Version: 0.0.1
Type: Class
Category: Other
License: GNU General Public License
Description: This is a small script which can be used as a template to interact with a UNIX console via misc commands.
Still in beta, but can sucessfully read from the console. (via /dev/stdin)
<?php Class Console { var $left_key = ""; var $right_key = ""; var $up_key = ""; var $down_key = ""; var $num_left_key = ""; var $num_right_key = ""; var $num_up_key = ""; var $num_down_key = ""; var $f1 = ""; var $f2 = ""; var $f3 = ""; var $f4 = ""; var $f5 = ""; var $f6 = ""; var $f7 = ""; var $f8 = ""; var $f9 = ""; var $f10 = ""; var $f11 = ""; var $f12 = ""; Function Readln(){ $info_IN = fopen("/dev/stdin","r"); while (!feof($info_IN)) { $IN = fgetc($info_IN); if ($IN != "n"){ // $IN .= $IN; echo $IN; } } // return $IN; fclose($info_IN); } } $nig = new Console; $nig->Readln(); //echo $nig->Readln(); ?>