Version: 2004.02.19
Type: Full Script
Category: File Management
License: GNU General Public License
Description: Apache style directory listing and browsing script. Supports recursive folders traversing, file-extensions based filtering and other options that enable you to tweak it up. The new visual mode brings icons/thumbnails support and more flexibility. Easy to use. Ready to use.
For a preview pls have a look at and
<?php //require_once("../stat.php"); define( SELFNAME, basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); define( SELFPATH, dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); define( DATE_FORMAT, "d-M-Y H:i"); define( DIR_SIZE, "<DIR>"); define( CM_ITEM_NAME_MAX, 30); define( VM_ITEM_NAME_MAX, 25); define( VM_TABLE_COLS, 4); define( PREVIEWS_DIR, "!icons/"); // icons (thumbnails) directory name define( DEFAULTS_DIR, "defaults/"); // located in PREVIEWS_DIR - do not escape! define( PREVIEWS_EXT, "gif,jpg,png"); // thumbnails extensions (in order of preference) - mind the case! define( DEFAULTS_EXT_PREFIX, '$'); define( DIRLIST_ICON, "!dirlist.gif"); define( PREVIEW_ICON, "!preview.gif"); define( DEFAULT_DIR_ICON, "!dir"); define( DEFAULT_FILE_ICON, "!file"); define( DEFAULT_MODE, 0); // '0' for classic/standard, '2' for visual/preview define( DEFAULT_PREVIEWS_DIR, PREVIEWS_DIR); // can be changed and/or moved outside the script focus define( DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_DIR, DEFAULT_PREVIEWS_DIR.DEFAULTS_DIR); // You can disable any of the following definitions by changing it into comment line. // Note: There is no FALSE option for boolean type constant definition! //define( ALLOWED_EXT, ".bmp.gif.jfif.jif.jpe.jpeg.jpg.pcx.png.psd.tga.tif.tiff.wbmp."); // list filenames with these extensions only //define( DENIED_EXT, ".htm.html.php.php3.phtml.shtml.xhtml."); // do not list filenames with these extensions define( SHOW_DIR, TRUE); // enable listing of subdirectories //define( SHOW_PREVIEWS_DIR, TRUE); // enable listing of thumbnails directory //define( SHOW_THE_SCRIPT, TRUE); // include this script in the listing define( ENABLE_VISUAL_MODE, TRUE); // enable preview/thumbnail/visual mode $D = $_GET['D']; $G = $_GET['G']; $D = substr_replace( $D, '', 0, strspn( $D, './')); // ocisti zaciatok $D = strrev($D); $D = substr_replace( $D, '', 0, strspn( $D, './')); // ocisti koniec $D = strrev($D); $D = strtr( str_replace( '..', '', $D), '', '/'); // este vo vnutri if ($D != '') { if (!defined('SHOW_DIR') || !is_dir($D) || (!defined('SHOW_PREVIEWS_DIR') && stristr( '/'.$D.'/', '/'.PREVIEWS_DIR))) { header( "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); die( "<html><body><b>nOoops!<br>nNo such directory in current scope.<br>n<br><a href="".SELFNAME.""><index></a></b>n</body></html>"); // niekto nas skusa ;-) } $PARENT = substr( $D, 0, strrpos( $D, '/')); if ($PARENT != '') $PARENT .= '/'; else unset($PARENT); $D .= '/'; } else { unset($D); } if (defined('ENABLE_VISUAL_MODE')) { if (!isset($G)) $G = DEFAULT_MODE; if ((substr( PREVIEWS_DIR, 0, 1) == '/') || (substr( PREVIEWS_DIR, 0, 2) == '..')) define( PREVIEWS_PATH, PREVIEWS_DIR.$D); else define( PREVIEWS_PATH, $D.PREVIEWS_DIR); define( DEFAULTS_PATH, PREVIEWS_PATH.DEFAULTS_DIR); } else { unset($G); } //header( "Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <html> <head> <meta name="Generator" content="DirList 2004.02.19"> <meta name="Description" content="generated directory listing"> <meta name="author" content="(c) martinko 2001,2003,2004 /"> <title>index of <?php if (strlen(SELFPATH) > 1) echo SELFPATH; echo '/'.$D.' at '.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?></title> </head> <body> <h2><?php if (defined('ENABLE_VISUAL_MODE')) { echo '<a href="'.SELFNAME.'?G=' . (empty($G) ? '2' : '0'); if ($D != '') echo '&D=' . rawurlencode( substr( $D, 0, -1)); echo '"><img src="'.DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_DIR; if (empty($G)) echo PREVIEW_ICON.'" alt="switch to visual mode" title="switch to visual mode"'; else echo DIRLIST_ICON.'" alt="switch to classic mode" title="switch to classic mode"'; echo ' border="0" align="right"></a>'; } ?>Index of /<?php if (strlen(SELFPATH) > 1) echo substr( SELFPATH, 1, strrpos( SELFPATH, '/')) . '<a href="'.SELFNAME.'?G=' . (empty($G) ? '0' : '2') . '">' . substr( SELFPATH, strrpos( SELFPATH, '/') + 1) . '</a>/'; echo dir_expand( $D, ''); ?></h2> <?php $dirlist = array(); $dir = dir( ($D!='') ? "$D" : "."); while (($entry = $dir->read()) !== FALSE) { if (defined('SHOW_DIR') && is_dir($D.$entry)) { if (($entry != ".") && !(($entry == "..") && ($D == ""))) // not (this or root_parent) if (defined('SHOW_PREVIEWS_DIR') || ($entry != substr( PREVIEWS_DIR, 0, -1))) // not (dont_show_preview_dir and is_preview_dir) $dirlist[] = array( 'name' => $entry, 'size' => DIR_SIZE, 'time' => filemtime($D.$entry)); } if (is_file($D.$entry)) { if (is_allowed_ext( strrchr( $entry, '.'))) if (defined('SHOW_THE_SCRIPT') || ($entry != SELFNAME) || ($D != "")) // show_this_script or is_not_this_script $dirlist[] = array( 'name' => $entry, 'size' => filesize($D.$entry), 'time' => filemtime($D.$entry)); } } $dir->close(); print_head(); foreach ($dirlist as $entry) { if ($entry['size'] == DIR_SIZE) { $link = SELFNAME.'?G=' . (empty($G) ? '0' : '2'); if ($entry['name'] == "..") { if ($PARENT != '') $link .= '&D=' . rawurlencode( substr( $PARENT, 0, -1)); } else { $link .= '&D=' . rawurlencode( $D.$entry['name']); } print_dir( $entry, $link); } } foreach ($dirlist as $entry) { if ($entry['size'] != DIR_SIZE) { $link = $D . rawurlencode( $entry['name']); print_file( $entry, $link); } } print_foot(); echo "-<br><i><small>".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s").' UTC from <a href="http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].'" title="'.gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']).'">'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."</a> port ".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']."</small></i>n"; ?> </body> </html> <?php function dir_expand ($dir, $base) { global $G; if ($dir != '') { $dl = strcspn( $dir, '/'); $ds = substr( $dir, 0, $dl); $bs = ($base!='') ? $base.'/'.$ds : $ds; $return .= '<a href="'.SELFNAME.'?G='.(empty($G) ? '0' : '2').'&D='.rawurlencode($bs).'">'.$ds.'</a>'; $ts = substr( $dir, $dl); $sl = strspn( $ts, '/'); $return .= substr( $ts, 0, $sl); $return .= dir_expand( substr( $ts, $sl), $bs); } return $return; } function is_allowed_ext ($ext) { $return = TRUE; if (!empty($ext)) { $ext .= '.'; if (defined('ALLOWED_EXT')) if (stristr( ALLOWED_EXT, $ext) == FALSE) $return = FALSE; if (defined('DENIED_EXT')) if (stristr( DENIED_EXT, $ext) != FALSE) $return = FALSE; } else { if (defined('ALLOWED_EXT')) $return = FALSE; } return $return; } function size_format ($num) { if (is_int($num)) $num = ceil($num/1024).'K'; return $num; } function find_icon ($entry) { $exts = explode( ',', PREVIEWS_EXT); foreach ($exts as $ext) { if (is_file( PREVIEWS_PATH.$entry['name'].'.'.$ext)) return PREVIEWS_PATH.$entry['name'].'.'.$ext; } foreach ($exts as $ext) { if (is_file( DEFAULT_PREVIEWS_DIR.$entry['name'].'.'.$ext)) return DEFAULT_PREVIEWS_DIR.$entry['name'].'.'.$ext; } if (($entry_ext = strrchr( $entry['name'], '.')) != '') { $efn = DEFAULTS_EXT_PREFIX.strtolower($entry_ext); foreach ($exts as $ext) if (is_file( DEFAULTS_PATH.$efn.'.'.$ext)) return DEFAULTS_PATH.$efn.'.'.$ext; foreach ($exts as $ext) if (is_file( DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_DIR.$efn.'.'.$ext)) return DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_DIR.$efn.'.'.$ext; } $dfn = ($entry['size'] == DIR_SIZE) ? DEFAULT_DIR_ICON : DEFAULT_FILE_ICON; foreach ($exts as $ext) { if (is_file( DEFAULTS_PATH.$dfn.'.'.$ext)) return DEFAULTS_PATH.$dfn.'.'.$ext; } foreach ($exts as $ext) { if (is_file( DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_DIR.$dfn.'.'.$ext)) return DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_DIR.$dfn.'.'.$ext; } return NULL; } function print_dir ($entry, $link) { global $G; if (empty($G)) { print_list_item( '['.$entry['name'].']', $link, $entry['time'], DIR_SIZE); } else { print_table_item( $entry['name'], $link, find_icon( $entry), DIR_SIZE); } } function print_file ($entry, $link) { global $G; if (empty($G)) { print_list_item( $entry['name'], $link, $entry['time'], size_format( $entry['size'])); } else { print_table_item( $entry['name'], $link, find_icon( $entry)); } } function print_head () { global $G; if (empty($G)) { echo '<pre>'."n"; } else { echo '<br>'."n".'<center>'."n".'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="16">'."n"; // print_table_head() } } function print_foot () { global $G; if (empty($G)) { echo '</pre>'."n"; } else { echo '</table>'."n".'</center>'."n".'<br>'."n"; // print_table_foot() } } function print_list_item ($name, $link, $time, $size = NULL) { $item_name = (strlen($name) <= CM_ITEM_NAME_MAX) ? $name : substr( $name, 0, CM_ITEM_NAME_MAX-3) . '..>'; echo '<a href="'.$link.'">' . htmlspecialchars($item_name) . '</a>' . str_pad( '', CM_ITEM_NAME_MAX - strlen($item_name)) . htmlspecialchars( str_pad( $size, 10, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT)) . "t" . htmlspecialchars( date( DATE_FORMAT, $time)) . "n"; } function print_table_item ($name, $link, $icon, $alt = "") { static $col=1, $row=1; $item_name = (strlen($name) <= VM_ITEM_NAME_MAX) ? $name : substr( $name, 0, VM_ITEM_NAME_MAX-3) . '..>'; if ($col==1) { echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle">'."n"; } echo '<td><a href="'.$link.'"><img src="'.$icon.'" border="0" alt="'.$alt.'"><samp><br>' . htmlspecialchars($item_name) . '</samp></a></td>' . "n"; if (++$col > VM_TABLE_COLS) { $col=1; ++$row; echo '</tr>'."n"; } } /* 2002.01.01 initial version : basic listing of directories in textual mode 2003.03.10 major overhaul : new visual mode + many bug-fixes & improvements 2004.02.19 updated to work properly with PHP 4.2.0+ */ ?>