#native_company# #native_desc#

Custom Session Class

By Andy Gibson
on January 15, 2003

Version: 1.1

Type: Class

Category: Other

License: GNU General Public License

Description: The class file allows you to store session records in a MySQL database. It is a standard class that simply stored the session id, time the session was started, and the current time.

The functions in the file will override the default PHP session handling functions using set_session_save_handler()

There are a few settings you have to change and the MySQL connection data but once it is all setup you simply include/require the class file and that should be it!


#			Filename : session.class
#			Created  : 09/01/02 01:47 GMT
#	      		Created By  : Syberius
#			Version : 1.10
#   The session class below was written to allow session records to
#   be stored in a MySQL database. These custom session functions
#   are used with session_set_save_handler to tell PHP to use the
#   functions in this file and NOT the default functions.
#   The ses_start field is use to calculate how long a user has been
#   online. The forumla is time() - ses_start.
#   To use simply include/require this file and change the values of the
#   variables defined below!
#   Additions and modifications are allowed as long as this message
#   remains. If you do make changes please contact me at this address.
#   [email protected]
#   To inform me of any changes to this file.
#   SQL for the basic table structure
#   CREATE TABLE d2tp_ses (
#   ses_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
#   ses_time varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
#   ses_start int(30) NOT NULL default '0',
#   ses_value text NOT NULL,
#   PRIMARY KEY  (ses_id)
#     ) TYPE=MyISAM;

// Create new object of class
$ses_class = new session($params);

// Change the save_handler to use the class functions
array(&$ses_class, '_open'),
array(&$ses_class, '_close'),
array(&$ses_class, '_read'),
array(&$ses_class, '_write'),
array(&$ses_class, '_destroy'),
array(&$ses_class, '_gc'));

// Start the session

class session
	// Define the mysql table you wish to use with this class, this table MUST exist.
	var $ses_table = "ses_table";
	// Change to 'Y' if you want to connect to a db in the _open function
	var $db_con = "Y";
	// Configure the info to connect to mysql, only required if $db_con is set to 'Y'
	var $db_host = "localhost";
	var $db_user = "user";
	var $db_pass = "pass";
	var $db_dbase = "database";
	// Create a connection to a database
	function db_connect() {
		$mysql_connect = @mysql_pconnect($this -> db_host, $this -> db_user, $this -> db_pass);
		$mysql_database = @mysql_select_db($this -> db_dbase);
		if (!$mysql_connect || !$mysql_database) {
			return ("false");
		else {
			return ("true");
	// Open session, if you have your own db connection code, put it in here!
	function _open($path, $name) {
		if ($this -> db_con == "Y") {
			$this -> db_connect();
	// Close session
	function _close() {
		$this -> _gc(0); // This is used for a manual call of the session gc function
	// Read session data from database
	function _read($ses_id) {
		$session_sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this -> ses_table."  WHERE ses_id = '$ses_id'";
		$session_res = @mysql_query($session_sql);
		if (!$session_res) {
		$session_num = @mysql_num_rows($session_res);
		if ($session_num > 0) {
			$session_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($session_res);
			$ses_data = $session_row["ses_value"];
		else {
	// Write new data to database
	function _write($ses_id, $data) {
		$session_sql = "UPDATE ".$this -> ses_table."  SET ses_time='".time()."', ses_value='$data' WHERE ses_id='$ses_id'";
		$session_res = @mysql_query($session_sql);
		if (!$session_res) {
		if (mysql_affected_rows()) {
		$session_sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this -> ses_table."  (`ses_id`, `ses_time`, `ses_start`, `ses_value`) ";
		$session_sql .= "VALUES ('$ses_id', '".time()."', '". time() ."', '$data')";
		$session_res = @mysql_query($session_sql);
		if (!$session_res) {
			return ("false");
		else {
	// Destroy session record in database
	function _destroy($ses_id) {
		$session_sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this -> ses_table."  WHERE ses_id = '$ses_id'";
		$session_res = @mysql_query($session_sql);
		if (!$session_res) {
		else {
	// Garbage collection, deletes old sessions
	function _gc($life) {
		$this -> db_connect();
		$ses_life = strtotime("-5 minutes");
		$session_sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this -> ses_table."  WHERE ses_time < $ses_life";
		$session_res = @mysql_query($session_sql);
		if (!$session_res) {
		else {