Version: 1.0
Type: Full Script
Category: Other
License: GNU General Public License
Description: Web Search System By Http://, is a profesional script of search in the databases of alvavista, google and more.
<? # name: Hyper Search Script # # scpt: Multisearch.php # # devl: Alberto Ferrer "[email protected]" # # date: 1 De Diciembre Del Ao 2000 # # desc: Multiples Busquedas En Un Formulario. # # Receives engine ($engine) and search criteria ($scrit) # from a form and creates the proper search form and # submits it to the site specified # # * Works with GET or POST method # * Any amount of hidden fields # DEFINE SEARCH ENGINES # engine name = action, method, criteria field $engines = array( "excite" => array("", "GET", "search"), "altavista" => array("", "GET", "q"), "webster" => array("", "POST", "va"), "yahoo" => array("","GET","p"), "internic" => array("","POST","STRING"), "google" => array("","GET","q"), "devsearch" => array("","GET","q"), "det" => array("","POST","research_quote_symbol"), "hotbot" => array("","GET","MT"), "lycos" => array("","GET","query"), "askjeeves" => array("","GET","ask"), "slashdot" => array("","GET","query"), "freshmeat" => array("","POST","query"), "php" => array("", "POST", "function"), "infind" => array("","GET","query") ); # DEFINE HIDDEN FIELDS # engine name = "name"=>"value" $hiddenFields = array( "altavista" => array("pg"=>"q","what"=>"web","kl"=>"en"), "webster" => array("book"=>"dictionary"), "devsearch" => array("mss"=>"en/simple", "pg"=>"q", "what"=>"web", "enc"=>"iso88591","fmt"=>".","op"=>"a"), "det" => array("INFOTYPE"=>"DET_QUOTES"), "hotbot" => array("OPs"=>"MDRTP"), "lycos" => array("cat"=>"dir"), "askjeeves" => array("origin"=>"","qSource"=>"0","site_name"=>"Jeeves","metasearch"=>"yes"), "infind" => array("time"=>"10") ); $action = $engines[$engine][0]; $method = $engines[$engine][1]; $criteriafield = $engines[$engine][2]; ?> <form name="theForm" action="<? echo($action); ?>" METHOD="<? echo($method) ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="<? echo($criteriafield); ?>" VALUE="<? echo($scrit); ?>"> <? if ($hiddenfields[$engine]) { while ( list($key, $val) = each($hiddenfields[$engine]) ) { echo "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='$key' VALUE='$val'>n"; } } ?> </form> <script> document.theForm.submit(); </script>