#native_company# #native_desc#

Disk Space Finder

By Dustin G.
on December 23, 2002

Version: 1.0

Type: Full Script

Category: Math Functions

License: Other

Description: This Script Tells you your Remaining Disk Space Out of Your Total Diskspace!

$disktotal = Disk_Total_Space("C:/");
$disktotalKB = ($disktotal / 1000);
$disktotalMB = ($disktotalKB / 1000);
$disktotalGB = ($disktotalMB / 1000);
$diskspace = Disk_Free_Space("C:/");
$diskspaceKB = ($diskspace / 1000);
$diskspaceMB = ($diskspaceKB / 1000);
$diskspaceGB = ($diskspaceMB / 1000);
print("You Have ");
<font color="red">
print(" GigaBites On Your C:/ Drive");
print("...Out of")
<font color="red">
print(" GigaBites!")
