#native_company# #native_desc#


By Josh Pritt
on September 27, 2002

Version: 2.0

Type: Full Script

Category: HTML

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This counter isn’t like all the other… With this You can choose if You want a image- or text-counter on Your site.

#          PHP IMAGE COUNTER          #
#        Original idea by Lavve       #
#             2001-06-10              #
#        New and improved by          #
#     Josh "The Programmer" Pritt     #
#          Sept. 27, 2002             #
#                                     #
# *********************************** #
# Simply use a regular <img> tag in   #
# the HTML and set the src=<path>     #
# where <path> is the URL to this     #
# script.  Example:  <img             #
# src=http://me.com/visitCounter.php> #
#                                     #
# It's easy!                          #
# Email Josh P. for help:             #
# [email protected]                   #

#####* CHANGES REQIRED *#####
$cf = "cnt.dat"	;		#* The counterfile.
#####* Josh P's note: you may need to create this file
#####* on the server in the same folder and set its
#####* attributes for global write permission.

#####* Josh P's note: works fine as is.
#####*  - only mess with the colors below
$height = 14;         		#* height and width
$width = 60;			#* of the image

#####* NO CHANGES HERE *#####
$fp = @fopen($cf, "r") ;
$cn = @fread($fp, 255) ;
@fclose ($fp) ;

$fp = fopen ($cf, "w") ;
$cn++ ;
fputs ($fp, "$cn") ;
fclose ($fp) ;

//set up image

$im = ImageCreate($width, $height);

##* Here you can set the background and text color
$background = ImageColorAllocate($im, 68, 92, 130);
$textcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, 194, 203, 216);

//draw on image
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $background);
ImageString($im, 4, 1, 1, $cn, $textcolor);

//output image
Header("Content-type: image/png");

//clean up
