#native_company# #native_desc#

Numeric number to literal number

By matthew waygood
on October 29, 2004

Version: adjusted

Type: Function

Category: Other

License: GNU General Public License

Description: Use to convert a numeric number to a literal string equivalent.

ie: numToString(10) returns “ten”.

As of right now, it works for any number up
to 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.999999999 – if you need more than that, add to the $places array.

// just replace the arrays with the ones below for UK numbers and thirteen.

// Explanation for US citizens about number formats.
// unicycle has one wheel, a bicycle has two wheels (bi means 2 and tri=3,quad=4 etc.)
// a million has 6 zeros, a billion is bi (which is 2) million, so 2 sets of a millions, which is 2 sets of 6 zeros, which is 12 zeros. 1,000,000,000,000.
// therefore a trillion has 18 zeros, quadrillion 24 zeros.
// The sets of numbers in between the comma seperators (3 zeros) is 1,000 which gives 1,000,000,000 a thousand million, which is called a billion in the US.

  $places = array (
  	"0"	=>	"",
  	"1"	=>	"thousand",
  	"2"	=>	"million",
  	"3"	=>	"thousand million",
  	"4"	=>	"billion",
  	"5"	=>	"thousand billion",
  	"6"	=>	"trillion",
  	"7"	=>	"thousand trillion"
  	"8"	=>	"quadrillion",
  	"9"	=>	"thousand quadrillion"
  $tens = array (
  	"1"	=>	"teen",
  	"2"	=>	"twenty",
  	"3"	=>	"thirty",
  	"4"	=>	"forty",
  	"5"	=>	"fifty",
  	"6"	=>	"sixty",
  	"7"	=>	"seventy",
  	"8"	=>	"eighty",
  	"9"	=>	"ninety"
  $odds = array (
  	"10"	=>	"ten",
  	"11"	=>	"eleven",
  	"12"	=>	"twelve"
  	"13"	=>	"thirteen"