#native_company# #native_desc#

Get_Prime Function($limit)

By brian
on September 11, 2003

Version: 1.0.3

Type: Function

Category: Math Functions

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This is the fastest prime code. There’s only one parameter; $limit.


// floor and count added

/*[email protected] added the following:
/* Took the square root out of the loop (it was a bottleneck to calculate it every time)
/* Optimized the prime number test a bit, whereby all numbers can be excluded as follows:
/* X - 1 < N < X + 1, where X is any factor of 6 and N is the number to be tested ($to_test).
/* This is performed by adding either 4 or 2 to the previous prime number, depending on its
/* modulus of 6. See the line:  
 $i = (($to_test % 6) == 5)?2:4; 

function get_prime($floor, $limit)
  $to_test = $floor;
  //'i' is used as an increment of either 2 or 4, depending on the previous prime.
  $i = 0;
  while($to_test < $limit)
    $testdiv = 2;
    //took the square root out of the loop:
    $to_test_root = sqrt($to_test);
    $was_prime = FALSE;
    while (TRUE)
      if ($testdiv > $to_test_root)
         print "$count - $to_testn<br>";
         $was_prime = TRUE;
      if ($to_test % $testdiv == 0)
    //Primes 2, 3 and 5 are excluded from this test:
    if ($was_prime AND $to_test > 5){
      $i = (($to_test % 6) == 5)?2:4;
    } else {  //not a prime, so the test doesn't apply. 

