Version: 1.1
Type: Class
Category: Games
License: GNU General Public License
Description: PHP class for creating multiple-choice quizzes on your web site. Configurable with an XML file–no need for a database. Fast, easy to use. Create one quiz object and store as a session variable for each testtaker. Flexible: display questions as you wish. Allows multiple correct answers for each question. XML must be compiled into your instance of PHP to use.
Find an example of it at
For more documentation, including an XML configuration example, go to
Comments and bug reports to [email protected].
<?php class question { var $question; var $order; var $choices = array(); var $correct; var $choice; function question ($ary) { foreach ($ary as $k => $v) { switch ($v["tag"]) { case "question": $this->question = $v["value"]; break; case "answer": $attrs = $v["attributes"]; if ($attrs["correct"] == "yes") { $this->correct= $attrs["order"]; } $this->choices[$attrs["order"]] = $v["value"]; break; default: break; } } } function dump () { echo "Dump object question<br>"; echo "question: $this->question<br>"; foreach ($this->choices as $k => $v) { echo "$k: $v<br>"; } echo "correct: $this->correct<P>"; } } class quiz { // set of question objects var $questions = array(); var $points; var $name; function quiz ($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) {return $ary;} $values = array(); $tags = array(); $data = join("",file($file)); $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,1); xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$data,&$values,&$tags); xml_parser_free($parser); $this->name = $values[0]["attributes"]["name"]; # parse out each question $items = $tags["item"]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i+=2) { $lower = $items[$i]; $upper = $items[$i+1]; // get question number $item = $values[$lower]; $number = $item["attributes"]["number"]; // get question data and pass to question object $lower++; $length = $upper-$lower; $upper--; $this->questions[$number] = new question(array_slice($values, $lower, $length)); # debug #$this->questions[$number]->dump(); } ksort($this->questions); reset($this->questions); # debugging #echo "<pre>"; #print_r($tags); #print_r($values); #echo "</pre>"; } //get the question array length function length () { return count($this->questions); } //get the question function question($id) { return $this->questions[$id]->question; } //get the choices for the question function choices($id) { return $this->questions[$id]->choices; } //add testtaker's answer function tally($id, $choice) { $this->questions[$id]->choice = $choice; } //return array of testtaker's answers function get_answers() { $choices = array(); foreach ($this->questions as $id => $q) { $answers["$id"] = $q->choice; } return $answers; } //return array of correct answers function get_correct() { $correct = array(); foreach ($this->questions as $id => $q) { $correct["$id"] = $q->correct; } return $correct; } function score() { $points = 0; foreach ($this->questions as $id => $q) { if ($q->choice == $q->correct) { $points++; } } return $points; } } ?>