Version: 1.0
Type: Full Script
Category: Other
License: Other
Description: If you, like me, are too lazy to indent your php or javascript code, this little php will do it for you. It’ll intent using tabs, searching for curly brackets – ‘{‘ and ‘}’. Makes your code nice and tidy. Just place it in the same folder as the files you want to indent.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>INDENT</title> </head> <body> <button onclick="location='indent.php?do=yes'">INDENT FILES</button> <br> <? if($do) { indentdir(''); // Here, add your own subdirs like so: // indentdir('subdir'); } function indentdir($dn) { $formats=array('js','php'); $d=dir($dn); while($fn=$d->read()) { $format=end(explode('.',$fn)); if(in_array($format,$formats)){ if($dn){ $ffn=$dn.'/'.$fn;} else{ $ffn=$fn;} if(is_file($ffn)) { $r=indent($ffn); if($r){ print $ffn."<br>n"; } } } } $d->close(); } function indent($fn) { $text = file($fn); $a=implode('',$text); if(!ereg('{',$a)){ // } return false;} $change=false; $asc1=ord('{'); $asc2=ord('}'); $lnm=count($text); $level=0; for($ln=0;$ln<$lnm;$ln++) { $line=$text[$ln]; $line=trim($line); $chars=count_chars($line,1); $level-=$chars[$asc2]; if($level>=0) { $tabs=str_repeat("t",$level); $change=($change or ($text[$ln]!=$tabs.$line."n")); $text[$ln]=$tabs.$line."n"; } $level+=$chars[$asc1]; } if($change) { $text=implode('',$text); $f=fopen($fn,'w'); fwrite($f,$text,strlen($text)); fclose($f); } return $change; } ?> </body> </html>