Version: 1.0.0
Type: Class
Category: Databases
License: GNU General Public License
Description: This is a PHP Class that connect to MySQL, retrieve the tables and return it as dataset/recordset object. Examples provided at the end of the script
<?php //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Module name: dataset.class.php | //| Description: A PHP class that stores the database table(s) in MySQL database into | // temporary database/tables as dataset in the 3D array form | | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Author: Theo Sumual ([email protected]) | //| Date written: 28/08/2003 | //| Version: 1.0.0 | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /* ** Last Modified Modified By Description ** 30/08/2003 Theo add search functions ** 30/08/2003 Theo add get_queryset function ** 31/08/2003 Theo add indexing features for the dataset ** ** */ define("INDEX_NUM",0); define("INDEX_KEY",1); define("NO_QUERY",''); define("ALL_TABLES",'All'); class Dataset { var $classname = "Dataset"; var $dataset = array(); //The array of arrays of arrays :) var $db_tables = array(); var $dbuser; var $dbpassword; var $dbhost; var $dbname; var $dbconn; var $error; function Dataset($dbHost,$dbUser,$dbPassword,$dbName) { $this->dbhost = $dbHost; $this->dbuser = $dbUser; $this->dbpassword = $dbPassword; $this->dbname = $dbName; if(!isset($db_tables) || count($db_tables) < 1) { $this->open_db(); $this->get_database_tables(); $this->close_db(); } $this->clear_dataset(); } //open a database connection function open_db() { $this->dbconn = mysql_connect($this->dbhost,$this->dbuser,$this->dbpassword) or $this->catch_error("Database Connection Error: ",mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($this->dbname,$this->dbconn); } //close database connecttion function close_db() { if(!mysql_close($this->dbconn)) { $this->catch_error("Close Database Connection Error: ",mysql_error()); } } //remove all elements in dataset array function clear_dataset() { array_splice($this->dataset,0,count($this->dataset)); } //get all the table names in the database and store in the db_tables array function get_database_tables() { $tables = mysql_list_tables($this->dbname,$this->dbconn) or die("Database Retrieve Error: ".mysql_error()); for($i=0;$i<mysql_num_rows($tables);$i++) { $this->db_tables[$i] = strtoupper(mysql_tablename($tables,$i)); } mysql_free_result($tables); } function get_dataset() { return $this->dataset; } //recreate the dataset array and return the dataset array function set_dataset($dbTable=ALL_TABLE,$tableIndex=INDEX_KEY,$rowIndex=INDEX_KEY,$fieldIndex=INDEX_KEY) { //$this->clear_dataset(); $this->construct_dataset($dbTable,NO_QUERY,$tableIndex,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); if(is_array($this->dataset)) //check if the dataset constructed correctly return true; else return false; } //recreate the dataset and only contains one table (dataset[tablename]) //as a result of the specified query function set_queryset($dbTable,$dbQuery,$tableIndex=INDEX_KEY,$rowIndex=INDEX_KEY,$fieldIndex=INDEX_KEY) { //$this->clear_dataset(); $this->construct_dataset($dbTable,$dbQuery,$tableIndex,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); if(is_array($this->dataset)) //check if the dataset constructed correctly return true; else return false; } //update the current table in data set //separate the fields and value to update by , function update_record($tableName,$recordId,$recordFields,$recordValues) { $f_array = explode(',',$recordFields); $v_array = explode(',',$recordValues); if(count($f_array) != count($v_array)) $this->catch_error("Number of values doesn't match number of fields"); for($i=0;$i<count($f_array);$i++) { $fieldName = $f_array[$i]; $this->dataset[$tableName][$recordId][$fieldName] = $v_array[$i]; } //return $this->dataset[$tableName][$recordId][$fieldName]; } //construct the dataset as associative 3D array by default or numeric indexed if the $indexType is specified //dataset[table][row][field] //table = name of the retrieved tables in database or table index in dataset //row = concatenated primary key for each row of table start with '_' or row number in the table //field = column names of the table or column number in the row //$foo = $dataset['FooTable']['_Foo01]['fooName']; ==> returns the value in the FooTable at row index _Foo01 in field fooName //$foo = $dataset['FooTable']['_Foo01']; ==> returns associative 1D array where columns name in FooTable as index //$foo = $dataset['FooTable']; ==> returns associative 2D array where concatenated primary key of the FooTable as index //$foo = $dataset; ==> returns associative 3D array where tablename as index function construct_dataset($dbTable=ALL_TABLE,$dbQuery=NO_QUERY,$tableIndex=INDEX_KEY,$rowIndex=INDEX_KEY,$fieldIndex=INDEX_KEY) { $this->open_db(); if($dbTable == ALL_TABLE) { $this->construct_all_table($tableIndex,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); $this->close_db(); return $this->dataset; exit; } else if($dbTable != ALL_TABLE && strpos($dbTable,',') !== false) { $this->construct_multi_table($dbTable,$tableIndex,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); $this->close_db(); return $this->dataset; exit; } else if(is_array($dbTable)) { foreach($dbTable as $table_name => $table_query) { $data_table = $this->construct_table($table_name,$table_query,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); if(is_array($data_table))//check if the $data_table is an array { if($tableIndex == INDEX_KEY) $this->dataset[$table_name] = $data_table; else if($tableIndex == INDEX_NUM) array_push($this->dataset,$data_table); } else { $this->close_db(); $this->catch_error("Construct Dataset ERROR $dbTable is not Exists",mysql_error()); exit; } } $this->close_db(); return $this->dataset; exit; } else if($dbTable != ALL_TABLE && $dbQuery != NO_QUERY) { $data_table = (strpos($dbQuery,"SELECT",0) !== false)? $this->construct_query_table($dbQuery,INDEX_NUM,$fieldIndex): $this->construct_table($dbTable,$dbQuery,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); if(is_array($data_table))//check if the $data_table is an array { if($tableIndex == INDEX_KEY) $this->dataset[$dbTable] = $data_table; else if($tableIndex == INDEX_NUM) array_push($this->dataset,$data_table); $this->close_db(); return $this->dataset; } else { $this->catch_error("Construct Dataset ERROR $dbTable is not Exists",mysql_error()); } exit; } else if($dbTable != ALL_TABLE) { $data_table = $this->construct_table($dbTable,NO_QUERY,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); if(is_array($data_table))//check if the $data_table is return an array { if($tableIndex == INDEX_KEY) $this->dataset[$dbTable] = $data_table; else if($tableIndex == INDEX_NUM) array_push($this->dataset,$data_table); $this->close_db(); return $this->dataset; exit; } else { $this->catch_error("Construct Dataset ERROR: Table $dbTable doesn't exists",mysql_error()); } } else { $this->close_db(); $this->catch_error("Construct Dataset ERROR",mysql_error()); } } //construct all the tables in database into dataset array function construct_all_table($tableIndex=INDEX_KEY,$rowIndex=INDEX_KEY,$fieldIndex=INDEX_KEY) { $tables = mysql_list_tables($this->dbname,$this->dbconn) or $this->catch_error("Tables Retrieve Error: ",mysql_error()); for($i=0;$i<mysql_num_rows($tables);$i++) { $table_name = mysql_tablename($tables,$i); $data_table = $this->construct_table($table_name,NO_QUERY,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); if(is_array($data_table)) { if($tableIndex == INDEX_KEY) $this->dataset[$table_name] = $data_table; else if($tableIndex == INDEX_NUM) array_push($this->dataset,$data_table); } } mysql_free_result($tables); } //construct specified tables ( >1 table) from database into dataset function construct_multi_table($tableNames,$tableIndex=INDEX_KEY,$rowIndex=INDEX_KEY,$fieldIndex=INDEX_KEY) { $tables = explode(',',$tableNames); for($i=0;$i<count($tables);$i++) { $table_name = $tables[$i]; $data_table = (array_key_exists($table_name,$this->dataset))? $this->dataset[$table_name] : $this->construct_table($table_name,NO_QUERY,$rowIndex,$fieldIndex); if(is_array($data_table)) { if($tableIndex == INDEX_KEY) { $this->dataset[$table_name] = $data_table; } else if($tableIndex == INDEX_NUM) array_push($this->dataset,$data_table); } } } //construct 1 table only into dataset with specified query //$tableName = table name //$queryRecord = WHERE condition (eg. id=001, name='Foo', name='Foo' OR name='otherFoo') function construct_table($tableName,$queryRecord=NO_QUERY,$rowIndex=INDEX_KEY,$fieldIndex=INDEX_KEY) { //check if the $tableName exists in the database if(!in_array(strtoupper($tableName),$this->db_tables)) return -1; $table = array(); $result = array(); $fields = mysql_list_fields($this->dbname,$tableName,$this->dbconn) or $this->catch_error("$tableName Table Retrieve Fields Error: ",mysql_error()); $query = ($queryRecord == NO_QUERY)? "SELECT * FROM `".$tableName."` ORDER BY ".mysql_field_name($fields,0): "SELECT * FROM `".$tableName."` WHERE ".$queryRecord." ORDER BY ".mysql_field_name($fields,0); $rows = mysql_query($query,$this->dbconn) or $this->catch_error("$tableName Table Retrieve Records Error: ",mysql_error()); while($record = mysql_fetch_array($rows,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { //store each fields value in array, field name as array key for($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($rows);$i++) { //check if the field is primary key $field_info = mysql_fetch_field($rows,$i); $primary_key = $field_info->primary_key; if($primary_key) { $array_key .= '_'.$record[$field_info->name]; } //echo('field name '.$field_info->name.' is primary key: '.$field_info->primary_key.'<br>'); if($fieldIndex == INDEX_KEY) $result[$field_info->name] = $record[$field_info->name]; else if($fieldIndex == INDEX_NUM) $result[$i] = $record[$field_info->name]; } if($rowIndex == INDEX_KEY) $table[$array_key] = $result; else if($rowIndex == INDEX_NUM) array_push($table,$result); $array_key = ''; } mysql_free_result($fields); mysql_free_result($rows); return $table; } //construct a numeric index table array for more advance query //eg. query for more than one table in the database function construct_query_table($queryRecord,$rowIndex=INDEX_NUM,$fieldIndex=INDEX_KEY) { $table = array(); $result = array(); $rows = mysql_query($queryRecord,$this->dbconn) or die("Table Query Error: $queryRecord ".mysql_error()); while($record = mysql_fetch_array($rows)) { //store each fields value in array, field name as array key for($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($rows);$i++) { //check if the field is primary key $field_info = mysql_fetch_field($rows,$i); $primary_key = $field_info->primary_key; if($primary_key) { $array_key .= '_'.$record[$field_info->name]; } if($fieldIndex == INDEX_KEY) $result[mysql_field_name($rows,$i)] = $record[mysql_field_name($rows,$i)]; else if($fieldIndex == INDEX_NUM) $result[$i] = $record[mysql_field_name($rows,$i)]; } array_push($table,$result); $array_key = ''; } mysql_free_result($rows); return $table; } //search in specified dataset table and return as numeric indexing 2D array function search_record($dataSetTable,$keyWord,$fieldName='',$fieldJoins='') { return ($fieldName == '')? $this->search_all_field($dataSetTable,$keyWord) : $this->search_in_field($dataSetTable,$keyWord,$fieldName,$fieldJoins); } function search_all_field($dataSetTable,$keyWord) { $found = array(); $key_word_match = false; $num_of_match = 0; foreach($dataSetTable as $key => $record) { foreach($record as $field => $value) { if(strpos($value,$keyWord,0) !== false) { //$match++; $key_word_match = true; } } if($key_word_match == true) { $found[$num_of_match] = $record; $num_of_match++; } $key_word_match = false; } if($num_of_match > 0) { return $found; } else { return -1; } } function search_in_field($dataSetTable,$keyWord,$fieldName,$fieldJoins='') { $k_word_array = explode(',',$keyWord); $f_name_array = explode(',',$fieldName); if(count($k_word_array) != count($f_name_array)) $this->catch_error("Number of keywords doesn't match number of fields"); $found = array(); $key_word_match = false; $num_of_match = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($k_word_array);$i++) { foreach($dataSetTable as $key => $record) { //$value = $record[$f_name_array[$i]]; switch($fieldJoins) { default: if(strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i]],$k_word_array[$i],0) !== false) { $key_word_match = true; } break; case '': if(strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i]],$k_word_array[$i],0) !== false) { $key_word_match = true; } break; case 'OR': if(strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i]],$k_word_array[$i],0) !== false || strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i+1]],$k_word_array[$i+1],0) !== false) { //$match++; $key_word_match = true; } break; case 'AND': if(strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i]],$k_word_array[$i],0) !== false && strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i+1]],$k_word_array[$i+1],0) !== false) { //$match++; $key_word_match = true; } break; case 'NOT': if(strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i]],$k_word_array[$i],0) !== false && strpos($record[$f_name_array[$i+1]],$k_word_array[$i+1],0) === false) { //$match++; $key_word_match = true; } break; } if($key_word_match == true) { $found[$num_of_match] = $record; $num_of_match++; } $key_word_match = false; } } if($num_of_match > 0) { return $found; } else { return -1; } } //search in current dataset and return as 2D array function search($keyWord,$tableName=ALL_TABLES,$tableField='',$rowIndex=INDEX_NUM) { if($tableName == ALL_TABLES) { return $this->search_in_dataset($keyWord); exit; } else if($tableName != ALL_TABLES) { if($tableField == '') { return $this->search_in_table($keyWord,$tableName); exit; } else { return $this->search_in_table_field($keyWord,$tableName,$tableField); exit; } } else { $this->catch_error("Table $tableName doesn't exists in dataset"); } } function search_in_dataset($keyWord,$rowIndex) { $found = array(); $key_word_match = false; $num_of_match = 0; foreach($this->dataset as $table_name => $table) { foreach($table as $key => $record) { foreach($record as $field => $value) { if(strpos($value,$keyWord,0) !== false) { $key_word_match = true; } } if($key_word_match == true) { if($rowIndex == INDEX_KEY) $found[$key] = $this->dataset[$table_name][$key]; else if($rowIndex == INDEX_NUM) $found[$num_of_match] = $this->dataset[$table_name][$key]; $num_of_match++; } //reset to matched key word to false $key_word_match = false; } } if($num_of_match > 0) { return $found; } else { return -1; } } function search_in_table($keyWord,$tableName,$rowIndex) { $found = array(); $key_word_match = false; $num_of_match = 0; foreach($this->dataset[$tableName] as $key => $record) { foreach($record as $field => $value) { if(strpos($value,$keyWord,0) !== false) { $key_word_match = true; } } if($key_word_match == true) { if($rowIndex == INDEX_KEY) $found[$key] = $this->dataset[$table_name][$key]; else if($rowIndex == INDEX_NUM) $found[$num_of_match] = $this->dataset[$table_name][$key]; $num_of_match++; } //reset to matched key word to false $key_word_match = false; } if($num_of_match > 0) { return $found; } else { return -1; } } function search_in_table_field($keyWord,$tableName,$tableField,$rowIndex) { $found = array(); $key_word_match = false; $num_of_match = 0; foreach($this->dataset[$tableName] as $key => $record) { if(strpos($record[$tableField],$keyWord,0) !== false) { $key_word_match = true; } if($key_word_match == true) { if($rowIndex == INDEX_KEY) $found[$key] = $this->dataset[$table_name][$key]; else if($rowIndex == INDEX_NUM) $found[$num_of_match] = $this->dataset[$table_name][$key]; $num_of_match++; } //reset to matched key word to false $key_word_match = false; } if($num_of_match > 0) { return $found; } else { return -1; } } function catch_error($errorMsg,$sqlError='') { $this->error = "$errorMsg $sqlError"; echo $this->error; exit; } } ?> <?php //Some examples how to use the class :) /* $ds = new Dataset('your database host','database username','database password','database name'); $dataset = ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_NUM,INDEX_NUM,INDEX_NUM))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$dataset[0][0][0]='.$dataset[0][0][0].'<br>'; $dataset= ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_NUM,INDEX_NUM,INDEX_KEY))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$dataset[0][0][foo_name]='.$dataset[0][0]['foo_name'].'<br>'; $dataset= ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_NUM,INDEX_KEY,INDEX_NUM))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$dataset[0][_foo01][0]='.$dataset[0]['_foo01'][0].'<br>'; $dataset= ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_NUM,INDEX_KEY,INDEX_KEY))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$dataset[0][_foo01][foo_name]='.$dataset[0]['_foo01']['foo_name'].'<br>'; $dataset= ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_KEY,INDEX_NUM,INDEX_NUM))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$indexset[Foo_Table][0][0]='.$dataset['Foo_Table'][0][0].'<br>'; $dataset= ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_KEY,INDEX_NUM,INDEX_KEY))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$dataset[Foo_Table][0][mach_id]='.$dataset['Foo_Table'][0]['foo_name'].'<br>'; $dataset= ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_KEY,INDEX_KEY,INDEX_NUM))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$dataset[Foo_Table][_foo01][0]='.$dataset['Foo_Table']['_foo01'][0].'<br>'; $dataset= ($ds->set_dataset('Foo_Table',INDEX_KEY,INDEX_KEY,INDEX_KEY))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; echo '$dataset[Foo_Table][_foo01][mach_id]='.$dataset['Foo_Table']['_foo01']['foo_name'].'<br>'; $multitable1 = ($ds->set_dataset('Table1,Table2',INDEX_KEY,INDEX_NUM,INDEX_NUM))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; $multitable2 = ($ds->set_dataset(array('Table1'=>'id=10','Table2'=>'id=10'),INDEX_KEY,INDEX_NUM,INDEX_NUM))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; //Queries for one table //the table name must exists in database $queryset1 = ($ds->set_queryset('Table1',"id = 10"))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; for($i=0;$i<count($queryset['Table1']);$i++) { foreach($queryset['Table1'][$i] as $field => $value) { echo $field.'='.$value.' '; } echo '<br>'; } //Queries for multiple tables $query = "SELECT * FROM Table1,Table2,Table3 WHERE ="; //set the query result anyname you like to store it in dataset array $queryset2 = ($ds->set_queryset('QueryTable',$query,INDEX_KEY))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; for($i=0;$i<count($queryset['QueryTable']);$i++) { foreach($queryset['QueryTable'][$i] as $field => $value) { echo $field.'='.$value.' '; } echo '<br>'; } $ds2 = new Dataset('your database host','database username','database password','database name'); $dataset2 = ($ds->set_dataset(ALL_TABLES))? $ds->get_dataset() : null; //Search in current dataset $search_result1 = $ds2->search("Theo"); $search_result2 = $ds2->search("Theo","Table1"); $search_result3 = $ds2->search("Theo",'Table1',"name"); for($i=0;$i<count($search_result3);$i++) { foreach($search_result3[$i] as $field => $value) { echo $value; } } //Search by giving the table array $search_result4 = $ds2->search_record($dataset2['Table1'],"Theo"); $search_result5 = $ds2->search_record($dataset2['Table1'],"Theo","name"); $search_result6 = $ds2->search_record($dataset2['Table1'],"10,Theo","id,name",'AND'); $search_result7 = $ds2->search_record($dataset2['Table1'],"10,Theo","id,name",'OR'); for($i=0;$i<count($search_result5);$i++) { foreach($search_result5[$i] as $field => $value) { echo $value; } } */ ?>