#native_company# #native_desc#

Decimal to roman converter

By Rasmus Rimestad
on July 24, 2001

Version: 1.1

Type: Function

Category: Math Functions

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This is a function which lets you convert an integer to a number of the roman system and vice versa.

Decimal <--> Roman 1.1
Written by: Rasmus Rimestad 
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://dikt.cjb.net

This file includes two functions

string dec2roman (integer $number)
where $number is a number you want to convert to a roman one.

integer roman2dec (string $linje)
where $linje is the roman number you want to conver to an integer.

function dec2roman ($number) {

	# Making input compatible with script.
	$number = floor($number);
	if($number < 0) {
		$linje = "-";
		$number = abs($number);
	# Defining arrays
	$romanNumbers = array(1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1);
	$romanLettersToNumbers = array("M" => 1000, "D" => 500, "C" => 100, "L" => 50, "X" => 10, "V" => 5, "I" => 1);
	$romanLetters = array_keys($romanLettersToNumbers);
	# Looping through and adding letters.
	while ($number) {
		for($pos = 0; $pos <= 6; $pos++) {
			# Dividing the remaining number with one of the roman numbers.
			$dividend = $number / $romanNumbers[$pos];

			# If that division is >= 1, round down, and add that number of letters to the string.
			if($dividend >= 1) {
				$linje .= str_repeat($romanLetters[$pos], floor($dividend));

				# Reduce the number to reflect what is left to make roman of.
				$number -= floor($dividend) * $romanNumbers[$pos];

	# If I find 4 instances of the same letter, this should be done in a different way.
	# Then, subtract instead of adding (smaller number in front of larger).
	$numberOfChanges = 1;
	while($numberOfChanges) {
		$numberOfChanges = 0;

		for($start = 0; $start < strlen($linje); $start++) {
			$chunk = substr($linje, $start, 1);
			if($chunk == $oldChunk && $chunk != "M") {
			} else {
				$oldChunk = $chunk;
				$appearance = 1;

			# Was there found 4 instances.
			if($appearance == 4) {
				$firstLetter = substr($linje, $start - 4, 1);
				$letter = $chunk;
				$sum = $firstNumber + $letterNumber * 4;

				$pos = array_search($letter, $romanLetters);

				# Are the four digits to be calculated together with the one before? (Example yes: VIIII = IX Example no: MIIII = MIV
				# This is found by checking if the digit before the first of the four instances is the one which is before the digits in the order
				# of the roman number. I.e. MDCLXVI.

				if($romanLetters[$pos - 1] == $firstLetter) {
					$oldString = $firstLetter . str_repeat($letter, 4);
					$newString = $letter . $romanLetters[$pos - 2];
				} else {
					$oldString = str_repeat($letter, 4);
					$newString = $letter . $romanLetters[$pos - 1];
				$linje = str_replace($oldString, $newString, $linje);


	return $linje;

function roman2dec ($linje) {
	# Fixing variable so it follows my convention
	$linje = strtoupper($linje);
	# Removing all not-roman letters
	$linje = ereg_replace("[^IVXLCDM]", "", $linje);

	print("$linje	= $linje<br>");
	# Defining variables
	$romanLettersToNumbers = array("M" => 1000, "D" => 500, "C" => 100, "L" => 50, "X" => 10, "V" => 5, "I" => 1);

	$oldChunk = 1001;

	# Looping through line
	for($start = 0; $start < strlen($linje); $start++) {
		$chunk = substr($linje, $start, 1);
		$chunk = $romanLettersToNumbers[$chunk];
		if($chunk <= $oldChunk) {
			$calculation .= " + $chunk";
		} else {
			$calculation .= " + " . ($chunk - (2 * $oldChunk));
		$oldChunk = $chunk;
	# Summing it up
	eval("$calculation = $calculation;");
	return $calculation;


# Implementation of the array_search function. Works only with numerical arrays.
function array_search($searchString, $array) {
	foreach ($array as $content) {
		if($content == $searchString) {
			return $pos;