Version: 1.0
Type: Function
Category: File Management
License: GNU General Public License
Description: pass the number of bytes and it automatically returns it in b,kb,mb,gb,tb or pb
function GetSize ($sizeb) { $sizekb = $sizeb / 1024; $sizemb = $sizekb / 1024; $sizegb = $sizemb / 1024; $sizetb = $sizegb / 1024; $sizepb = $sizetb / 1024; if ($sizeb > 1) {$size = round($sizeb,2) . "b";} if ($sizekb > 1) {$size = round($sizekb,2) . "kb";} if ($sizemb > 1) {$size = round($sizemb,2) . "mb";} if ($sizegb > 1) {$size = round($sizegb,2) . "gb";} if ($sizetb > 1) {$size = round($sizetb,2) . "tb";} if ($sizepb > 1) {$size = round($sizepb,2) . "pb";} return $size; }