PHP Tutorials

Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.

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PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for

By Spencer P on November 3, 2000 Trust is everything in this day and age. You have to trust a lot of people, from the guy who gives you directions to your local plumber. After all, you’re not always the authority. However, when developing applications for the web, you must…

By Spencer P on November 3, 2000 Verify That Your Input Is Correct Never trust the input you receive from someone else. You want your data to have perfect integrity, within the limits that you establish. If you write a routine that saves someone’s address to your database, don’t trust…

By Spencer P on November 3, 2000 Manipulating Your Input This is a more subtle problem for those who may not fully understand every detail of what they are doing. Good data manipulation is a matter of watching what you do and how you do it, because this is where…

By Spencer P on November 3, 2000 How To Access Your Data Now all your code is cross-script proof and saving proper data. Time to make your site public, right? This is another time where you should think twice. For example, your customers are logging into your site to use…