Version: 1.0.0
Type: Full Script
Category: Databases
License: GNU General Public License
Description: PHP4 odbc-based scripts to 1. protect a PHP page with user auth info stored in an odbc db (encrypted password, login attempt logging, IP logging, last/current login date, etc) and 2. sets view permissions on a per-page basis (i.e., users in groups 4 and g can view this page, etc). Written for Windows/Apache, but only has a few lines (path to log files and includes/requires) that are plaform-specific. Latest version at . Bug fixes/suggestions are welcome!
*************These 3 scripts must be saved seperately to function... ****************BEGIN************* <? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This script is the property of Jeremy Brooks ([email protected]) //and is released under the GNU Public License ( //Unauthorized use is prohibited. // //If you use this script please let me know how (if) it works for you. //Users are strongly encouraged to send me tweaks, questions, //suggestions, or just tell me if, how and where you are using it // //if anyone ports this to non-odbc or non-windows use PA-LEEZ send it to me... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This set up scripts consists of 3 files: //,, and ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // works in this manner: //define location of log files and remote IP var //declare odbc database info //start a session //check for cookie //if cookie, check for validity //if no cookie but login has been attempted, MD5 password entered, // verify against database entry (db password field must contain // MD5 hashes of passwords!) //if bad username, error to screen and log //if bad password, error to screen and log //if successful, log, update db to reflect current login date, previous login date, // current IP //if session has timed out, show message and login form. // //BTW, is just a style sheet. You don't need to use it. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This script was designed for use on an intranet in a Win NT environment //running a SQL Server 7.0 database on Apache 1.3.11 ane PHP4 and may have some //specificity's and idiosyncrasies as such. Ye hath been forwarned. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This is the directory where your log file resides define( "BASE_DIR", "c:webapache" ); define( "AUTH_LOG", BASE_DIR . "logsauth_access_log.txt" ); $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); //login form with cookie check function login_form(){ $this_page=getenv("REQUEST_URI"); ?> <HTML> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var cookiesEnabled = false; function cookietest_onload() { document.cookie = "Enabled=true"; var cookieValid = document.cookie; if (cookieValid.indexOf("Enabled=true") != -1) { cookiesEnabled = true; } else { cookiesEnabled = false; document.write("<h2><font color='red'>Error loading page...</font><p>"); document.write("You must have cookies enabled to view this page.</h2><p>"); document.write("<b>Please enable your cookies, restart your browser, and try again.<p>"); document.write("If you need assistance with this, feel free to contact:<p>"); document.write("<table border=0 width=400 cellspacing=6><tr><td>Sysadmin Guy</td>"); document.write("<td></td><td>Sysadmin Other Guy</td></tr><tr><td>509-555-1212</td>"); document.write("<td width='50'><i>OR</i></td><td>509-121-5555</td></tr><tr><td>[email protected]</td>"); document.write("<td></td><td>[email protected]</td></tr></table>"); } } </script> <? include (""); ?> <TITLE>BAMS On-Line User Login</TITLE> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function look() { document.login.this_user.focus(); } //End --> </script> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="white" onLoad="BrowserCheck();look();"> <center> <table width="450" border=1> <tr><td> <img src="my_logo.jpg"> <CENTER> <FONT COLOR="blue">Please Log In...</FONT> <FORM NAME=login ACTION="<? echo $this_page ?>" METHOD=post> <TABLE BORDER=0> <TR> <TD><B>Username:</B></TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="this_user" TYPE="text" SIZE="10"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><B>Password:</B></TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="this_pass" TYPE="password" SIZE="10"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Log in"> <input type="reset" value="Clear"> <p> <font color="red" size='1'><b>All activity on this server is logged. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.</b></font> </FORM> </tr></td></table> </center> </BODY> </HTML> <? exit; } function set_cookie ( $this_user, $encrypted_password ) { $DB="my_db"; $USER="some_user"; $PASS="some_pass"; $cnx = odbc_connect($DB, $USER, $PASS); $encrypted_password=MD5($this_pass); $md5str = MD5( TIME() ); $now = date("m/d/Y H:i:s"); $cookie_val = "$this_user-$encrypted_password-$md5str"; setcookie( "baview_auth", $cookie_val, 0,"/" ,"", 0); $arg = "update auth_info_table set string='$md5str' where username='$this_user'"; $set_cookie_ok=odbc_exec($cnx, $arg); odbc_close( $cnx); } function check_cookie ( $cookie, $this_user, $this_pass ) { $DB="my_db"; $USER="some_user"; $PASS="some_pass"; $cnx = odbc_connect($DB, $USER, $PASS); $cookie_var = split("-", $cookie); $ck_username = $cookie_var[0]; $ck_password = $cookie_var[1]; $secret = $cookie_var[2]; $arg = "select 1 as auth from auth_info_table where username='$ck_username' and password='$ck_password' and string='$secret'"; $row = odbc_exec( $cnx, $arg ); odbc_close( $cnx); if (!$row){ login_form(); } } $DB="my_db"; $USER="some_user"; $PASS="some_pass"; $cnx = odbc_connect($DB, $USER, $PASS); session_start(); if ($baview_auth){ check_cookie($baview_auth, $this_user, $this_pass); } elseif ($this_user) { $enc_pass = MD5($this_pass); $authenticate=odbc_exec($cnx, "SELECT * FROM auth_info_table WHERE username = '$this_user'"); if (!odbc_fetch_row($authenticate)) { echo "<center><font color='red' size=3><b>$this_user not found.</b> </font><br><font color='darkblue' size=2><u>Please make sure caps lock is off and try again</u><br> or contact Jeremy Brooks at 509-353-1239<br>or Shawn Hafen at 509-353-6165</font></center><br>"; error_log( date("Ymd H:i:s") . " -- $ip -- Username: '$this_user' authentication failure- bad usernamen", 3, AUTH_LOG); login_form() ; odbc_close( $cnx); } else { while (odbc_fetch_row( $authenticate)); { $db_username=odbc_result($authenticate, 16); $db_password=odbc_result($authenticate, 37); $db_curr_login_date = odbc_result($authenticate, 39); $db_GID = odbc_result($authenticate, 44); global $db_GID; } if ($enc_pass != $db_password) { $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); echo "<center><font color='blue' size=3><b>Bad password for $this_user.</b> </font><br><font color='darkblue' size=2><u>Please make sure caps lock is off and try again</u><br> or contact Jeremy Brooks at 509-353-1239 <br>or Shawn Hafen at 509-353-6165"; error_log( date("Ymd H:i:s") . " -- $ip -- Username: '$this_user' authentication failure- bad passwordn", 3, AUTH_LOG); login_form(); odbc_close( $cnx); } set_cookie($this_user, $this_pass); session_start(); $uid = $this_user; session_register("uid"); $now = date("m/d/Y H:i:s"); odbc_exec($cnx, "UPDATE auth_info_table SET current_login_date = '$now', last_login_date ='$db_curr_login_date', current_IP = '$ip' WHERE username = '$this_user'"); odbc_close( $cnx); error_log( date("Ymd H:i:s") . " -- $ip -- Username: '$this_user' authenticatedn", 3, AUTH_LOG); } } else { login_form(); } if (!$uid && $baview_auth) { $yup = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["baview_auth"]; setcookie( "baview_auth", $yup, time() - 3600,"/" ,"", 0); echo "<center><font color='red'>Session Expired. Please Log In.</font></center><p>"; login_form(); } ?> *************END************* *************BEGIN************* <? session_start(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This script is the property of Jeremy Brooks ([email protected]) //and is released under the GNU Public License ( //Unauthorized use is prohibited. // //If you use this script please let me know how (if) it works for you. //Users are strongly encouraged to send me tweaks, questions, //suggestions, or just tell me if, how and where you are using it // //if anyone ports this to non-odbc or non-windows use PA-LEEZ send it to me... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This set up scripts consists of 3 files: //,, and //all files must be in a folder outside your // htdocs/html directory // (these exaples are used in // c:webapacheinc) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // works in this manner: //in the user database there is a field called gid that holds a value //[0-9][a-z] that corresponds to the level of permission granted a user. //i.e., 1=view reports, 5=create new reports, r=edit tables, etc... //multiple values are allowed, i.e. 348sfh // //create no permission page in function no_permit() //create a cursor using uid from session declared in //get length of gid value from db //put all seperate values of gid into array //get length of page permission level ($permit) //put permit values into array also //NESTED ARRAY LOOP TIME! (WOO-HOO!!!) //for each value in god array, compare to each // value in permit array //if matched values are found, flag = "OK" //if flag == "OK" by the end of the script, allow // user to view page //otherwise, show denial message // //These lines must be at the top of each // protected page (before any output // is sent to the browser!): // //$permit = "45shp"; //require(''); //require(''); //session_start(); // //where 4, 5, s, h, and p are the permission levels allowed to // view the page (any of these levels grant access) // //make sure you have enabled sessions in php.ini ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This script was designed for use on an intranet in a Win NT environment //running a SQL Server 7.0 database on Apache 1.3.11 ane PHP4 and may have some //specificity's and idiosyncrasies as such. Ye hath been forwarned. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function no_permit(){ ?> <html> <head> <? include (""); ?> <title>Access Denied</title> </head> <body bgcolor='white'> <center><table width=500 border=0> <tr> <td align='center'> <b>Sorry...You don't have permission to use this page.<p> If you feel you recieved this message in error, please contact:<br></b><P> <i>Sysadmin Guy<br> 509-454-4666<br> [email protected] <br> <b>or</b> <br> Some Dude<br> 509-111-1111<br> [email protected] </i></b> <P> <b>Please <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Click Here</A> to Return to the previous page</b> </td> </body> </html> <? exit; } $DB="my_db"; $USER="some_user"; $PASS="some_pass"; $cnx = odbc_connect($DB, $USER, $PASS); $row = odbc_exec( $cnx, "SELECT * FROM auth_info_table WHERE username = '$uid'" ); while (odbc_fetch_row( $row)); { $db_GID = odbc_result($row, 44); } odbc_close( $cnx); $GID_length = strlen($db_GID); $loop = 0; while ($loop < $GID_length) { $GID_part = substr($db_GID, $loop, 1); $arr_GID[$loop]=$GID_part; $loop++; } $permit_length = strlen($permit); $loop = 0; while ($loop < $permit_length) { $permit_part = substr($permit, $loop, 1); $arr_permit[$loop]=$permit_part; $loop++; } $GID_count = count($arr_GID); $permit_count = count($arr_permit); $flag = ""; for ($GID_idx = 0; $GID_idx < $GID_count; $GID_idx++){ $GID_temp = $arr_GID[$GID_idx]; for ($permit_idx = 0; $permit_idx < $permit_count; $permit_idx++){ $permit_temp = $arr_permit[$permit_idx]; if ($GID_temp == $permit_temp) { $flag = "OK";; } } } if ($flag <> "OK") { no_permit(); } ?> *************END*************** *************BEGIN******************* <script language='JavaScript'> <!-- var message='Sorry, that function is disabled.nnACCESS DENIED '; // Message for the alert box function click(e) { if (document.all) { if (event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } } if (document.layers) { if (e.which == 3) { alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); } document.onmousedown=click; // --> </script> <STYLE TYPE='text/css'> <!-- BODY { font-family: lucida, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; } TD, P, UL { font-family: lucida, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; } H2 { font-family: lucida, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; } A { text-decoration: none; } A:link { color: #000099; } A:visited { color: #000099; } --> </STYLE> *******************END*************