Version: 1.1
Type: Class
Category: Math Functions
License: GNU General Public License
Description: given an array x,y it will produce the constant and gradient of the stright line going through the points. It will produce a picture as well. the array will be extended to include the residuals
<?php /*Aims generate equation for straight line picture of plot (picture of reisuals) to come */ class ymxc{ var $input; //array (x,y) //converts to selected colom to log function logcol($col){ echo "<br/>".$this->input[$col]; foreach($this->input as $in)$this->input[$col]=log(abs($in[$col])); } function line(){ //output m & c /* retrival variables expanded array array(x, y, xy, x^2) - $input[][2], $input[][3] n count of array constant gradient returns constant and gradient */ $sumx=0; $sumy=0; $sumxy=0; $sumxx=0; $n=count($this->input); $i=0; foreach($this->input as $in){ $this->input[$i][2]=($in[0]*$in[1]); $this->input[$i][3]=pow($in[0],2); //sums $sumx=$sumx+$in[0]; $sumy=$sumy+$in[1]; $sumxy=$sumxy+$this->input[$i][2]; $sumxx=$sumxx+$this->input[$i][3]; $i++; }//4each $xdivN=$sumx/$n; $ydivN=$sumy/$n; $gradient=($sumxy-$n*$xdivN*$ydivN)/($sumxx-$n*pow($xdivN,2)); $constant=$ydivN-$gradient*$xdivN; $output=array($gradient,$constant); $this->gradient=$gradient; $this->constant=$constant; //print_r($this->input); $this->n=count($this->input); return $output; /* OU MS284 unit 7 page 41 ISBN= 7492 2066 2 */ }//line function residuals(){ /* expands array to include model array[][4] */ $i=0; foreach($this->input as $ii){ $this->input[$i][4]=$this->gradient*$ii[0]+$this->constant; $this->input[$i][5]=$this->input[$i][4]-$ii[1]; $i++; }//foreach foreach ($this->input as $key => $in)$res[$key] = $in[5]; return $this->sdv($res); }//residuals function sdv($array){ $sumx=0; $sumxx=0; $n=count($array); $i=0; foreach($array as $in){ $squares=$in*$in; //sums $sumx=$sumx+$in; $sumxx=$sumxx+$squares; $i++; }//4each $xdivN=$sumx/$n; $xxdivN=$sumxx/$n; $dsv=pow($xxdivN-$xdivN*$xdivN,.5); $output=array($xdivN,$dsv); return $output; // } function plot($title,$xtitle,$ytitle,$plotname){ /* requirs there to be an array of data Plots picture of array with line through writes picture to disk plot-datenumber.png plot needs title xtitle and ytitle */ $n=$this->n; $this->residuals(); $plot = imagecreate(600, 450); $bg=imagecolorallocate($plot, 239, 239, 239); imagefilledrectangle ($plot, 50, 50, 550, 400, imagecolorallocate($plot, 255, 255, 255));//plot size 500 x 350 $font = 'Font.TTF'; $texcol = imagecolorallocate($plot, 0, 0, 0); $last=$this->input[count($this->input)-1]; //separate into colomns find min and max foreach ($this->input as $key => $in) { $x[$key] = $in[0]; $y[$key] = $in[1]; } $xx=$x; $yy=$y; sort($y, SORT_NUMERIC); sort($x, SORT_NUMERIC); if($this->constant<min($y))$miny=$this->constant; $xrange=$x[count($x)-1]-$x[0]; $yrange=$y[count($x)-1]-$y[0]; //echo "<br/>ranges miny $miny maxy $maxy yrange $yrange" ; //plot points //imagettftext($plot, 10, 0, 50, 420, $texcol, $font, round($x[0])); //imagettftext($plot, 10, 0, 20, 400, $texcol, $font, round($y[0])); for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++){ $xpoint= (($xx[$i]-$x[0])/$xrange*500)+45; $ypoint= (400-(($yy[$i]-$y[0])/$yrange*350)); imagettftext($plot, 10, 0, $xpoint, $ypoint, $texcol, $font, "x"); //echo "<br>$i x= $xpoint, y=$ypoint"; } if(!isset($xtitle))$xtitle="X Values"; imagettftext($plot, 15, 0, 250, 440, $texcol, $font, $xtitle); if(!isset($ytitle))$ytitle="Y Values"; imagettftext($plot, 15, 90, 20, 240, $texcol, $font, $ytitle); if(!isset($title))$title="Title"; imagettftext($plot, 20, 0, 100, 30, $texcol, $font, $title); imagettftext($plot, 10, 0, 450, 40, imagecolorallocate($plot, 0, 0, 255), $font, "Gradient =".round($this->gradient,4)); imagettftext($plot, 10, 0, 450, 20, imagecolorallocate($plot, 0, 0, 255), $font, "Constant =".round($this->constant,4)); //set y markers for($i=0;$i<6;$i++){ imagettftext($plot, 5, 90, 50, 70*$i+50, $texcol, $font, "|"); imagettftext($plot, 10, 90, 40, 450-(70*$i+50), $texcol, $font, round($i*($y[count($x)-1]-$y[0])/5+$y[0])); imagettftext($plot, 5, 0, 50+500/5*$i, 403, $texcol, $font, "|"); imagettftext($plot, 10, 0, 50+500/5*$i, 420, $texcol, $font, round($i*($x[count($x)-1]-$x[0])/5+$x[0])); } //plot line $s=$x[0]*$this->gradient+$this->constant; $s=(400-(($s-$y[0])/$yrange*350)); $t=$x[$n-1]*$this->gradient+$this->constant; $t= 400-($t-$y[0])/$yrange*350; //imageline ($plot, 50, 400, 550, 50, imagecolorallocate($plot, 255, 0, 0) ); imagettftext($plot, 10, 0, 15, $s, $texcol, $font, round($this->constant,2).",0"); imageline ($plot, 50, $s, 550, $t, imagecolorallocate($plot, 255, 0, 0) ); imageline ($plot, 50, 400-(-$y[0]/$yrange*350), 550, 400-(-$y[0]/$yrange*350), imagecolorallocate($plot, 0, 0, 255) ); $xo=($this->constant-$x[0]); $xo= (($x0-$x[0])/$xrange*500)+50; imageline ($plot, $xo, 400, $xo, 50, imagecolorallocate($plot, 0, 255, 0) ); //imagepng($plot, "plot-".strtotime('now').".png"); if(!isset($plotname))$plotname="plot"; imagepng($plot, $plotname.".png"); }//plot /* Sally Evans +447718541145 any problems email [email protected] Seeking employment */ }//class ?>