#native_company# #native_desc#

Convert measurements

By Bill Pellowe
on March 2, 2002

Version: 1.1

Type: Full Script

Category: Math Functions

License: GNU General Public License

Description: Converts degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit; centimeters and inches; meters and feet; kilometers and miles; kilograms and pounds; milliliters to ounces; and for fun, regular beers and tall beers.

See it work at

This was created for the expatriate American.

Notes on error checking: Distinguishes singular and plural in the first value. Reloads if no values are given. There’s also a ‘quick & dirty’ check to make sure the first value given is not a letter, returns with warning.

Caveat and plea: I’d appreciate feedback on better implementations. You can do what you want with this but pls. include “based on a beginning by Bill Pellowe” in the header plus how you improved upon it.

// if you've got a PHP image, put the path here. Otherwise, you can just use the words PHP.
$php_link = "<img border="0" src="../images/php-small-white.gif" align="texttop" hspace="30" width="88" height="31" alt="PHP">";

<title>conversion scripts</title>
<META Name="description" Content="Converts degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit; centimeters and inches; meters and feet; kilometers and miles; kilograms and pounds; milliliters to ounces; and for fun, regular beers and tall beers. ">
<META Name="keywords" Content="convert, converstion, degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit, centimeters, inches meters, feet; kilometers, miles, kilograms, pounds, milliliters, ounces, PHP, PHP4, metric conversion">
<body bgcolor=white>
<! -- Convert v 1.1, Bill Pellowe, [email protected] -->
<!-- What this does: some conversions, such as metric conversions. Added a conversion between different beer sizes just for fun. -->
<!-- Notes on error checking: Distinguishes singular and plural in the first value. Reloads if no values are given. Tidied up, faster than 1.0 -->

// array of key (what to convert) and value (description of it)
$convert_array[celfar] = "degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit";
$convert_array[farcel] = "degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius";
$convert_array[cmin] = "centimeters to inches";
$convert_array[incm] = "inches to centimeters";
$convert_array[mefe] = "meters to feet";
$convert_array[feme] = "feet to meters";
$convert_array[kmmi] = "kilometers to miles";
$convert_array[mikm] = "miles to kilometers";
$convert_array[kglb] = "kilograms to pounds";
$convert_array[lbkg] = "pounds to kilograms";
$convert_array[mloz] = "milliliters to ounces";
$convert_array[ozml] = "ounces to milliliters";
$convert_array[rbtb] = "regular beers to tall beers";
$convert_array[tbrb] = "tall beers to regular beers";

$form_block = "
<form method  = "post" action = "$PHP_SELF">
<p>Enter a number:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type = "text" name="value1"  size=10></p>
<p>Change that number from...<br>
<select name ="convert">";

if(!($convert)) {
  $con_sel = "celfar";
  $con_sel = $convert;
// build the menu
foreach($convert_array as $key=>$desc)
  if($key=="$con_sel") {
  $selected = " selected";
  $selected = "";
$form_block .= "<option value=""
            . $key
            . """
            . $selected
            . ">$desc</option>";
} // end of for each

$form_block .= "</select></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Do the conversion"></p>
<p>&nbsp;<font size="-2" face="verdana, sans-serif">&copy; 2002 <a href="index.php">PHP Stuff by Bill Pellowe</a></p>

// remove commas and spaces
$valuetemp = str_replace(",", "", $value1);
$value = str_replace(" ", "", $valuetemp);
  $msg_warn = "<h2>Type a number, no letters.</h2>";

// get the first character in the value to  later check  that it's not a letter
$check = substr($value, 0, 1);

// in case no number is entered, the page refreshes
if ($value  == "") {
        echo "<p><h1>Conversion Tool<img border="0" src="../images/php-small-white.gif" align="texttop" hspace="30" width="88" height="31" alt="PHP"></h1></p>";
        echo $msg_warn;
        echo "<ul>This does a variety of conversions, such as centimeters to inches as so on.<br>";
        echo "First, put a number in the box, then choose a calculation, then press the button at the bottom.<br>";
        echo "Use a period . for decimal points.</ul>";
        echo "<hr>";
        echo "$form_block";

} else if (($check != "0") && ($check != "1") && ($check != "2") && ($check != "3")  && ($check != "4") && ($check != "5") && ($check != "6") && ($check != "7") && ($check != "8") && ($check != "9") && ($check != ".") && ($check != "-")) {
// oddly the quotes were needed above around 0 etc for absolute values otherwise letters parsed through
        echo "<h1>Conversion Tool<img border="0" src="../images/php-small-white.gif" align="texttop" hspace="30" width="88" height="31" alt="PHP"></h1></p>";
        echo "<ul>This does a variety of conversions, such as centimeters to inches as so on.<br>";
        echo "First, put a number in the box, then choose a calculation, then press the button at the bottom.<br>";
        echo "Use a period . for decimal points. <strong>It can't start with a letter.</strong></ul>";
        echo "<hr>";
        echo "$form_block";

} else {
                if ($value == 1) {
                        $plural = "";
                        } else
                $plural = "s";

   case "celfar":
        $result = ($value*1.8) +32;
        $unit1 = "degree";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;celsius (C)";
        $unit2 = "degrees fahrenheit (F)";
   case "farcel":
        $result = ($value - 32) * 0.5556;
        $unit1 = "degree";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;fahrenheit (F)";
        $unit2 = "degrees celsius (C)";
   case "cmin":
        $result = $value * 0.393701;
        $unit1 = "centimeter";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit2 = "inches";
   case "incm":
        $result = $value * 2.54;
        $unit1 = "inch";
        if ($plural == "s") {
                $plural = "es";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit2 = "centimeters";
   case "mefe":
        $result = $value * 3.28084;
        $unit1 = "meter";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit2 = "feet";
   case "feme":
        $result = $value * 0.3048;
        if ($plural != "s") {
                $unit1 = "foot";
                } else {
                $unit1 = "feet";
        $unit2 = "meters";
   case "kmmi":
        $result = $value * 0.621371;
        $unit1 = "kilometer";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(km)";
        $unit2 = "miles (mi)";
  case "mikm":
        $result = $value * 1.60934;
        $unit1 = "mile";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(mi)";
        $unit2 = "kilometers (km)";
  case "kglb":
        $result = $value * 2.20462;
        $unit1 = "kilogram";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(kg)";
        $unit2 = "pounds (lb)";
  case "lbkg":
        $result = $value * 0.453592;
        $unit1 = "pound";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(lb)";
        $unit2 = "kilograms (kg)";
  case "mloz":
        $result = $value * 0.0338146;
        $resultUK = $value * 0.035195083;
        $unit1 = "milliliter";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(ml)";
        $unit2 = "U.S. ounces (oz), or&nbsp;";
        $unit2 .= number_format($resultUK, "3", ".", ",");
        $unit2 .= "&nbsp;ounces in British measurement. <br><i>(1 US oz is 1.0408 UK oz)</i>";
  case "ozml":
        $result = $value * 29.57303;
        $resultUK = $value * 28.41306;
        $unit1 = "ounce";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(oz)";
        $unit2 = "milliliters, but only if you're using US ounces. <br>If you're using British ounces, the answer is&nbsp;";
        $unit2 .= number_format($resultUK, "2", ".", ",");
        $unit2 .= "&nbsp;milliliters (because one US oz is 1.0408 UK oz)";
  case "rbtb":
        $result = $value * 0.75;
        $unit1 = "regular-size can";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(350 ml, or 12 oz) of beer";
        $unit2 = "tall cans (500 ml, or 16 oz) of beer.<br>(It doesn't matter if you have ml or oz beers; the difference in the ratio between ml and oz beers is only 0.000005 cans of beer.)";
  case "tbrb":
        $result = $value * 1.33;
        $unit1 = "tall can";
        $unit1 .= $plural;
        $unit1 .= "&nbsp;(500 ml, or 16 oz) of beer";
        $unit2 = "regular cans (350 ml, or 12 oz) of beer.<br>(It doesn't matter if you have ml or oz beers; the difference in the ratio between ml and oz beers is only 0.000005 cans of beer.)";

echo "<h1>Conversion Tool<a href="http://www.php.net">$php_link</a></p></h1>";
echo "<strong>Result of your conversion:</strong></p>";
echo "<ul><strong>$value</strong> $unit1 is equal to <strong>";
// format the result (number value, decimal places, decimal separator, thousands separator)
echo number_format($result, "2", ".", ",");
echo "</strong> $unit2.</ul>";
echo "<hr>";
echo "<p>You can do another conversion if you'd like:</p>";
echo "$form_block";
