Version: 1.0
Type: Function
Category: Shopping Carts
License: GNU General Public License
This is actually an mIRC script, but it makes a PHP file.
You can either email me your zip code ([email protected]) and I will make it for you and send it to you, or if you have knowledge of mIRC, you can follow the instructions below.
1. Goto and enter in the first three digits of your area code, and press Get Zone Chart. Then save the resulting page locally as an HTML file.
2. Open mIRC ( if you don’t have it), load the attached remote script, and type: /mail_convert pathtosavedchartfromstep1.html
3. It will output in the folder with the HTML file.
menu menubar { ISB .Covert HTML to Zone Include File:/mail_convert $shortfn($$sfile(*.html)) } alias mail_convert { set -u0 %f $1- set -u0 %out $nofile($1-) $+ if (!$isfile(%f)) { halt } write -c %out <? write %out /* Generated on $asctime(mm/dd/yyyy HH:nn:ssa) */ write %out /* mail_zones.mrc script Copyright 2002 ISB/Indy Sams */ write %out $crlf write %out function GetZoneFromZip($zip) $chr(123) write %out $crlf set -u0 %nn $lines(%f) set -u0 %n 0 set %tot 0 set %tott 0 while %n < %nn { inc %n set -u0 %in $read(%f,%n) if (%in) { set -u0 %s 0 while %s < 4 { inc %s window @buf ; echo @buf %in if (%s = 1) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER1"> } if (%s = 2) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER3"> } if (%s = 3) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER5"> } if (%s = 4) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER7"> } set -u0 %p $pos(%in,%match,0) if (%p > 0) { set -u0 %p $pos(%in,%match,1) inc %p $len(%match) set -u0 %p2 $pos(%in,</td>,1) set -u0 %t $mid(%in,%p,$calc(%p2 - %p)) set %span %t } if (%s = 1) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER2"> } if (%s = 2) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER4"> } if (%s = 3) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER6"> } if (%s = 4) { set -u0 %match <td HEADERS="HEADER8"> } set -u0 %p $pos(%in,%match,0) if (%p > 0) { set -u0 %p $pos(%in,%match,1) inc %p $len(%match) set -u0 %p2 $pos(%in,</td>,1) set -u0 %t $mid(%in,%p,$calc(%p2 - %p)) set %zone %t if $right(%zone,1) = $chr(42) { set -u0 %zone $left(%zone,$calc($len(%zone) - 1)) } echo @buf Span: %span Zone: %zone echo @buf Writing Span.... inc %tot if ($pos(%span,..,0) > 0) { set -u0 %b $left(%span,$calc($pos(%span,..,1) -1)) set -u0 %c $right(%span,$calc($len(%span) - $pos(%span,..,1) - 1)) echo @buf b: %b c: %c dec %b while %b < %c { inc %b inc %tott write %out if (substr($zip, 0, 3) == " $+ $base(%b,10,10,3) $+ ") $chr(123) return " $+ %zone $+ "; $chr(125) } } else { inc %tott write %out if (substr($zip, 0, 3) == " $+ %span $+ ") $chr(123) return " $+ %zone $+ "; $chr(125) } } } } } echo @buf Total: %tot Entries, Expanded to %tott Zones ; unset %tot write %out $chr(125) write %out ?> } alias mail_postage { set -u0 %f $1- set -u0 %out $nofile($1-) $+ if (!$isfile(%f)) { halt } write -c %out <? write %out /* Generated on $asctime(mm/dd/yyyy HH:nn:sst) */ write %out /* mail_zones.mrc script Copyright 2002 ISB/Indy Sams */ write %out $crlf $+ $crlf write %out function CalcPriMail($lb,$zone) $chr(123) /* Input weight ($lb) and dest zone ($zone) */ write %out $crlf $+ $crlf write %out $remove("$lb",") = ceil($lb,0); /* Rounds up, just like USPS */ write %out $crlf $+ $crlf set -u0 %nn 71 set -u0 %n 1 set -u0 %lb 0 while %n < %nn { inc %n inc %lb set -u0 %match *<td valign="*" headers="row $+ $base(%n,10,10,2) header2">* set -u0 %in $remove($read(%f,nw,%match),$remove("$",")) if (%in) { write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "1") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "2") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "3") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) } set -u0 %match *<td valign="*" headers="row $+ $base(%n,10,10,2) header3">* set -u0 %in $remove($read(%f,nw,%match),$remove("$",")) if (%in) { write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "4") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) } set -u0 %match *<td valign="*" headers="row $+ $base(%n,10,10,2) header4">* set -u0 %in $remove($read(%f,nw,%match),$remove("$",")) if (%in) { write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "5") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) } set -u0 %match *<td valign="*" headers="row $+ $base(%n,10,10,2) header5">* set -u0 %in $remove($read(%f,nw,%match),$remove("$",")) if (%in) { write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "6") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) } set -u0 %match *<td valign="*" headers="row $+ $base(%n,10,10,2) header6">* set -u0 %in $remove($read(%f,nw,%match),$remove("$",")) if (%in) { write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "7") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) } set -u0 %match *<td valign="*" headers="row $+ $base(%n,10,10,2) header7">* set -u0 %in $remove($read(%f,nw,%match),$remove("$",")) if (%in) { write %out if ($lb == " $+ %lb $+ " && $remove("$zone",") == "8") $chr(123) return " $+ $gettok(%in,$numtok(%in,32),32) $+ "; $chr(125) } } write %out $chr(125) write %out ?> echo Done }