By Tim Perdue on July 30, 2000 Now that those two funtions are in place, it’s child’s play to use them. I am already using them heavily in the company I work for, VA Linux Systems, and on my own site, and here on PHPBuilder to graph traffic flows….
PHP Tutorials
Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.
It’s pretty clear
It’s pretty clear
It’s pretty clear
It’s pretty clear
By Tim Perdue on July 30, 2000 Sorry I haven’t updated PHPBuilder is SO long, but I’ve been a bit busy helping build a new web site called SourceForge. While building the site, I stretched my knowledge of PHP and databases and thought I would share a few things I…
PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for
PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for
PEAR stands for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and has been slowly building itself over the last few years. There are classes for
One day, I found a site about Ming, a SWF output library and PHP module. Somehow, it attracted me, and gave me a driving force to try it immediately.