#native_company# #native_desc#

Grey Image with Coloured Mouse Over

By baden powell
on December 29, 2000

Version: 0.0.3

Type: Function

Category: Graphics

License: GNU General Public License

Description: The src for the image must be relative to the
script file the function is called from.

Dont forget to echo the function (html is in the return value)

It doesn’t look too bad,


#####I have included the 2 functions MSFPhover and MSFPpreload so it works 
#####without already having these declared elsewhere
#####you should also note that you will need the php gd extension library
#####on your server -- if you are sorted you can use this script with jpEg, gif
#####and png formats -- works fine with all
#####use: echo ImageGreyOver('image.gif','http://link') to define your image source
#####and its link -- the image should, if referenced in this manner, be in the
#####same directory as the two php files
#####NB:I have enclosed the main html-generating php file in html echoes to make it
#####easy to create a freestanding file for testing -- call this first part
#####alternatively, strip the html echoes out
#####(NOT the echo ImageGreyOver('image.gif','http://link'))
#####and chuck in your script


echo "<html>";
echo "<body>";
echo "<center>";

function ImageGreyOver($src,$href,$imageprops="border=0",$linkprops=""){
global $giop;
  return "nn<script language="JavaScript"><!--n".
             "MSFPhover =n". 
  "(((navigator.appName == "Netscape") &&n". 
  "(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 3 )) ||n". 
  "((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && n".
  "(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 )));n".
"function MSFPpreload(img) { var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a; }n".
             "MSFPnav".$giop."h=MSFPpreload('$src'); ".
   "// --></script>nn".
"<a href=".$href." $linkprops onmouseover="if(MSFPhover)
  document['MSFPnav".$giop."'].src=MSFPnav".$giop."h.src" onmouseout="if(MSFPhover)
document['MSFPnav".$giop."'].src=MSFPnav".$giop."n.src"><IMG $size[3]
src="".$greysrc."" $imageprops name="MSFPnav".$giop.""></a>";


echo ImageGreyOver('image.gif','http://link');

echo "</center>";
echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";


#####save as file greyimggif.php3 in same directory

#this file outputs a grey version of specified image
#use of this file:
#    in the image tag, <img border=0 src=greyimage.php3?src=imagesrc&col=colno >
# where imagesrc is the source of the original colour version
# where colno is 0 for grey, 1 for red, 2 green, 3 blue

function MakeColoursGrey($im,$col){
     #trying to keep proper saturation when converting

#change the colours to grey

#send the http header, this outputs an image of type gif
Header("Content-Type: image/gif");

#send the image


###### end of greyimg.php3