In the previous installment of our Photo Gallery project, we had just finished the creation of the get_items function. In this article, we create the
PHP Tutorials
Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.
online photo gallery php
While it’s fairly easy to check to see if a form field is empty, determining if the posted information came from a real human is another task
Visual Verification in PHP
By Nathan Cassano on December 24, 2000 One of the key components of an e-commerce web site is credit card processing capabilities. One such credit card processing service, that is supported by PHP, is CashRegister, from CyberCash. The CashRegister service enables merchants to make financial transactions over the Internet in…
By Nathan Cassano on December 24, 2000 Setting up CyberCash The next step is to setup your CyberCash merchant server by installing software from CyberCash and compiling CyberCash support into PHP. CyberCash provides the Merchant Connection Kit (MCK). This is used to connect you (the merchant) to the CyberCash servers…
By Nathan Cassano on December 24, 2000 Web site Integration Now that you are familiar the CyberCash API the next stage is to integrate CyberCash into your web site. When you receive an authorization request there are several tasks that need to be done. Verify the input variables Send an…
By Nathan Cassano on December 24, 2000 Next let’s look at an outline example of an order processing script using the cyberauth. <?php include(‘cyberauth.php’); /* Verify your user input */ /* Make authorization request */ $result = cyberauth(array( ‘order-desc’ => “$order-description”, ‘amount’ => “usd $order-price”, ‘card-number’ => “$card-num”, ‘card-name’ => “$card-name”, ‘card-exp’ => “$card-month/$card-year”, ‘card-address’ => “$card-address”, ‘card-city’ => “$card-city”, ‘card-state’ => “$card-state”, ‘card-zip’ => “$card-zip”, ‘card-country’ => “$card-country” ) ); /* If the authorization was a success */ if($result[‘success’]){ /* Fulfill the order */ /* Show and email receipt */ }else{ /* Else return error */ echo $result[‘message’]; exit(); }…
Within the current incarnation of (X)HTML tables are the building blocks to well organized and attractive designs. They allow the developer an
Within the current incarnation of (X)HTML tables are the building blocks to well organized and attractive designs. They allow the developer an