Version: 1.0
Type: Full Script
Category: HTTP
License: GNU General Public License
Description: php multilanguage is an effective way to manage multilingual sites
also is good the possibility to add an high number of language
PHP multilanguage set is composed with 3 standard files:
the first is index.php3, the pseudo-first page of the site..
a languageset folder that contains the dictionary for languages
Language.php files located in languageset/it or /us or /languageyouwant
How to setup: to configure this system, you need to upload all files in whichever directory of your web space with PHP Support, then looking for the line: "$config->dir = "PERCORSO"; replace the value "PERCORSO" with relative path to your languageset directory es: /home/margini/ecc.../languageset/ ----------------------- FILE = index.php3 -------------------------- <? // Silvio Terzi [email protected] class object {}; $config = new object; $config->dir = "PERCORSO"; if (! isset($lang)) { $lang = "it"; } else if ($lang == "it" ) { $SESSION["lang"] = "it"; } else if ($lang == "us" ) { $SESSION["lang"] = "en"; } $config->global = $config->dir.$lang."/language.php"; include ($config->global); ?> <html> <head> </head> <body> <?=$phrase1?> </body> </html> Step 2: Create a directory called: "languageset" in Your Home/user/ directory in this directory create another two directories called: "it" and "us" with inside, file called: language.php (in each directory) Step 3: collect all information you want to multilinguagize:) Step 4: insert these phrase in "language.php" files (in "us" and "it" directory, remember to translate the phrase in the two different language [italian and english]), in this syntax: ------------------------ language.php --------------------------- $example = "examplee"; **** REMEMBER TO WRITE "<?php" at the begining and "?>" at the ending of the "language.php" files ******* Step 5: an example of multilinguage code in "index.php3" can be (for the example up): <body> <?=$phrase1?> </body> **** you write <?=$phrase1?> in index.php3 only if you have write $phrase1 in language.php3 files if you have declared a variabile called $bimbino in language.php3 files. you must write <?=$bimbino?> in index.php3 **** Step 6: fill language.php files at your request and place the variabiles in the form <?=variabile?> in index.php3.. TIPS: you can rename index.php3 at your request you make everything you want on index.php3 file, but you must hold the php line: <? /* Php Multilanguage System (c) 2000 Silvio Terzi ([email protected]) ----------- ----------- */ class object {}; $config = new object; $config->dir = "PERCORSO"; if (! isset($lang)) { $lang = "it"; } else if ($lang == "it" ) { $SESSION["lang"] = "it"; } else if ($lang == "us" ) { $SESSION["lang"] = "en"; } $config->global = $config->dir.$lang."/language.php"; include ($config->global); ?> at the beginning of the file..... after this code write everithing you want!! EXAMPLE OF THE MULTILANGUAGE FILE SET: index.php3 languageset <DIR> en <DIR> language.php it <DIR> language.php Step 7: HOW TO ADD MORE LANGUAGE: Sub-Step 1: create the language directories in "languageset" dir call this with name like "fr" for frech, "jp" for japanese Sub-Step 2: edit index.php3 look the line else if ($lang == "it" ) { $SESSION["lang"] = "it"; } add another similar below: es: else if ($lang == "jp" ) { $SESSION["lang"] = "jp"; } (if you had created a folder called "jp" in your languageset directory with the dictionary inside(language.php) Sub-Step 3: to delete a language simply delete a line like (of the language u wanna delete:)) else if ($lang == "it" ) { $SESSION["lang"] = "it"; } Step 8: HOW TO ACCESS TO DIFFERENT LANGUAGES: simply direct your browser to these address: example if the script is in the root directory of the site: (this go to italian version) (this go to english version) (a language you have specified) and goo on:)) (Tips: if you try the script redirect you to italian version, change $lang = "it"; to $lang = "yourlanguage"; in the code: if (! isset($lang)) { $lang = "it"; } ) Step 9: ENJOY With this System and sometimes visit my site ^_^ Eof