PHP Tutorials

Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.

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By Stefano Locati on August 25, 2000 So you’ve read about how Object Oriented programming can help you with your big web projects and you’ve started it using with PHP? If you’ve already written a handful of classes to implement a site and you’re methodic, then you should have written…

By Stefano Locati on August 25, 2000 Overview of Some Php Documentation Tools Having all of this on mind I have been looking for what was available and I have discovered some interesting tools like the following ones: phpSearchdoc is a component of the enzyme project. Since enzyme is a…

By Stefano Locati on August 25, 2000 I decided to test this script on its own PHP source and I found it working partially: it could just generate the documentation of the classes (neatly formatted), but not the summaries. I don’t know if this happens just on my machine, but…

By Stefano Locati on August 25, 2000 How To Modify The Script For PHP The original HeaderDoc script from Apple is meant for C or C++ headers, so it has to be slightly modified to use it with PHP. If you’re not interested about details you can just download it…

By Stefano Locati on August 25, 2000 Documenting Functions or Methods Member functions or methods are documented with the @function tag. /*! @function getItemingroup @abstract gets a bagitem of a given group and a given position @param groupno int – the delivery group ordinal position in the bag @param pos…

PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for

PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for

PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for

PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for