#native_company# #native_desc#

Multiple Image upload -> JPG & SWF thumbnail

By Aleksandar Markovic
on May 3, 2002

Version: 1.0

Type: Full Script

Category: Graphics

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This nice script do following:

1.Upload to server up to 10 JPG pictures
2.Rename files with given index
3.Create SWF images from uploaded pictures
4.Create JPG thumbnails
5.Create SWF thumbnails

Script require MING and GD2 library.


// #############################################################################
// #  Image proccesing script                                                  #
// #                                                                           #
// #  1.Upload to server                                                       #
// #  2.Create SWF image from uploaded picture                                 #
// #  3.Create JPG thumbnail                                                   #
// #  4.Create SWF thumbnail                                                   #
// #                                                                           #
// #  processing.php                                                           #
// #  By Aleksandar Markovic ( [email protected])                                #
// #  www.netsector.co.yu                                                      #
// #  Required MING + GD2 php lib !!!!                                         #
// #                                                                           #
// #  Copyright under GNU   May 2002                                           #
// #############################################################################

If ($Submit<>"Next ->")
<form name="form1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="processing.php">
        <p>Upload pictures<br>
          Picture index
          <input type="text" name="insid">
        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="323">
            <td width="59">&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="264"> <b>picture</b></td>
            <td width="59">#1</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic1" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#2</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic2" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#3</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic3" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#4</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic4" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#5</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic5" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#6</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic6" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#7</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic7" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#8</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic8" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#9</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic9" size="70" >
            <td width="59">#10&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="264">
              <input type="file" name="pic10" size="70" >
        <input type="reset" name="Submit4" value="Reset">
        <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Next -&gt;">

//########################### Define Back string ###############################
$back = <<<EOD
<form name="form_back" action="processing.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<- BACK">
//######################### End Define Back string #############################


if (!(extension_loaded("gd")))
{echo "GD library not compiled or loaded into this server!<br>
This script can not work without GD library!";

if (!(extension_loaded("ming")))
{echo "MING library not compiled or loaded into this server!<br>
This script can not work without MING library!";

if (!(is_dir("data")))
{echo "Directory "data" not found!<br>
Please create directory with name "data" and set 0777 permissions
 (uploaded files goes here)";

if ($insid=="")
echo "Missing picture index".$back;

//############################### MAIN LOOP ####################################
for ($i=1;$i<11;$i++)

 //############### execute code only for selected/browsed files ################
 if (($$xpic<>"none") and ($$xpic<>""))

  //########################## file type check #################################
  $cert1 = "image/pjpeg"; //jpg
  $cert2 = "image/jpeg"; //jpg (for MAC)
  $xtype =$HTTP_POST_FILES[$xpic]['type'];

  if (($xtype <> $cert1) AND ($xtype <> $cert2))
  {$log.= "<b>#$i Not allowed file type ! ($xtype)</b><br>";}

  //##################### copy jpg pic to server ###############################
  If (move_uploaded_file($$xpic, $dest))
  {$log.=""; $piccount+=1;}
  {$log.="$dest upload error!($$xpic)<br>";}

  //################## create SWF pic using MING lib functions #################

  $b = new SWFBitmap($jpgx);  //### create new FLASH bitmap object
  $pic = new SWFShape();      //### create new FLASH shape object
  $pic->drawLine($b->getWidth(), 0);
  $pic->drawLine(0, $b->getHeight());
  $pic->drawLine(-$b->getWidth(), 0);
  $pic->drawLine(0, -$b->getHeight());

  $big_h=$b->getHeight(); //### get uploaded pic heigh (for create jpg thumb)
  $big_w=$b->getWidth();  //### get uploaded pic with (for create jpg thumb)

  $movie = new SWFMovie();
  $movie->setRate(50);    //### Set movie frame rate

  //### set movie dimension as JPG dimension
  $movie->setDimension($b->getWidth(), $b->getHeight());
  $movie->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

  $movie->add($pic);     //### Add created shape object to curent frame

  $movie->save ($swfx); //### save this movi to hard/server
  chmod ($swfx, 0755); //### Change file permision

  $log.="#$i SWF pic created ($swfx)<br>";
  //########################## end create SWF pic ##############################

  //######## make thumbnail from uploaded pic using GD2 lib functions ##########
  $scale_ratio=0.5;         //### Thumbnail scale ratio
  $quality=90;              //### Thumbnail quality



  $in_jpg = imagecreatefromjpeg($dest_jpgx);
  $out_jpg = imagecreatetruecolor($dest_w,$dest_h);
  imagejpeg($out_jpg,$dest_t,$quality); //### save this thumb to hard/server
  //################### end make thumb from uploaded pic #######################

  //################ create SWF thumb using MING lib function ##################

  $b = new SWFBitmap($jpgx1);   //### create new FLASH bitmap object
  $pic = new SWFShape();        //### create new FLASH shape object
  $pic->drawLine($b->getWidth(), 0);
  $pic->drawLine(0, $b->getHeight());
  $pic->drawLine(-$b->getWidth(), 0);
  $pic->drawLine(0, -$b->getHeight());

  $movie = new SWFMovie();
  $movie->setRate(50);    //### Set movie frame rate

  //### set movie dimension as JPG dimension
  $movie->setDimension($b->getWidth(), $b->getHeight());
  $movie->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

  $movie->add($pic);     //### Add created shape object to curent frame

  $movie->save ($swfx); //### save this movi to hard/server
  chmod ($swfx, 0755);  //### Change file permision

  $log.="#$i SWF thumb created ($swfx)<br>";
  //################################ end create SWF thumb ######################

   } //### end type check
  } //### end selected/browsed files
} //### end MAIN LOOP

echo $log."<br>";
echo "Number of updated picures: ".$piccount."<br>";
echo $back;

} //### end submit