#native_company# #native_desc#

Extended EPS Information

By Florian Schaeffer
on January 20, 2003

Version: 0.5

Type: Full Script

Category: Graphics

License: GNU General Public License

Description: Reads EPS-image information of all images in a folder.
Delivers width, height, resolution (rounded), and decides if EPS is CMYK or other color format.
This is my first version, trying to work on it in future but for me its ok right now.
If someone is able to calculate resolution more properly, hey you’re welcome.
Same for color type

//	Reads folder and gets information about EPS-Images						*
//	(c) 2003 by Florian Schaeffer, Mercoline GmbH							*
//	part of the code based upon script from www.phpbuilder.com				*
//	URL: https://phpbuilder.com/snippet/browse.php?by=cat&cat=7			*
//	by quicknik																*
//	Version 0.5																*
//	Last update: 20.01.2003													*
// 	Contact: [email protected]									*

//	According to Adobe EPSfileSpecs											*
//	http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/technotes/postscript.html		*
//	Direct download of PDF													*
//	http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/5002.EPSF_Spec.pdf		*
//	EPS files must have parameter BoundingBox								*
//	optionally most of them have parameter ImageData						*
//	BoundingBox defines width and height of picture in points				*
//	(72 points = 1 Inch)													*
//	ImageData holds Image width and height in pixels						*
//	If Document is CMYK there is also a parameter DocumentProcessColors		*

// for use on Windows														*
$img_path = "e:erisbilderhq_diplomat";	// enter Imagepath - Windows style

// uncomment for use on unix												*
// $img_path = "/path/to/images/";		// enter Imagepath - UNIX style

<table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">

// read EPS data of given filename
function read_eps($img){
	$fp=fopen ($img, "rb");
	$buffer = fread($fp, 4096);												// assume information is in first 4096 bytes
	if (!preg_match("/ImageData:[^"]*"/",$buffer ,$imgdataln)) {			// if not, try first 10kbyte
			$fp=fopen ($img, "rb");
			$buffer = fread($fp, 100000);
			if (!preg_match("/ImageData:[^"]*"/",$buffer ,$imgdataln)) {	// if still not found, try whole file
				$fp=fopen ($img, "rb");
				$buffer = fread($fp,filesize($img));
				preg_match("/ImageData:[^"]*"/",$buffer ,$imgdataln);
	  $imgdata=split(" ", $imgdataln[0]);									// Read image width and height
	if (preg_match("/BoundingBox:[^"]*"/",$buffer ,$imgdataln2)) {
	  $imgdata2=split(" ", $imgdataln2[0]);									// Read Bounding data
	if (preg_match("/DocumentProcessColors:[^"]*"/",$buffer ,$imgdataln3)) {
	  $imgcolour=split(" ", $imgdataln3[0]);								//Read Color format
	fclose ($fp);

	$imgwidth=$imgdata[1];													// get image width
	$imgheight=$imgdata[2];													// get image height
	if ($imgdata2[3] > 0) {
		$imgres=(72/$imgdata2[3])*$imgdata[1];}								// calculate image resolution in dpi
		if ((290 < $imgres) and ($imgres < 310)) {$imgres=300;}				// make it look like 300 dpi
	if ($imgcolour[1]=="Cyan") {
		$imgcolor = "CMYK";													// make Color look like CMYK
	} else {
		$imgcolor = "no CMYK information found";

	if ($imgwidth[1]=='') {
		$bgcolor='#FFAAAA'; }
	else {
    print "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'><td>".$img."</td>n";						// print tablerow
	print "<td align="right">".$imgwidth."&nbsp;px</td>n";
	print "<td align="right">".$imgheight."&nbsp;px</td>n";
	print "<td>".round($imgres)."&nbsp;dpi</td>n";
	print "<td>".$imgcolor."</td>n";

chdir($img_path);															// first move to image path
$fh = opendir(".");															// open filehandle
while (($filen = readdir($fh)) !== false)									// read all files in folder
    if (($filen != ".") && ($filen != ".."))