#native_company# #native_desc#

Human readable date in Spanish

By Juan Carlos
on February 18, 2002

Version: 1

Type: Function

Category: Calendars/Dates

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This simple function will return the actual date in a human readable way in Spanish.

* This function will return the actual date in a human readable way (Spanish).
* @author Juan Carlos Gonzalez <[email protected]>
function fecha_actual(){
    $mes = array(1=>"enero",2=>"febrero",3=>"marzo",4=>"abril",5=>"mayo",6=>"junio",7=>"julio",
    $dia = array("domingo", "lunes","martes","mircoles","jueves","viernes","sbado");
    $diames = date("j");
    $nmes = date("n");
    $ndia = date("w");
    $nano = date("Y");
    return $dia[$ndia].", $diames de ".$mes[$nmes].", $nano";