PHP Tutorials

Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.

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By Sascha Schumann on July 30, 2000 Are you faced with the task of creating a site which should be programmed by a coder (namely you) and designed by a designer? Do not you know how to make the life easy for both of you? I have got the answer…

By Sascha Schumann on July 30, 2000 Now you want FastTemplate to substitute all your {MACROS} with their respective values in the template foo Issue the command <?php $tpl->parse(PAGECONTENT, “foo”); ?> to do that. This command will assign the content of the template “foo” to the unique name PAGECONTENT. Of course, we are…

By Sascha Schumann on July 30, 2000 page.tpl <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Feature world – {PAGE_TITLE}</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=BLACK TEXT=WHITE> <H1>{PAGE_TITLE}</H1> {PAGE_CONTENT} </BODY> </HTML> table.tpl <TABLE> <TR> <TH>name</TH> <TH>size</TH> </TR> {TABLE_ROWS} </TABLE> table_row.tpl <TR> <TD>{FILENAME}</TD> <TD>{FILESIZE}</TD> </TR> yad.php3 <?php include “class.FastTemplate.php3”; function InitializeTemplates() {     global $tpl;     $tpl = new FastTemplate(“.”);     $tpl->define( array( page      => “page.tpl”,                 table     => “table.tpl”,                 table_row => “table_row.tpl” ) ); } function ReadCurrentDirectory() {     global $tpl;     $handle = opendir(“.”);     while($filename = readdir($handle)) {         $tpl->assign(FILENAME, $filename);         $tpl->assign(FILESIZE, filesize($filename));         $tpl->parse(TABLE_ROWS, “.table_row”);     }     closedir($handle);     $tpl->parse(PAGE_CONTENT, “table”); } function PrintPage($title) {     global $tpl;     $tpl->assign(PAGE_TITLE, $title);     $tpl->parse(FINAL, “page”);…