Version: 1.0a
Type: Class
Category: Graphics
License: GNU General Public License
Description: class to create thumbnails on the fly
<? //Images Wrapper for thumbs and other stuffs, require GDLib //Riccardo Pasquini, 04/04/2001, v0.1 //[email protected] /* Finally the class review, 09/08/2002, v1.0a this source is of course under GPL, and ill be glad if u notify me any change Documentation (im sorry for my english) *public properties* none *public methods* DynaPic(string pic, string format) -> class constructor ***parameters string pic -> full pic name, including the path (absolute or relative) string format -> the format of the input file, be sure that GDLib handle it! destroy() -> free the resources bool create() -> initialize the handling of the pic, thats not required after the constructor but could be required after some method calls like setPicName($pic), i.e. setPicName(string pic) -> change the handled pic, the class require a call to create() after this ***parameters string pic -> full pic name, including the path (absolute or relative) string getPicName() -> returns the name of the handled pic setThumbDimension(float pctg) -> initialize the dimensions of the default thumbnail ***parameters float pctg -> float number (0<pctg<=1) which specifies the resize factor of the default thumb, i.e. pctg=1 means that the thumb is like the original picture, pctg=0.5 means that the thumb is half of the original, and so on... getThumbDimension(float &w,float &h) -> return as referenced parameters the default dimension on the thumbnail setPicFormat(string format) -> set a new output format for the loaded pic, require a call to create() after this ***parameters string format -> the format of the input file, be sure that GDLib handle it! string getPicFormat() -> returns the format of the output thumb() -> output the default thumbnail full() -> output the original image view(float width, float height) -> output a thumbnail, the dimension is specified in the parameters of the method ***parameters float width -> width of the output pic float height -> height of the output pic */ class DynaPic { var $m_sPicName; //file name with path var $m_sFormat; //file format, check m_asAllowedFormat var $m_hPic; //image handle var $m_bHandled; //flag to check if the pic is well loaded var $m_nThumbX; //width of the thumbnail var $m_nThumbY; //height of the thumbnail //possible pic formats var $m_asAllowedFormat = array("GIF","PNG","JPEG"); //and related headers var $m_aHeaders = array("GIF"=>"Content-type: image/gif","PNG"=>"Content-type: image/png","JPEG"=>"Content-type: image/jpeg"); function DynaPic() { die("Constructor requires parameters: string pic_path, string "); } function DynaPic($pic,$format) { $this->m_sFormat = strtoupper($format); //check if valid format if(!in_array($this->m_sFormat,$this->m_asAllowedFormat)) { die("Invalid format: ".stripslashes(htmlentities($this->m_sFormat))); } //initialize $this->m_sPicName=$pic; //thumb default resize 50% $this->setThumbDimension(0.5); if(!$this->create()) die("Unable to create ".stripslashes(htmlentities($this->m_sPicName))." as ".stripslashes(htmlentities($this->m_sFormat))); } function destroy() { if($this->m_bHandled) { imagedestroy($this->m_hPic); $this->m_bHandled=false; } } function create() { $this->destroy(); eval("$this->m_hPic=@imagecreatefrom".$this->m_sFormat."('".$this->m_sPicName."');"); //check if init succeded if(!$this->m_hPic) { $this->m_bHandled=false; return false; } else { $this->m_bHandled=true; return true; } } function setPicName($pic) { $this->m_sPicName=$pic; $this->m_bHandled=false; } function getPicName() { return $this->m_sPicName; } function setThumbDimension($pctg) { if($pctg<=0 || $pctg>1) die("Not a valid resize factor"); $size = GetImageSize($this->m_sPicName); $this->m_nThumbX=$size[0]*$pctg; $this->m_nThumbY=$size[1]*$pctg; } function getThumbDimension(&$w,&$h) { $w=$this->m_nThumbX; $h=$this->m_nThumbY; } function setPicFormat($format) { //check if valid format if(!in_array($format,$this->m_asAllowedFormat)) { die("Invalid format: ".stripslashes(htmlentities($this->m_sFormat))); } else { $this->m_sFormat=strtoupper($format); $this->m_bHandled=false; } } function getPicFormat() { return $this->m_sFormat; } //display functions function thumb() { if($this->m_bHandled) { $size = GetImageSize($this->m_sPicName); $picTmp=imagecreate($this->m_nThumbX,$this->m_nThumbY); imagecopyresized($picTmp, $this->m_hPic, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->m_nThumbX, $this->m_nThumbY, $size[0], $size[1]); header($this->m_aHeaders[$this->m_sFormat]); switch($this->m_sFormat) { case 'JPEG': imagejpeg($picTmp); break; case 'GIF': imagegif($picTmp); break; case 'PNG': imagepng($picTmp); break; } imagedestroy($picTmp); } } function full() { if($this->m_bHandled) { header($this->m_aHeaders[$this->m_sFormat]); switch($this->m_sFormat) { case 'JPEG': imagejpeg($this->m_hPic); break; case 'GIF': imagegif($this->m_hPic); break; case 'PNG': imagepng($this->m_hPic); break; } } } function view($width, $height) { if($this->m_bHandled) { $size = GetImageSize($this->m_sPicName); $picTmp=imagecreate($width,$height); imagecopyresized($picTmp, $this->m_hPic, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $size[0], $size[1]); header($this->m_aHeaders[$this->m_sFormat]); switch($this->m_sFormat) { case 'JPEG': imagejpeg($picTmp); break; case 'GIF': imagegif($picTmp); break; case 'PNG': imagepng($picTmp); break; } imagedestroy($picTmp); } } } /* sample use, view folder content in thumbs <script1.php> $handle=opendir($dirname); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if($file=='.'||$file=='..' || is_dir($dirname.$file)) continue; //i suppose that only gif images r in that directory echo "<img border="0" src="thumb.php?pic=".urlencode($dirname.$file)."&zoom=25&ext=gif"><br>n"; } closedir($handle); <thumb.php> include(""); $hThumb = new DynaPic(urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS["pic"]),$HTTP_GET_VARS["ext"]); $hThumb->setThumbDimension($HTTP_GET_VARS["zoom"]/100); $hThumb->thumb(); $hThumb->destroy(); //*/ ?>