#native_company# #native_desc#

IMDB Scraper

By ajay
on January 1, 2011

Version: 1

Type: Full Script

Category: Databases

License: GNU General Public License

Description: IMDB-Scraper lists a directory and runs the filename through IMDB, parses the content, and writes it to a file to be inserted into MySQL. Also it downloads the large cover poster.

Ok, so what this does is ..

(1) Opens a directory, lists all the movie-type files: ‘mkv, mp4, mpg, avi’

(2) Submits a query to Google: ‘I’m feeling lucky’

(3) Downloads all the information, parses it, and stores it in a ‘data’ file

(4) Copies the large poster-image to a ‘temp’ folder

I’m sure you can figure it out

Note: The last character in the last line of data.txt will be a comma (,) that needs to be a semicolon (;).

You can write something into this to add the semicolon or just change it manually.

This script takes the tedious work out of storing your movie collection to a database, but I prefer to do the insertion to the database manually to insure fewer errors.

I didn’t write the IMDB-Scraper (don’t really know who did). I modified some parts of it, and made it automatic (90%, with the exception of the insert and the semicolon).

If anybody wishes to make those corrections :>


Create a database: moviedb
  >Create a table: movies
  >Then create new fields:
<-> movie_id      ::: Random 9-10 digit id
<-> movie_fn      ::: name of file located on the harddrive
<-> movie_path    ::: Path where the file is located on the harddrive
<-> movie_title    ::: Film Title
<-> movie_date    ::: Release date: Day, Month, Year
<-> movie_actors  ::: Cast members
<-> movie_about   ::: Short description.. 
<-> movie_length  ::: Length in minutes.. 
<-> movie_size    ::: Size of the file on the disk.. 
<-> movie_rating  ::: MPAA rating.. 
<-> movie_plot    ::: This is the Synopsis field.. 
<-> movie_type    ::: This is your Genres
<-> movie_when    ::: This is for 'recently' added stuff.. The more recent, the closer to the top it is.. 
<-> movie_quality ::: This is a rough 'mkv/mp4' vs avi/mpg to lable as HD or SD -- not accurate unless you know your avis are SD and MKV's are HD, so on..

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q

  // movie location
  $path = "/movies/movies";
  $cover_path = "$path/temp";
  global $poster;
  $dbhost = 'localhost';
  $dbuser = 'YOUR_SQL_USERNAME';
  $dbpass = 'YOUR_SQL_PASSWORD';
  $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("WTF I CANT CONNECT!!n");
  $dbname = 'moviedb';
  if (file_exists("$path/data.txt"))
      exec("rm $path/data.txt n");
      $glob = "$cover_path/";
      if (glob($glob . '*.jpg'))
          exec("rm $cover_path/*.jpg");
  $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
  $data_f = "$path/data.txt";
  $list = fopen("$data_f", 'a');
  fwrite($list, "INSERT INTO `moviedb`.`movies` (`movie_id` ,  `movie_fn` ,  `movie_path` ,  `movie_title` ,  `movie_date` , `movie_actors` ,  `movie_about` ,  `movie_length` ,  `movie_size` ,  `movie_rating` ,  `movie_plot` , `movie_type`, `movie_when`, `movie_quality`)  VALUESn");
  while ($file = readdir($dir_handle))
      if ($file == '..' or $file == '.')
              $var1 = explode('.', $file);
              if ($var1[1] == avi or $var1[1] == mp4 or $var1[1] == mpg or $var1[1] == mkv)
                  $ext = $var1[1];
                  $sqlfn = $file;
                  $file = str_replace(".avi", " ", $file);
                  $file = str_replace(".mp4", " ", $file);
                  $file = str_replace(".mpg", " ", $file);
                  $file = str_replace(".mkv", " ", $file);
                  $file = str_replace("-", " ", $file);
                  $file = str_replace("_", " ", $file);
                  $fn = mysql_query("SELECT *  FROM `movies` WHERE `movie_fn` LIKE '$sqlfn'") or die(mysql_error());
                  $row = mysql_fetch_array($fn);
                  if ($row[movie_fn] == $sqlfn)
                      //    echo "Already got this one!"; 
                      echo "Test one passed: Attempting to fetch information for title: $sqlfn...n";
                      $m = new MediaInfo();
                      $info = $m->getMovieInfo("$file", "$sqlfn");
                  //echo "Test failed: Skipping $filenn";
  function consize($fs)
      if ($fs >= 1073741824)
          $fs = round($fs / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " Gb";
      elseif ($fs >= 1048576)
          $fs = round($fs / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " Mb";
      elseif ($fs >= 1024)
          $fs = round($fs / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " Kb";
          $fs = $fs . " b";
      return $fs;
  function fixapos($in)
      $str = $in;
      if (stristr($in, "'"))
          $in = str_replace("'", "''", "$in");
      if (stristr("$in", "&#39;"))
          $in = str_replace("&#39;", "''", "$in");
      if (stristr($in, "&#x27;"))
          $in = str_replace("&#x27;", "''", "$in");
      $in = html_entity_decode($in, ENT_QUOTES, "ISO-8859-1");
      $in = preg_replace('/&#(d+);/me', "chr(1)", $in);
      $in = preg_replace('/&#x([a-f0-9]+);/mei', "chr(0x1)", $in);
      return $in;
  class MediaInfo
      public $info;
      function __construct($str = null)
          if (!is_null($str))
      function autodetect($str)
          // Attempt to cleanup $str in case it's a filename ;-)
          $str = pathinfo($str, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
          $str = $this->normalize($str);
          // Is it a movie or tv show?
          if (preg_match('/s[0-9][0-9]?.?e[0-9][0-9]?/i', $str) == 1)
              $this->info = $this->getEpisodeInfo($str);
              $this->info = $this->getMovieInfo($str);
          return $this->info;
      function getEpisodeInfo($str)
          $arr = array();
          $arr['kind'] = 'tv';
          return $arr;
      function getMovieInfo($str, $file)
          $str = str_ireplace('the ', '', $str);
          $url = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=imdb+" . urlencode($str) . "&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky";
          $html = $this->geturl($url);
          if (stripos($html, "302 Moved") !== false)
              $html = $this->geturl($this->match('/HREF="(.*?)"/ms', $html, 1));
          $arr = array();
          $arr['kind'] = 'movie';
          $arr['id'] = $this->match('/poster.*?(tt[0-9]+)/ms', $html, 1);
          $arr['title'] = $this->match('/<title>(.*?)</title>/ms', $html, 1);
          $arr['title'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]+)/', '', $arr['title']);
          $arr['title'] = trim($arr['title']);
          $arr['rating'] = $this->match('/([0-9].[0-9])/10/ms', $html, 1);
          $arr['director'] = trim(strip_tags($this->match('/Director:(.*?)</a>/ms', $html, 1)));
          $arr['release_date'] = $this->match('/([0-9][0-9]? (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) (19|20)[0-9][0-9])/ms', $html, 1);
          $arr['plot'] = trim(strip_tags($this->match('/Users:.*?<p>(.*?)(</p>|<a)/ms', $html, 1)));
          $arr['storyline'] = trim(strip_tags($this->match('/Storyline</h2>(.*?)(<em|</p>|<span)/ms', $html, 1)));
          $arr['runtime'] = trim($this->match('/Runtime:</h4>.*?([0-9]+) min.*?</div>/ms', $html, 1));
          $arr['genres'] = array();
          foreach ($this->match_all('/<a.*?>(.*?)</a>/ms', $this->match('/Genre.?:(.*?)(</div>|See more)/ms', $html, 1), 1) as $m)
              array_push($arr['genres'], $m);
          $arr['mpaa_rating'] = $this->match('/infobar">.<img.*?alt="(.*?)".*?>/ms', $html, 1);
          $arr['cast'] = array();
          foreach ($this->match_all('/<td class="name">(.*?)</td>/ms', $html, 1) as $m)
              array_push($arr['cast'], trim(strip_tags($m)));
          $arr['poster'] = $this->match('/(http://ia.media-imdb.com/images.*?)" /></a>/ms', $html, 1);
          $arr['poster_large'] = "";
          $arr['poster_small'] = "";
          if ($arr['poster'] != '' && strrpos($arr['poster'], "nopicture") === false)
              $arr['poster_large'] = substr($arr['poster'], 0, strrpos($arr['poster'], "_V1.")) . "_V1._SY500.jpg";
              $arr['poster_small'] = substr($arr['poster'], 0, strrpos($arr['poster'], "_V1.")) . "_V1._SY150.jpg";
              $arr['poster'] = "";
          $poster = explode('=', $arr[poster_large]);
          $this->poster = str_replace("'", "", $poster[2]);
          $fn = mysql_query("SELECT *  FROM `movies` WHERE `movie_fn` LIKE '$file'") or die(mysql_error());
          $row = mysql_fetch_array($fn);
          if (!$row[movie_id])
              $doid = rand(600000000, 1000000000);
              $doid = $row[movie_id];
          global $cover_path;
          $fnp = "$cover_path/" . $doid . ".jpg";
          global $ext;
          if ($this->poster)
              if ($fp = fopen($this->poster, 'r'))
                  $content = '';
                  while ($line = fread($fp, 1024))
                      $content .= $line;
                  $fw = fopen("$fnp", 'w');
                  fwrite($fw, $content);
                  global $path;
                  global $sqlfn;
                  // $arr[size] = consize(filesize("$path/$sqlfn"));
                  $arr[size] = consize(shell_exec("du --block-size 1 $path/$sqlfn | awk '{print $1}'"));
                  $arr[title] = str_replace("'", "''", $arr[title]);
                  $arr[title] = str_replace("  - IMDb", "", $arr[title]);
                  $arr[whenadd] = exec('date +%s');
                  $genie = $arr['genres']['0'] . " " . $arr['genres']['1'] . " " . $arr['genres']['2'];
                  if ($ext == 'mkv' or $ext == 'mp4')
                      $arr['movie_quality'] = 'HD';
                  elseif ($ext == 'avi' or $ext == 'mpg')
                      $arr['movie_quality'] = 'SD';
                      $arr['movie_quality'] = '?';
                  $i = 0;
                  while ($i <= count($arr[cast]))
                      $varx .= $arr[cast][$i] . "&";
                  $sql = "('$doid' , '$file' ,'/movies/movies' ,'" . fixapos($arr[title]) . "' ,'" . fixapos($arr[release_date]) . "','" . fixapos($varx) . "','" . fixapos($arr[plot]) . "','" . fixapos("$arr[runtime] minutes") . "','" . fixapos($arr[size]) . "','" . fixapos($arr[mpaa_rating]) . "','" . fixapos($arr[storyline]) . "','" . fixapos($genie) . "','" . fixapos($arr[whenadd]) . "','" . $arr[movie_quality] . "'),n";
                  global $data_f;
                  $list = fopen("$data_f", 'a');
                  fwrite($list, "$sqln") or die("Error writing file $sql");
                  echo "<-->Successfully wrote data for title: $arr[title]n";
                  //echo "Failed: an error occured when trying to open the specified url $imagenn";
              //echo "Failed: an error while fetching: $filen"; 
          return $arr;
      // ****************************************************************
      function normalize($str)
          $str = str_replace('_', ' ', $str);
          $str = str_replace('.', ' ', $str);
          $str = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $str);
          return $str;
      function geturl($url, $username = null, $password = null)
          $ch = curl_init();
          if (!is_null($username) && !is_null($password))
              curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode("$username:$password")));
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
          $html = curl_exec($ch);
          return $html;
      function match_all($regex, $str, $i = 0)
          if (preg_match_all($regex, $str, $matches) === false)
              return false;
              return $matches[$i];
      function match($regex, $str, $i = 0)
          if (preg_match($regex, $str, $match) == 1)
              return $match[$i];
              return false;
  global $path
 //uncomment this if u want this to happen automatically. echo shell_exec(./do_thumbs.sh $path);

<----bash file----->
Create a file called: do_thumbs.sh
      chmod +x do_thumbs.sh

  I wouldn't recommend removing comments until you verify that this works for you.. Adjust as needed, also, you need to verify you have:


if [ $(whoami) != root ]; then
echo "<-> You can only run this as root.."
exit 1

if [ -z $1 ]; then
        echo "missing argument"
        exit 1
if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
        echo "<-> directory does not exist: $1"
        exit 1
#temporary write directory
#original directory
#thumbnail directory
# make sure these directories exist!
if [ ! -d $path ]; then
        echo "<-> Creating directory: $path"
        #mkdir $path
if [ ! -d $origpath ]; then
        echo "<-> Creating directory: $origpath"
        #mkdir $origpath
if [ ! -d $thumbpath ]; then
        echo "<-> Creating directory: $thumbpath"
        #mkdir $thumbpath
for file in $(ls $path)
                echo "<--> Processing: $file 89x131"
                #convert -resize 89x131 $path/$file $thumbpath/$file
                echo "<----> Created THUMBNAIL: $thumbpath/$file"
                #mv $path/$file $origpath/$file
                echo "<----> moving ORIGINAL: $path/$file -> $origpath/$file"
        echo "<!--> Finished. $i files processed."