#native_company# #native_desc#

How to resize an image

By Marty Smith
on February 23, 2008

Version: 1

Type: Sample Code (HOWTO)

Category: Graphics

License: GNU General Public License

Description: How to resize an image to fit in a desired space.

With this script you can upload images
In the submit form you can provide
the max height and max width needed.

After submitting the uploaded image
file will be resized to the new
max height and max width provided.

On the http://www.get-on-top.com/image_resize/resize.php
you can find the Example form
you can also find the php code for the script.

Example below



   function calculate_width_height($width, $height,$width_needed, $height_needed)
      if ($width <= $width_needed and $height <= $height_needed)
         //Estimate if both Width and Height of the image are smaller then
         //the given values for Width and Height
         //if this is true dan keep the original size of the image
         if ($height > $height_needed)
            //If the value of the height of the image is greater then the given value for height
            //then estimate the percentage of the given value for height in relation to
            //the original height value of the image
            //Use this percentage to calculate the new width value for the image
            //in relation to original width value of the image

            $l_percentage_height =$height_needed/($height/100);

            if ($l_new_width > $width_needed)
               //After calculation the new width value can stil be greater then the needed width value
               //do the same calculation as above but then for the width needed

               $l_percentage_width =$width_needed/($width/100);
            //The height value of the image is not greater then the needed height value
            //but original width value of the image is
            //calculate the new values for width and height

            $l_percentage_width =$width_needed/($width/100);

            if ($l_new_height > $height_needed)
               $l_percentage_height =$height_needed/($height/100);

   $calculated_width_height[] = round($l_new_width);
   $calculated_width_height[] = round($l_new_height);
   return $calculated_width_height;

   function resize($filename, $dest, $width, $height, $type=''){
           return 'Cannot open file';
       $img_n= @ imagecreatetruecolor ($width, $height);
       @ imagecopyresampled($img_n, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagesx($img), imagesy($img));
           imagegif($img_n, $dest);
          @ imagejpeg($img_n, $dest);
          @ imagepng($img_n, $dest);
          @ imagewbmp($img_n, $dest);
       Return true;

   function upload_file($root_dir,$file_name,$file_name_tmp,$lc_width,$lc_height)

      $uploaddir = "/get_on_top/image_resize/uploads";

      if (
         !file_exists($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$uploaddir) ||
         2 != (fileperms($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$uploaddir) & 2) ||
         1 != (fileperms($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$uploaddir) & 1)

      $fileext = substr($file_name, -4);

      if (strtolower($fileext) != ".jpg" and strtolower($fileext) != ".gif")
         print "<b>For security reasons only the uploading of .jpg and .gif files is allowed.</b><br>n";
         print "<a href="javascript:history.back();">Click here to go back.</a><br>";

      $loc = $uploaddir."/".$file_name;
      $fullloc = $root_dir.$loc;
      $upfile = $file_name_tmp;

      if ($filesize>$lc_max_filesize)
         $lc_message= "File is too big, may not be bigger then 2MB";
         if(move_uploaded_file($upfile, $fullloc))
            chmod($fullloc, 0644);
            die("Error moving "$upfile" to "$fullloc".");

         $test =filesize($fullloc);

      list($original_width, $original_height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($fullloc);
      list($l_new_width,$l_new_heigth) = calculate_width_height($original_width, $original_height,$lc_width,$lc_height);

      resize($fullloc, $root_dir.$uploaddir."/".$lc_width."_".$lc_height."_".$file_name, $l_new_width, $l_new_heigth);

   $upload_info[] = $lc_message;
   $upload_info[] = $original_width;
   $upload_info[] = $original_height;
   $upload_info[] = $l_new_width;
   $upload_info[] = $l_new_heigth;

   return $upload_info;



   if ($_POST["resize_submit"] == "resize")

      $lc_height           =$_POST["height"];
      $lc_width            =$_POST["width"];

      $day = getdate();
      $minutes = $day['minutes'];

      if (!empty($_FILES["userfile"]["name"]))
         $fileext = substr($_FILES["userfile"]["name"], -4);



         list($lc_upload_message,$original_width,$original_height,$l_new_width,$l_new_height) = upload_file($root_dir,$ffile_name,$tfile_name_tmp,$lc_width,$lc_height);

         if ($lc_upload_message!="")
            echo "error_message".$lc_upload_message;

      <form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"  action="resize_image.php" method="post">
      <tr><td>height              :</td><td><input type="TEXT" name="height" size="10" value="<?php echo $lc_height ; ?>"></td></tr>
      <tr><td>width               :</td><td><input type="TEXT" name="width"  size="10" value="<?php echo $lc_width  ; ?>"></td></tr>
      <tr><td>image to upload     :</td><td><INPUT NAME="userfile" TYPE="file"></td></tr>
      <tr><td><input type="submit" name="resize_submit" value="resize"></td>

      <td><IMG border=0 src="uploads/<?php echo $ffile_name ; ?>" ></td>
      <td  valign=bottom><IMG border=0 src="uploads/<?php echo $lc_width.'_'.$lc_height.'_'.$ffile_name ; ?>" ></td>
      <td><?php echo "org_height:".$original_height." org_width:".$original_width; ?></td>
      <td><?php echo "new_height_".$l_new_height." new_width_".$l_new_width; ?></td>



      <form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"  action="resize_image.php" method="post">
      <tr><td>height              :</td><td><input type="TEXT" name="height" size="10" ></td></tr>
      <tr><td>width               :</td><td><input type="TEXT" name="width"  size="10" ></td></tr>
      <tr><td>image to upload     :</td><td><INPUT NAME="userfile" TYPE="file"></td></tr>
      <tr><td><input type="submit" name="resize_submit" value="resize"></td>