Version: 1.0
Type: Class
Category: File Management
License: GNU General Public License
Description: A powerful RSS 2.0 parser able to capture enclosures, ENT, dublin core(db:*), rvw, and much more…
<? /****************************************************************************************************************** *Date: October 21, 2004 *Author: Dan Cochran * *Description: This will gather all basic information contained in a rss2.0 feed. Along with basic functionality, * the RSSParser will also parse most commonly used Dublin Core tags along with enlcosure attributes, * Well-Fomed comments RSS tag, image, and rvw tags. It will also recover ENT(Easy News Topic) tags as well. * Please see the example at the bottom to see how to use the class. and most importantly , have fun! * *email me with question or comments/bugs @ [email protected] * url: * *Disclaimer: *Copyright (C) 2005 Dan Cochran * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ******************************************************************************************************************/ class RSSParser{ var $insideitem = false; var $insideimage = false; var $insidervw = false; var $insiderating = false; var $insidetext = false; var $url = ""; var $enclosure = ''; var $ent = array(); var $cTitle, $cLink, $cDesc, $cLanguage, $cCopyright, $cManageEditor, $cWebmaster, $cLastBuild, $cRating, $cDocs, $cCategory, $cGenerator, $cPubDate; var $imTitle, $imUrl, $imLink, $imWidth, $imHeight; var $iTitle, $iLink, $iDesc, $iAuthor, $iComments, $iEnclosure, $iGuid, $iPudDate, $iSource, $iCloud; var $iCategory = array(); var $rvLink; var $dcIdentifier, $dcType, $dcTitle, $dcCreator, $dcPublisher, $dcDate, $dcmin, $dcmax, $dcvalue, $dcContributor, $dcFormat, $dcSubject, $dcSource, $dcLanguage, $dcRelation, $dcCoverage, $dcRights, $dcDescription; var $contenEncoded, $wfwComment; var $tTitle, $tLink, $tDesc, $tName; var $result; function parse($url, $rss_parser){ $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); //$rss_parser = new RSSParser(); xml_set_object($xml_parser,&$rss_parser); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData"); if($fp = fopen($url,"r")){ while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)){ xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)); //or die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } fclose($fp); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); } else{ echo "error, could not open $urln"; } } function get_channel(){ return($GLOBALS['channel']); } function get_items(){ return($GLOBALS['items']); } function get_image(){ if(isset($GLOBALS['image'])){ return($GLOBALS['image']); } } function get_rvw(){ if(isset($GLOBALS['rvw'])){ return($GLOBALS['rvw']); } } function get_rating(){ if(isset($GLOBALS['rating'])){ return($GLOBALS['rating']); } } function get_textinput(){ if(isset($GLOBALS['textinput'])){ return($GLOBALS['textinput']); } } function startElement($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { $this->tag = $tagName; if($tagName == "ITEM") { $this->insideitem = true; }elseif($tagName == "IMAGE") { $this->insideimage = true; }elseif($tagName == "RVW:ITEM"){ $this->insidervw = true; }elseif ($tagName == "RVW:RATING"){ $this->insiderating = true; }elseif($tagName == 'TEXTINPUT'){ $this->insidetext = true; } if($tagName == "ENCLOSURE") { $this->enclosure = $attrs; }elseif ($tagName == 'ENT:TOPIC'){ $this->ent = $attrs; } elseif($tagName == 'ENT:CLOUD'){ $this->iCloud = $attrs; } } function characterData($parser, $data) { if ($this->insideitem) { switch ($this->tag) { case "TITLE": $this->iTitle .= $data; $this->i++; break; case "DESCRIPTION": $this->iDesc .= $data; break; case "LINK": $this->iLink .= $data; break; case "AUTHOR": $this->iAuthor .= $data; break; case "CATEGORY": $this->iCategory[] .= $data; break; case "COMMENTS": $this->iComments .= $data; break; case "PUBDATE": $this->iPudDate .= $data; break; case "SOURCE": $this->iSource .= $data; break; case "GUID": $this->iGuid .= $data; break; case "DC:CONTRIBUTOR": $this->dcContributor .= $data; break; case "DC:FORMAT": $this->dcFormat .= $data; break; case "DC:RELATION": $this->dcRelation .= $data; break; case "DC:COVERAGE": $this->dcCoverage .= $data; break; case "DC:IDENTIFIER": $this->dcIdentifier .= $data; break; case "DC:TYPE": $this->dcType .= $data; break; case "DC:TITLE": $this->dcTitle .= $data; break; case "DC:CREATOR": $this->dcCreator .= $data; break; case "DC:PUBLISHER": $this->dcPublisher .= $data; break; case "DC:DATE": $this->dcDate .= $data; break; case "DC:SUBJECT": $this->dcSubject .= $data; break; case "DC:SOURCE": $this->dcSource .= $data; break; case "DC:LANGUAGE": $this->dcLanguage .= $data; break; case "DC:RIGHTS": $this->dcRights .= $data; break; case "DC:DESCRIPTION": $this->dcDescription .= $data; break; case "CONTENT:ENCODED": $this->contenEncoded .= $data; break; case "WFW:COMMENTRSS": $this->wfwComment .= $data; break; } } if($this->insideimage){ switch ($this->tag) { case "TITLE": $this->imTitle .= $data; break; case "URL": $this->imUrl .= $data; break; case "LINK": $this->imLink .= $data; break; case "WIDTH": $this->imWidth .= $data; break; case "HEIGHT": $this->imHeight .= $data; break; } } if($this->insidervw){ switch ($this->tag) { case "RVW:LINK": $this->rvLink .= $data; break; } } if($this->insiderating){ switch ($this->tag) { case "RVW:MINIMUM": $this->rvmin .= $data; break; case "RVW:MAXIMUM": $this->rvmax .= $data; break; case "RVW:VALUE": $this->rvvalue .= $data; break; } } if($this->insidetext){ switch ($this->tag) { case "TITLE": $this->tTitle .= $data; break; case "DESCRIPTION": $this->tDesc .= $data; break; case "LINK": $this->tLink .= $data; break; case "NAME": $this->tName .= $data; break; } } if(!$this->insideitem && ! $this->insidervw && !$this->insiderating && !$this->insidetext && !$this->insideimage){ switch ($this->tag) { case "TITLE": $this->cTitle .= $data; break; case "LINK": $this->cLink .= $data; break; case "DESCRIPTION": $this->cDesc .= $data; break; case "LANGUAGE": $this->cLanguage .= $data; break; case "COPYRIGHT": $this->cCopyright .= $data; break; case "MANAGINGEDITOR": $this->cManageEditor .= $data; break; case "WEBMASTER": $this->cWebmaster .= $data; break; case "LASTBUILDDATE": $this->cLastBuild .= $data; case "GENERATOR": $this->cGenerator .= $data; break; case "RATING": $this->cRating .= $data; break; case "DOCS": $this->cDocs .= $data; break; case "CATEGORY": $this->cCategory .= $data; break; case "PUBDATE": $this->cPubDate .= $data; } } } function endElement($parser, $tagName) { if ($tagName == "ITEM") { $this->result['item']["title"] = $this->iTitle; $this->result['item']["description"] = $this->iDesc; $this->result['item']["link"] = $this->iLink; $this->result['item']["author"] = $this->iAuthor; $this->result['item']['category'] = $this->iCategory; $this->result['item']['comments'] = $this->iComments; $this->result['item']['pubdate'] = $this->iPudDate; $this->result['item']["source"] = $this->iSource; $this->result['item']['enclosure'] = $this->enclosure; $this->result['item']['guid'] = $this->iGuid; $this->result['item']['ent'] = $this->ent; $this->result['item']['cloud'] = $this->iCloud; $this->result['item']['dc:identifier'] = $this->dcIdentifier; $this->result['item']['dc:type'] = $this->dcType; $this->result['item']['dc:title'] = $this->dcTitle; $this->result['item']['dc:creator'] = $this->dcCreator; $this->result['item']['dc:publisher'] = $this->dcPublisher; $this->result['item']['dc:date'] = $this->dcDate; $this->result['item']['dc:contributor'] = $this->dcContributor; $this->result['item']['dc:format'] = $this->dcFormat; $this->result['item']['dc:source'] = $this->dcSource; $this->result['item']['dc:language'] = $this->dcLanguage; $this->result['item']['dc:relation'] = $this->dcRelation; $this->result['item']['dc:coverage'] = $this->dcCoverage; $this->result['item']['dc:rights'] = $this->dcRights; $this->result['item']['dc:desc'] = $this->dcDescription; $this->result['item']['dc:subject'] = $this->dcSubject; $this->result['item']['content:encoded'] = $this->contenEncoded; $this->result['item']['wfw'] = $this->wfwComment; $GLOBALS['items'][] = $this->result['item']; $this->iTitle = ""; $this->iDesc = ""; $this->iLink = ""; $this->iAuthor = ""; $this->iCategory = array(); $this->iComments = ''; $this->iPudDate = ""; $this->iSource = ""; $this->enclosure = ""; $this->guid = ""; $this->iGuid = ''; $this->ent = array(); $this->iCloud = array(); $this->dcLink = ""; $this->dcIdentifier = ""; $this->dcType = ""; $this->dcTitle = ""; $this->dcCreator = ""; $this->dcPublisher = ""; $this->dcDate = ""; $this->dcContributor = ""; $this->dcFormat = ""; $this->dcSource = ""; $this->dcLanguage = ""; $this->dcRelation = ""; $this->dcCoverage = ""; $this->dcRights = ""; $this->dcDescription = ""; $this->dcSubject = ""; $this->contenEncoded = ""; $this->wfwComment = ""; $this->insideitem = false; } if ($tagName == 'IMAGE'){ $this->result['image']['title'] = $this->imTitle; $this->result['image']['url'] = $this->imUrl; $this->result['image']['link'] = $this->imLink; $this->result['image']['width'] = $this->imWidth; $this->result['image']['height'] = $this->imHeight; $GLOBALS['image'] = $this->result['image']; $this->imTitle = ""; $this->imUrl = ""; $this->imLink = ""; $this->imWidth = ""; $this->imHeight = ""; $this->insideimage = false; } if ($tagName == 'RVW:ITEM'){ $this->result['rvw']['link'] = $this->rvLink; $GLOBALS['rvw'][$i] = $this->result['rvw']; $this->insidervw = false; } if ($tagName == 'RVW:RATING'){ $this->result['rating']['min'] = $this->rvmin; $this->result['rating']['max'] = $this->rvmax; $this->result['rating']['value'] = $this->rvvalue; $GLOBALS['rating'][$i] = $this->result['rating']; $this->rvmin = ""; $this->rvmax = ""; $this->rvvalue = ""; $this->insiderating = false; } if($tagName == 'CHANNEL'){ $this->result['channel']['title'] = $this->cTitle; $this->result['channel']['link'] = $this->cLink; $this->result['channel']['desc'] = $this->cDesc; $this->result['channel']['lang'] = $this->cLanguage; $this->result['channel']['copy'] = $this->cCopyright; $this->result['channel']['editor'] = $this->cManageEditor; $this->result['channel']['webmaster'] = $this->cWebmaster; $this->result['channel']['lastbuild'] = $this->cLastBuild; $this->result['channel']["generator"] = $this->cGenerator; $this->result['channel']['rating'] = $this->cRating; $this->result['channel']['docs'] = $this->cDocs; $this->result['channel']['category'][] = $this->cCategory; $this->result['channel']['pubDate'] = $this->cPubDate; $GLOBALS['channel'] = $this->result['channel']; $this->cTitle = ''; $this->cLink = ''; $this->cDesc = ''; $this->cLanguage = ''; $this->cCopyright = ''; $this->cManageEditor = ''; $this->cWebmaster = ''; $this->cLastBuild = ''; $this->cGenerator = ''; $this->cRating = ''; $this->cDocs = ''; $this->cPubDate = ''; } if ($tagName == 'TEXTINPUT'){ $this->result['textinput']['title'] = $this->tTitle; $this->result['textinput']['name'] = $this->tName; $this->result['textinput']['link'] = $this->tLink; $this->result['textinput']['description'] = $this->tDesc; $GLOBALS['textinput'] = $this->result['textinput']; $this->tTitle = ""; $this->tDesc = ""; $this->tLink = ""; $this->tName = ""; $this->insidetext = false; } } }//end class //sample implementation the class /* $rs = new RSSParser(); //create a new instance $rs->parse($url_or_filename, $rs); $rss['channel'] = $rs->get_channel(); $rss['items'] = $rs->get_items(); $rss['image'] = $rs->get_image(); $rss['rvws'] = $rs->get_rvw(); $rss['ratings'] = $rs->get_rating(); $rss['textinput'] = $rs->get_textinput(); print_r($rss["channel"]); print_r($rss["items"]);*/ ?>