#native_company# #native_desc#

HTML function

By Dave Heaney
on June 10, 2001

Version: 0.11

Type: Function

Category: HTML

License: GNU General Public License

Description: Just a simple little function for those who hate going back and forth between html and PHP code.

 * File:        html.inc.php
 * Written By:  Edwin Robertson {TuxMonkey}
 * Updated By:  David Heaney {superdave}
 * Date:        June 11, 2001
 * I was bored, and I modified the original function to accept a variable
 * number of arguments, instead of one, seperated by semicolons.  It may
 * or may not be an improvement....
 * please let me know if you find any bugs.
 * Syntax: html("element", "attributes", tabs, newline);
 * Note - The only thing actually required is the element

function html($element, $attributes=false, $tabs=0, $newline=false)
    // Number of spaces to use for tabs
    $tabstop = 4;

    // Check to see if any tabs are needed
    if($tabs > 0){
        $tab = $tabstop * $tabs;
        for($x = 0;$x < $tab;$x++){
            $spaces .= " ";
    print "$spaces<";
    // Do we need to print a new line at the end
    if($newline == true){
        $new = "n";
    print $element;
    // Do we have any attributes we need to add
        $args = split(" ",$attributes);
        for($x = 0;$x < count($args);$x++){
            $i = split("=",$args[$x]);
            if(strtoupper($i[0]) == "NOWRAP"){
                print " nowrap";
            else if(strtoupper($i[0]) == "SELECTED"){
                print " selected";
            else if(strtoupper($i[0]) == "CHECKED"){
                print " checked";
                print " $i[0]="$i[1]"";
    // Finish up
    print ">$new";

// Example
html("html", "", "", true);
html("head", "", 1, true);
html("title", "", 2);
print "Example";
html("/title", "", 0, true);
html("/head", "", 1, true);
html("body", "bgcolor=white", 1, true);
print "Hello World!n";
html("/body", "", 1, true);
html("/html", "", 0, true);