListFontSize =="") //if font propaties not set then 																							  display the contents without the 																								  font tags
			$this->fullStr .= $this->str."</td></tr></table>";
			$this->fullStr .= "<font ";			

			if ($this->noListFontColor <> "")
				$this->fullStr .= "color='".$this->noListFontColor."' "; //set the font color of the page no`s
			if ($this->noListFontFace <> "")
				$this->fullStr .= "face='".$this->noListFontFace."' "; //set the font of the page no`s
			if ($this->noListFontSize <> "")
				$this->fullStr .= "size='".$this->noListFontSize."' "; //set the font size of the page no`s

			$this->fullStr .= ">".$this->str."</font></td></tr></table>";

		//display pagin end

		echo $this->fullStr; // display full results with heading and and page no`s
