#native_company# #native_desc#

Parsing String and Count with show individual data

By Himadrish Laha
on May 12, 2003

Version: 1.2

Type: Function

Category: Algorithms

License: Other

Description: This function created for parsing a set of word from a sentence Mainly used for searching where many search criteria concatenate by special character like ‘+’, ‘,’ etc..
This module parse the whole sentence and the individual. It also count how many search criteria do user input. Created on 30th December,2002 by Himadrish Laha [email protected]

You can also used it under GNU Lisence Rule, but must used author content in your script.

// This function created for parsing a set of word from a sentence
//   Mainly used for searching where many search criteria concatenate
//   by special character like '+', ',' etc..
//  This module parse the whole sentence and the individual. It also 
//  count how many search criteria do user input.
//	Created on 30th DEcember,2002 by Himadrish Laha [email protected]
echo "Help page";
$retvalue=parseme($laha, $parsec);

function parseme($datavalue,$parsecharecter)
	// $numberofserachcriteria=0;
	$value = array();
	for ($i=0;$i<=$length_of_strng;$i++)
	$tmpval= strncmp(substr($datavalue,$i,1), $parsecharecter, 1);
					$numberofserachcriteria = $numberofserachcriteria + 1;

		if ($tmpval != 0):
			$tmpval=$tmpval . substr($datavalue,$i,1);
			$valuelist= $valuelist . substr($tmpval,1,1) ;
			echo "equal-->" . $valuelist;
			$numberofserachcriteria = $numberofserachcriteria + 1;
	echo $numberofserachcriteria;